. "93"^^ . "A situation that has caused Catwoman to frequently black out and assume a separate personality. However, unknown to Catwoman, Crane left some post hypnotic suggestions that he now uses to free himself from her clutches and flees before the approaching sirens arrive. Detectives Marchak and Belivell tell Gotham\u2019s Mayor they have been unsuccessful in tracking down Catwoman, who had stolen the mayor\u2019s payoff money from a man named Valmont last issue. After her battle with Crane, Selina Kyle, under the assumed named of Cassandra Winters, books a flight to Hong Kong, stating she has to get out of Gotham. However, while Crane begins creating more of his fear gas, Selina instead returns to \u201CLittle Cuba\u201D in Gotham, goes to a gym, and spars with a boxer named Reyes. Later Selina visits the Penguin at his club, The Iceberg Lounge, and makes a trade with Cobblepot; a rare bird in exchange for a set up between Crane and the mayor. When that meeting happens, Selina arrives and, though temporarily affect by the Scarecrow\u2019s fear gas, defeats Crane before the police arrive to take him away. Selina returns to the gym in \u201CLittle Cuba\u201D and questions the owner about when one knows it is time to walk away and what happens if what they do is all they know. His reply...\u201DThen you\u2019re in trouble.\u201D"@en . . . "\"The End -- of the Charade!\""@en . "A situation that has caused Catwoman to frequently black out and assume a separate personality. However, unknown to Catwoman, Crane left some post hypnotic suggestions that he now uses to free himself from her clutches and flees before the approaching sirens arrive. Detectives Marchak and Belivell tell Gotham\u2019s Mayor they have been unsuccessful in tracking down Catwoman, who had stolen the mayor\u2019s payoff money from a man named Valmont last issue. After her battle with Crane, Selina Kyle, under the assumed named of Cassandra Winters, books a flight to Hong Kong, stating she has to get out of Gotham. However, while Crane begins creating more of his fear gas, Selina instead returns to \u201CLittle Cuba\u201D in Gotham, goes to a gym, and spars with a boxer named Reyes. Later Selina visits the Penguin a"@en . "June 2001"@en . . "Catwoman"@en . . . . "Catwoman (Volume 2) Issue 93"@en .