. "3"^^ . "x"@en . . "Species"@en . "Jamminger"@es . "Jamminger"@en . . "5"^^ . . . "Jamminger (\u30B8\u30E3\u30DF\u30F3\u30AC\u30FC Jamingaa?) es un Mecaniloide de seguridad desarrollado para vigilar bases. Si detecta alg\u00FAn intruso intenta detenerlos embistiendolos con todo su cuerpo. Se le ha dado la misteriosa habilidad de reir cuando golpea existosamente a sus enemigos. En Mega Man X1 aparecen en La Autopista Central, adem\u00E1s de los Escenarios de Boomer Kuwanger, Sting Chameleon y Chill Penguin y el 1er Palacio de Sigma, mientras que en Mega Man Xtreme, aparecen en La Autopista Central, \"Campo Nevado\" de Chill Penguin y el Palacio Sigma."@es . . . "Jamminger (\u30B8\u30E3\u30DF\u30F3\u30AC\u30FC Jamminger?) is an enemy from the Mega Man X series that appears in Mega Man X, its remake Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, and in Mega Man Xtreme. It is an aerial robot used to avoid unauthorized entry in bases. Jamminger tries to hit X with its spikes, laughing maliciously whenever it successfully does so. In Mega Man X they appear in the Opening Stage, Boomer Kuwanger's stage, Sting Chameleon's stage, Chill Penguin's stage and the first stage of the Sigma Palace. In Mega Man Maverick Hunter X they also appear in the second and third Sigma Palace stages."@en . . . . . . . "\u30B8\u30E3\u30DF\u30F3\u30AC\u30FC"@es . . . "Jamminger (\u30B8\u30E3\u30DF\u30F3\u30AC\u30FC Jamingaa?) es un Mecaniloide de seguridad desarrollado para vigilar bases. Si detecta alg\u00FAn intruso intenta detenerlos embistiendolos con todo su cuerpo. Se le ha dado la misteriosa habilidad de reir cuando golpea existosamente a sus enemigos. En Mega Man X1 aparecen en La Autopista Central, adem\u00E1s de los Escenarios de Boomer Kuwanger, Sting Chameleon y Chill Penguin y el 1er Palacio de Sigma, mientras que en Mega Man Xtreme, aparecen en La Autopista Central, \"Campo Nevado\" de Chill Penguin y el Palacio Sigma."@es . "Jamminger"@en . . . . . . "Jamingaa"@es . . "Jamminger (\u30B8\u30E3\u30DF\u30F3\u30AC\u30FC Jamminger?) is an enemy from the Mega Man X series that appears in Mega Man X, its remake Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, and in Mega Man Xtreme. It is an aerial robot used to avoid unauthorized entry in bases. Jamminger tries to hit X with its spikes, laughing maliciously whenever it successfully does so. In Mega Man X they appear in the Opening Stage, Boomer Kuwanger's stage, Sting Chameleon's stage, Chill Penguin's stage and the first stage of the Sigma Palace. In Mega Man Maverick Hunter X they also appear in the second and third Sigma Palace stages."@en . . "#FFF"@en . . . "E"@en . "Jamminger.jpg"@es . "Jamminger"@es . .