. . . . . . . . "Jack Purvis"@en . "Details: In November 1983, Susan Hamwi was found murdered in her Fort Lauderdale home. With her death, her infant daughter died of neglect. The crime was so cold that police rushed to make an arrest and eventually tied John Purvis, a friend of Susan's to the crime. John, however, swears to his innocence and begs that the case not be closed without finding Susan's real killer. Extra Notes: This case first aired as an update on the March 10, 1993 episode. Results: Solved. After serving ten years for the murders, John was released after two men named Robert Deckert and Paul Serio were implicated in the crime after revealing that they had been hired by Susan's ex-husband, Paul Hamwi. Sadly John Purvis' Mother Emma Bartlett passed away in 2006. Links:"@en . "Details: In November 1983, Susan Hamwi was found murdered in her Fort Lauderdale home. With her death, her infant daughter died of neglect. The crime was so cold that police rushed to make an arrest and eventually tied John Purvis, a friend of Susan's to the crime. John, however, swears to his innocence and begs that the case not be closed without finding Susan's real killer. Extra Notes: This case first aired as an update on the March 10, 1993 episode. Results: Solved. After serving ten years for the murders, John was released after two men named Robert Deckert and Paul Serio were implicated in the crime after revealing that they had been hired by Susan's ex-husband, Paul Hamwi. Sadly John Purvis' Mother Emma Bartlett passed away in 2006. Links: \n* Emma Jo Bartlett Obituary"@en . . .