"A trademark of the company's productions beginning in 1969 was a rotating \"Produced by\" (and on some shows, \"Executive Producers\") credit seen in the end credits (and in later productions, the opening sequences) of Filmation programs, a device that was supposedly created to allow them to share equal billing (previously, Scheimer's name was placed above Prescott's), although later Filmation productions credited only Scheimer, in the form of his signature (\"Lou Scheimer, Executive Producer\"), starting with 1982's Gilligan's Planet. Many of its shows\u2014particularly the productions of the late 1970s and 1980s are notable for imparting a simple moral or life-lesson (explained by a key character, in a child-friendly manner) in the epilogue."@en . "Filmation productions are now owned by Classic Media. File:Exclamation Point Emoticon.png This article is a stub. You can help Wiki Grayskull by expanding it before we are terrorized by evil villains!"@en . "Animation"@en . . . . "Norm Prescott"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "thumb|Das Filmation-Logo Filmation Associates war eine US-amerikanische Filmproduktionsfirma, welche in der zweiten H\u00E4lfte des 20. Jahrhunderts zahllose Cartoonserien f\u00FCr das Fernsehen produzierte. Filmation wurde 1963 von Norm Prescott und Lou Scheimer in Los Angeles gegr\u00FCndet, mit an Bord war von Anfang an auch Hal Sutherland. Zun\u00E4chst beschr\u00E4nkte sich die Arbeit der Firma auf die Produktion von animierten Werbespots, doch nach nur zwei Jahren nach der Gr\u00FCndung wurden mit der Produktion der Serie Ein Job f\u00FCr Superman neue Wege beschritten, und infolge eine ganze Reihe von Cartoonserien f\u00FCr das Samstagmorgen-Programm verschiedenster TV-Sender produziert. Filmation konnte so zu einem der wichtigsten Konkurrenten von Hanna-Barbera, dem damals im Bereich Cartoonserien f\u00FChrenden Studio, aufst"@de . "TelePrompTer"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Filmation productions are now owned by Classic Media. File:Exclamation Point Emoticon.png This article is a stub. You can help Wiki Grayskull by expanding it before we are terrorized by evil villains!"@en . "Filmation was an American production company that produced animation for television during the latter half of the 20th century. Located in Reseda, California, the animation studio was founded in 1963. Filmation's founders and principal producers were Lou Scheimer and Norm Prescott. In 1975 they had aired of CBS The Ghost Busters which was a live action slap stick comedy show aimed for kids. After that in 1986 Ghostbusters aired on weekdays on NBC which was a animated series."@en . . . . . . . "Filmation"@en . . . "Filmation contributed several animated Sesame Street inserts, some featuring stock footage and others new animation, showcasing their then current comic-based stars. \n* Filmation produced new animated footage of Batman for several segments, with the same voices (Olan Soule and Casey Kasem) as Robin. Stock footage of Batman, with new dialogue,was used in an Ernie and Bert sketch from the first Sesame Street test pilot. Batman and Robin attempt to capture the Joker but also teach a lesson in crossing the street safely. (First: Episode 0090) (Old School: Volume 1) Batman teaches the spatial concepts of \"around\", \"up\" and \"through\". (First: Episode 0096) (40 Years of Sunny Days) Batman and Robin catch the Penguin's gang who has dirty windows, teaching the opposite pa"@en . . . . . . . . . "Filmation were perhaps best known for producing He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, which was also released on VHS in Australia by CEL Home Video."@en . . "Westinghouse Broadcasting"@en . . . . . "Filmation was an American production company that produced animation for television during the latter half of the 20th century. Located in Reseda, California, the animation studio was founded in 1963. Filmation's founders and principal producers were Lou Scheimer and Norm Prescott. In 1975 they had aired of CBS The Ghost Busters which was a live action slap stick comedy show aimed for kids. After that in 1986 Ghostbusters aired on weekdays on NBC which was a animated series."@en . . . . "1989"^^ . . "Reseda, California"@en . "A trademark of the company's productions beginning in 1969 was a rotating \"Produced by\" (and on some shows, \"Executive Producers\") credit seen in the end credits (and in later productions, the opening sequences) of Filmation programs, a device that was supposedly created to allow them to share equal billing (previously, Scheimer's name was placed above Prescott's), although later Filmation productions credited only Scheimer, in the form of his signature (\"Lou Scheimer, Executive Producer\"), starting with 1982's Gilligan's Planet."@en . "Filmation"@de . . "Filmation"@en . . . . . . . . . . "thumb|Das Filmation-Logo Filmation Associates war eine US-amerikanische Filmproduktionsfirma, welche in der zweiten H\u00E4lfte des 20. Jahrhunderts zahllose Cartoonserien f\u00FCr das Fernsehen produzierte. Filmation wurde 1963 von Norm Prescott und Lou Scheimer in Los Angeles gegr\u00FCndet, mit an Bord war von Anfang an auch Hal Sutherland. Zun\u00E4chst beschr\u00E4nkte sich die Arbeit der Firma auf die Produktion von animierten Werbespots, doch nach nur zwei Jahren nach der Gr\u00FCndung wurden mit der Produktion der Serie Ein Job f\u00FCr Superman neue Wege beschritten, und infolge eine ganze Reihe von Cartoonserien f\u00FCr das Samstagmorgen-Programm verschiedenster TV-Sender produziert. Filmation konnte so zu einem der wichtigsten Konkurrenten von Hanna-Barbera, dem damals im Bereich Cartoonserien f\u00FChrenden Studio, aufsteigen. Neben den Cartoons wurden auch einige \"Live-Action\"-Serien gedreht. Darunter auch Science-Fiction-Serien wie Ark II (1976, u.a. mit Terry Lester), Die Weltraum-Akademie (1977, u.a. mit Brian Tochi und Pamelyn Ferdin) und Jason of Star Command (1978, u.a. mit James Doohan und Sid Haig). Scheimer und Prescott fungierten als Produzenten der Cartoonserien wohingegen Sutherland das gros der Regiearbeit \u00FCbernahm. 1972 traten sie an Gene Roddenberry heran, um die Rechte f\u00FCr die Produktion einer auf [[]] basierenden Cartoonserie zu erwerben. Nach erstem Z\u00F6gern stimmte Roddenberry zu, verlangte jedoch die kreative Kontrolle \u00FCber die Serie. Von 1973 bis 1974 wurden infolge 22 Episoden von [[]] produziert. Nachdem die Firma mehrmals den Eigent\u00FCmer wechselte, erwarb sie 1987 der Kosmetikhersteller L'Oreal, der den Produktionsbetrieb schon nach kurzer Zeit einstellte. Ger\u00FCchten zufolge soll dies aus steuerlichen Gr\u00FCnden geschehen sein. Die letzte Produktion, Happily Ever After, eine Art Fortsetzung der Schneewittchen-Geschichte, kam 1993 in Spielfilml\u00E4nge in die Kinos. W\u00E4hrend ihrer aktiven Zeit war die Firma f\u00FCr ihre Low-Budget-Politik bekannt. Da sich die Verantwortlichen weigerten, wie die meisten ihrer Konkurrenten im g\u00FCnstigeren Ausland zu produzieren, schlugen sich die hohen Lohnkosten der Produktionsangestellten in vielen F\u00E4llen in der Qualit\u00E4t der Animation nieder. So wurde die Technik der \"limited-animation\" (6 bis 12 anstatt 24 Bilder pro Sekunde) angewandt, und viele der Animationen wurden \"recycled\". Dadurch, und durch den enormen Zeitdruck, dem die Produktion von TAS unterlag, finden sich in fast jeder Episode der Serie mehrere kleine Animationsfehler. Trotz allem erhielten die von Filmation produzierten Serien einen ganz bestimmten Stil und hohen Wiedererkennungswert und erfreuten sich bei Fans gro\u00DFer Beliebtheit."@de . . . . "Filmation contributed several animated Sesame Street inserts, some featuring stock footage and others new animation, showcasing their then current comic-based stars. \n* Filmation produced new animated footage of Batman for several segments, with the same voices (Olan Soule and Casey Kasem) as Robin. Stock footage of Batman, with new dialogue,was used in an Ernie and Bert sketch from the first Sesame Street test pilot. Batman and Robin attempt to capture the Joker but also teach a lesson in crossing the street safely. (First: Episode 0090) (Old School: Volume 1) Batman teaches the spatial concepts of \"around\", \"up\" and \"through\". (First: Episode 0096) (40 Years of Sunny Days) Batman and Robin catch the Penguin's gang who has dirty windows, teaching the opposite pairings of clean and dirty. (First: Episode 0099) \n* Stock footage from The New Adventures of Superman episode \"The Chimp Who Made It Big\"\" was used for the letter D, included in the first test pilot New footage (with the voice of frequent Filmation player Lennie Weinrib as Superman) for a segment on S. (EKA: Episode 0184) \n* Jughead Jones, from Filmation's various Archie series, also guest starred. The background music for the J story was the \"Hot Dog Theme\" (by Ray Ellis and Filmation director Norm Prescott), used to underscore Jughead's pet Hot Dog."@en . . . . . . "1963"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Filmation Associates"@de . . . . . . . . . . . "co0030668"@de . . . . . . . . "Television programs"@en . "Filmation were perhaps best known for producing He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, which was also released on VHS in Australia by CEL Home Video."@en . . . .