. . . . . . . . . "Black Prayer"@en . . "Black Prayer is an Uncommon Combat Enchantment belonging to the File:Icon Death.png realm. It may be only cast during combat, for a basic Casting Cost of File:Icon Mana.png . As long as this spell is in effect on the battlefield, each and every enemy unit suffers a number of small but significant penalties. Each unit loses -1 strength off any damage-delivering attack it has, including Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, and any Special Attacks of this nature, like Fire Breath and Thrown Attack. Each unit also loses File:Icon Defense.png off its Defense score, and File:Icon Resist.png off its Resistance score. Black Prayer lasts until dispelled or until the end of the battle, and thus does not have any Upkeep Costs."@en . "Every enemy unit on the battlefield suffers the following penalties:\n* Melee Attack strength.\n* Ranged Attack strength.\n* -1 to all damage-delivering Special Attack.\n* Defense.\n* Resistance."@en . . "Black Prayer is an Uncommon Combat Enchantment belonging to the File:Icon Death.png realm. It may be only cast during combat, for a basic Casting Cost of File:Icon Mana.png . As long as this spell is in effect on the battlefield, each and every enemy unit suffers a number of small but significant penalties. Each unit loses -1 strength off any damage-delivering attack it has, including Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, and any Special Attacks of this nature, like Fire Breath and Thrown Attack. Each unit also loses File:Icon Defense.png off its Defense score, and File:Icon Resist.png off its Resistance score."@en . . . . . .