. . . . . . . . "Der Chalna ist die Heimatwelt der Chalnoth. W\u00E4hrend seines Kommandos auf der USS Stargazer besucht Captain Picard 2354 den Planeten. Von diesem Besuch erz\u00E4hlt er Esoqq als beide 2366 zusammen als Versuchskaninchengefangen genommen wurden. (TNG: ) Chalna ist auch auf einer Sternenkarte zu sehen, die Picard und Data sich 2371 in der Stellarkartographie ansehen. (Star Trek: Treffen der Generationen)"@de . . . . . "Chalna was an inhabited planet. This was the homeworld for the Chalnoth, an anarchistic humanoid species. While commanding the USS Stargazer in 2354, Captain Jean-Luc Picard visited Chalna. He recalled his visit there to Esoqq when they were imprisoned together twelve years later. (TNG: \"Allegiance\" ) In 2371, the location of Chalna was labeled in the star chart Data and Picard were studying in stellar cartography aboard the USS Enterprise-D. (Star Trek Generations, okudagram)"@en . . . "Der Chalna ist die Heimatwelt der Chalnoth. W\u00E4hrend seines Kommandos auf der USS Stargazer besucht Captain Picard 2354 den Planeten. Von diesem Besuch erz\u00E4hlt er Esoqq als beide 2366 zusammen als Versuchskaninchengefangen genommen wurden. (TNG: ) Chalna ist auch auf einer Sternenkarte zu sehen, die Picard und Data sich 2371 in der Stellarkartographie ansehen. (Star Trek: Treffen der Generationen)"@de . "Chalna also known as Kaus Borealis V was a planet in the Kaus Borealis system and is the homeworld of the Chalnoth species, a people who have no laws or organized system of government. Captain Jean Luc Picard visited the planet when he commanded the USS Stargazer. (TNG episode: \"Allegiance\")"@en . "Chalna was an inhabited planet. This was the homeworld for the Chalnoth, an anarchistic humanoid species. While commanding the USS Stargazer in 2354, Captain Jean-Luc Picard visited Chalna. He recalled his visit there to Esoqq when they were imprisoned together twelve years later. (TNG: \"Allegiance\" ) In 2371, the location of Chalna was labeled in the star chart Data and Picard were studying in stellar cartography aboard the USS Enterprise-D. (Star Trek Generations, okudagram)"@en . . . . . "Chalna"@en . . "Chalna also known as Kaus Borealis V was a planet in the Kaus Borealis system and is the homeworld of the Chalnoth species, a people who have no laws or organized system of government. Captain Jean Luc Picard visited the planet when he commanded the USS Stargazer. (TNG episode: \"Allegiance\")"@en . . . . "Chalna"@de . .