"Dorvish Labor Service"@en . . "46.7"^^ . "Dorvish Labor Service"@en . . . "The Dorvish Labor Service (Dundorfian: Dorvisch Arbeitsdienst) was created in December 3146 by the Dorvik National Fascist People's Party in response to the growing demand for jobs within Dorvik. Leader of the DNFVP Viktor Strotmann was the driving force behind the idea. The organization was dominated by members of the DNFPP after it's creation; after the party's dissolution the organization was picked up by many members of the Communist Party of Dorvik and various other political parties within Dorvik due to its perceived benefit."@en . . "3388"^^ . "(Dorvisch Arbeitsdienst)"@en . "3146-12-17"^^ . "The Dorvish Labor Service (Dundorfian: Dorvisch Arbeitsdienst) was created in December 3146 by the Dorvik National Fascist People's Party in response to the growing demand for jobs within Dorvik. Leader of the DNFVP Viktor Strotmann was the driving force behind the idea. The organization was dominated by members of the DNFPP after it's creation; after the party's dissolution the organization was picked up by many members of the Communist Party of Dorvik and various other political parties within Dorvik due to its perceived benefit. The Dorvish Labor Service would last until the Federal Administration Act in 3388 would see the Dorvish Labor Service disbanded. The Dorvish Labor Service left a lasting impression on both the Dorvish people and the Dorvish government as some members from future Socialist and Communist parties have suggested a return to a more left-wing based Dorvish Labor Service but the idea continues to meet opposition by all sides of the political spectrum."@en . "200"^^ . "75"^^ . "Dorvik Labor Service Symbol.png"@en .