"The first country to fall to the Reconquista was Albion. The leader of Reconquista, Oliver Cromwell, rallied the nobles of Albion to rebel against the monarchy. The Reconquista won the civil war against the royalists, with the deaths of both the king, James, and the crown prince, Wales. After the defeat of the Albionian royalists, the Reconquista used Albion as a foothold to invade the Halkeginian mainland. The Reconquista-controlled Albion first invaded Tristain at Tarbes, where it was defeated by Louise de La Valli\u00E8re. Cromwell was captured by Tristain at this battle, and later died in incarceration. After the death of Cromwell, his associate Sheffield became the de facto leader of Albion. An alliance of Tristinian and Germanian forces then invaded Albion. The allied forces\u2014later with the addition of Gallia\u2014defeated Albion, which was left ravaged due to Sheffield's policies during the war. It was revealed that Sheffield was the familiar of Joseph of Gallia, which used the Reconquista and Albion for his own war against the rest of Halkeginia."@en . . "Reconquista"@en . "Reconquista_Digital_Single_Cover.jpg"@en . . . . . . . "Reconquita_Cover.jpg"@en . "El Cid is dead, but in order to keep the Spanish Army's morale still high, his wife, Jimena, strapped his body to his horse, Bavieca. The Cid is not a playable character in this mission, he is a still unit outside your Castle. To win this scenario, Jimena must defeat the Black Guard Army & Navy, and Yusuf."@en . . . "Sadistic Dance (digital single)"@en . . "Reconquista"@de . "The first country to fall to the Reconquista was Albion. The leader of Reconquista, Oliver Cromwell, rallied the nobles of Albion to rebel against the monarchy. The Reconquista won the civil war against the royalists, with the deaths of both the king, James, and the crown prince, Wales. After the death of Cromwell, his associate Sheffield became the de facto leader of Albion. An alliance of Tristinian and Germanian forces then invaded Albion. The allied forces\u2014later with the addition of Gallia\u2014defeated Albion, which was left ravaged due to Sheffield's policies during the war."@en . "--07-02"^^ . "= spanische Wiedereroberung Bezeichnung f\u00FCr die vom 8. Jh. bis 1492 w\u00E4hrenden K\u00E4mpfe der christlichen Staaten auf der Pyren\u00E4enhalbinsel gegen die arabische Herrschaft um die R\u00FCckgewinnung des Landes. Die Einnahmen Grenadas (1492) war der Abschluss der Reconquista. Quelle: \n* W\u00F6rterbuch Geschichte, hrsg. v. Konrad Fuchs und Heribert Raab, 13. Aufl., M\u00FCnchen 2002, S. 688."@de . . . . "= spanische Wiedereroberung Bezeichnung f\u00FCr die vom 8. Jh. bis 1492 w\u00E4hrenden K\u00E4mpfe der christlichen Staaten auf der Pyren\u00E4enhalbinsel gegen die arabische Herrschaft um die R\u00FCckgewinnung des Landes. Die Einnahmen Grenadas (1492) war der Abschluss der Reconquista. Quelle: \n* W\u00F6rterbuch Geschichte, hrsg. v. Konrad Fuchs und Heribert Raab, 13. Aufl., M\u00FCnchen 2002, S. 688."@de . . "Regular Edition"@en . "Single"@en . . . . "El Cid is dead, but in order to keep the Spanish Army's morale still high, his wife, Jimena, strapped his body to his horse, Bavieca. The Cid is not a playable character in this mission, he is a still unit outside your Castle. To win this scenario, Jimena must defeat the Black Guard Army & Navy, and Yusuf."@en . "Reconquista"@fr . . "The Reconquista was the reconquest by Christians of the Iberian Peninsula (nowadays Spain and Portugal), which was under Muslim control. The Reconquista lasted from c.722 AD with the success of Pelayo over the Muslim armies at Covadonga, and was completed in 1492, when the Christian Spanish King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella gained control of the only remaining Moorish enclave (the small Kingdom of Granada in southern Spain). As part of the \"Rechritianization\" process after the long war which had seen non-Christians work with the Islamic invaders, the Spanish Inquisition was begun, and the Jewish population of Spain was expelled following the Alhambra Decree."@en . "Reconquista (\u30EC\u30B3\u30F3\u30AD\u30B9\u30BF) is Hangry & Angry's first single. It was released on August 10, 2011. The single was already released on iTunes on July 2, 2011. HANGRY&ANGRY announced the news for themselves at the Nico Nico Douga booth at Japan Expo. It ranked #43 with 2,339 copies sold."@en . . . . . "\u30EC\u30B3\u30F3\u30AD\u30B9\u30BF"@en . . "--08-10"^^ . "Reconquista (\u30EC\u30B3\u30F3\u30AD\u30B9\u30BF) is Hangry & Angry's first single. It was released on August 10, 2011. The single was already released on iTunes on July 2, 2011. HANGRY&ANGRY announced the news for themselves at the Nico Nico Douga booth at Japan Expo. It ranked #43 with 2,339 copies sold."@en . "The Reconquista was the reconquest by Christians of the Iberian Peninsula (nowadays Spain and Portugal), which was under Muslim control. The Reconquista lasted from c.722 AD with the success of Pelayo over the Muslim armies at Covadonga, and was completed in 1492, when the Christian Spanish King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella gained control of the only remaining Moorish enclave (the small Kingdom of Granada in southern Spain)."@en . . . "Digital single"@en . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Reconquista/preload editintro=Reconquista/editintro width=25 Come\u00E7ar de novo Estado e Na\u00E7\u00E3o"@en . . "CD+DVD, digital download"@en . "Universal"@en . . . "J-Pop"@en . . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Reconquista/preload editintro=Reconquista/editintro width=25 Come\u00E7ar de novo Estado e Na\u00E7\u00E3o"@en . "922.0"^^ . .