"You decide to decline the offer of a promotion. The ringmaster is not fussed about your decision, in fact he rises your pay!! One day you are asked to be the volunteer in the Cut-box-in-half-with-person-in-it Trick. What do you do? \n* Say OK? \n* Say No? \n* Do the Can-Can? \n* Jump around like mad?"@en . "You decide to decline the offer of a promotion. The ringmaster is not fussed about your decision, in fact he rises your pay!! One day you are asked to be the volunteer in the Cut-box-in-half-with-person-in-it Trick. What do you do? \n* Say OK? \n* Say No? \n* Do the Can-Can? \n* Jump around like mad?"@en . "The Circus of doom/nopromotion"@en . . .