"Element Girls Z follows the adventures of Teri Barker(wielder of water), Tami Robinson(wielder of stars), Hattie Collins(wielder of fire/dark flames), and Hailey Robinson(wielder of earth) as they try to defeat the Dark Order, a group of dark element wielding fiends who want to rule the world, whose leader is Erath, the darkness vampire. But two of the villians of the Dark Order are nicer than everyone else. Those two are Zuki and Kiki, who both believe what they're doing is wrong, but can't go against their leader. The rivals to the EGZ are the Elemental Boys, who are also the girls' school crushes."@en . . "Genre: magical girl, romance, adventure"@en . "Element Girls Z follows the adventures of Teri Barker(wielder of water), Tami Robinson(wielder of stars), Hattie Collins(wielder of fire/dark flames), and Hailey Robinson(wielder of earth) as they try to defeat the Dark Order, a group of dark element wielding fiends who want to rule the world, whose leader is Erath, the darkness vampire. But two of the villians of the Dark Order are nicer than everyone else. Those two are Zuki and Kiki, who both believe what they're doing is wrong, but can't go against their leader. The rivals to the EGZ are the Elemental Boys, who are also the girls' school crushes."@en . . . . . "Element Girls Z"@en . "Element Girls Z (deleted 24 Jul 2008 at 01:02)"@en .