"2"^^ . . "Normal Samurai deals most of his damage doing a close range physical (B) and finishing off with his Rolling Slash attack (X). He has low defense so if you want him to last long never stop moving. Normal Samurai is the jump type, a type which hold the fabulous distinction of being able to stay airborne for ridiculously long times and you're going to use this to your advantage. Air dash everywhere, whether you're escaping or closing the gap you do not want to be walking because you'll be an easy target for ranged attacks and Normal samurai cannot take much punishment with his low defense. Normal Samurai has the Shinku Slash as his projectile which is a large slow moving cross beam that is really hard to dodge at close to medium range. Shinku Slash fairly terrible for racking damage but it's hidden potential is unlocked while air dashing. Shinku not only makes dashes faster and twice as long but it's got practically no refractory period so you can spam it regardless of whether you have any ammo or not to take advantage of the boost in dashing ability. Due to the unique ability of the Shinku Slash Normal Samurai has great control in the air."@en . "Normal Samurai deals most of his damage doing a close range physical (B) and finishing off with his Rolling Slash attack (X). He has low defense so if you want him to last long never stop moving. Normal Samurai is the jump type, a type which hold the fabulous distinction of being able to stay airborne for ridiculously long times and you're going to use this to your advantage. Air dash everywhere, whether you're escaping or closing the gap you do not want to be walking because you'll be an easy target for ranged attacks and Normal samurai cannot take much punishment with his low defense. Normal Samurai has the Shinku Slash as his projectile which is a large slow moving cross beam that is really hard to dodge at close to medium range. Shinku Slash fairly terrible for racking damage but it's "@en . "Air jump level 3"@en . . "5"^^ . . "Yes"@en . "4"^^ . "D"@en . . . "Normal"@en . "39"^^ . . "Normal Samurai"@en . "1"^^ . "Normal Samurai"@en . "2"^^ . "220"^^ . "300"^^ . "Short range type"@en .