"Dragon Ball Advanced-The Game is a 3rd person fighting game created by TalixArts. It is based on the Dragon Ball Advanced fanseries. It will feature mostly all of the characters from the Advanced series like Ganon, Montezulma, and others, plus characters from the canon/original series such as Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, and others."@en . . "Mode"@en . . "Unreal 3 engine."@en . "PEGI: 12"@en . "Engine"@en . "EUR: November 2013"@en . "US: November 2013"@en . "Dragon Ball Advanced-The Game"@en . "Platform"@en . . . . "Xbox 360"@en . "Publisher"@en . "Namco Bandai"@en . "JAP: December 2013"@en . "Fighting"@en . "Playstation 4"@en . "Rating"@en . "Singleplayer, Multiplayer"@en . "Series"@en . . "Release Date"@en . . "PlayStation 3"@en . . "ESRB: E"@en . "Wii U"@en . "TalixArts"@en . "DB Advanced series"@en . "Developer"@en . . "Genre"@en . "Dragon Ball Advanced-The Game"@en . "Dragon Ball Advanced-The Game is a 3rd person fighting game created by TalixArts. It is based on the Dragon Ball Advanced fanseries. It will feature mostly all of the characters from the Advanced series like Ganon, Montezulma, and others, plus characters from the canon/original series such as Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, and others."@en .