. . . "Verschollen"@de . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . . . . . . "thumb|left|79px|Dentarg en Warcraft II. El ogro mago Dentarg fue uno de los sirvientes m\u00E1s confiables de Ner'zhul antes de la destrucci\u00F3n de Draenor. Dentarg fue y siempre ha sido, ciegamente leal a Ner'zhul y fue conocido por ofrecer las cabezas de los traidores como trofeos a su maestro. Una de las m\u00E1s heroicas haza\u00F1as de Dentarg, incluyen la recuperaci\u00F3n de la Calavera de Gul'dan de un Capit\u00E1n del clan Bonechewer utilizando al clan Thunderlord y a un grupo de guerreros del clan Shattered Hand. Observ\u00F3 personalmente la derrota de los Bonechewer y Thunderlord durante un levantamiento en el segundo cruce a Azeroth, ya que los dos clanes se negaron a seguir las \u00F3rdenes de Ner'zhul."@es . . . . "Dentarg"@es . . . . "Dentarg"@de . "Dentarg"@en . . . . . . "Dentarg war ein zweik\u00F6pfiger Ogermagier und tapferer Diener von Ner'zhul und des Schattenmond Klans. Man nahm ihn f\u00FCr das zusammentreiben der ungehorsamen Klans im Krieg in Anspruch. Er wurde ebenfalls beauftragt die Klans von der absoluten Autorit\u00E4t Ner'zhuls zu \u00FCberzeugen. Vielleicht hatte er es geschafft seinem Meister am ende des Dritten Krieges durch das Tor zu folgen, niemand wei\u00DF es."@de . . . . "Loyal zu"@de . "Verstorben"@de . "Dentarg"@de . . . . . . . . "thumbDer Ogermagier Dentarg war einer der treusten Diener von Ner'zhul w\u00E4hrend der Invasion von Draenor."@de . . . . . . "Dentarg"@de . "Male"@en . . . . "Dentarg"@fr . . "Horde"@en . "The ogre mage Dentarg was one of the most trusted servants of Ner'zhul prior to the destruction of Draenor. Dentarg was, and had always been, unquestioningly loyal to Ner\u2019zhul, and was known for offering the heads of traitors as trophies to his master. Some of Dentarg's most famous exploits include retrieving the Skull of Gul'dan from a Bonechewer Clan Captain, employing both the Thunderlord Clan and a group of Shattered Hand Clan warriors. He also personally oversaw the defeat of the Bonechewers and Thunderlords during an uprising before the second crossing into Azeroth, as the two clans refused to follow Ner'zhul's orders. Dentarg assisted greatly in Ner\u2019zhul\u2019s scheme, but remained behind when Ner'zhul retreated to the Black Temple to perform the ritual. During the battle with the Sons of Lothar, Dentarg entered into a duel of magic with the Archmage Khadgar of Dalaran, who led the Alliance Expedition. Both were evenly matched, but in the end Khadgar was victorious, weakening the ogre enough so that he was able to remove Dentarg's head. (BtDP 261)"@en . "Dentarg/WoD"@de . "thumbDer Ogermagier Dentarg war einer der treusten Diener von Ner'zhul w\u00E4hrend der Invasion von Draenor."@de . . "Enforcer of Ner'zhul"@en . "Dentarg"@de . "Warlords of Draenor"@de . . . "thumb|left|79px|Dentarg en Warcraft II. El ogro mago Dentarg fue uno de los sirvientes m\u00E1s confiables de Ner'zhul antes de la destrucci\u00F3n de Draenor. Dentarg fue y siempre ha sido, ciegamente leal a Ner'zhul y fue conocido por ofrecer las cabezas de los traidores como trofeos a su maestro. Una de las m\u00E1s heroicas haza\u00F1as de Dentarg, incluyen la recuperaci\u00F3n de la Calavera de Gul'dan de un Capit\u00E1n del clan Bonechewer utilizando al clan Thunderlord y a un grupo de guerreros del clan Shattered Hand. Observ\u00F3 personalmente la derrota de los Bonechewer y Thunderlord durante un levantamiento en el segundo cruce a Azeroth, ya que los dos clanes se negaron a seguir las \u00F3rdenes de Ner'zhul."@es . "Deceased; Killed by Khadgar"@en . "Il perdit la vie face au Magicien humain Khadgar, en face-\u00E0-face honorable. (Informations tir\u00E9s du roman \"Au-del\u00E0 de la porte des T\u00E9n\u00E8bres\"). Cat\u00E9gorie:Ogre Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages Historiques Cat\u00E9gorie:Clan Ombrelune Cat\u00E9gorie:Horde de draenor"@fr . . . . "Dentarg war ein zweik\u00F6pfiger Ogermagier und tapferer Diener von Ner'zhul und des Schattenmond Klans. Man nahm ihn f\u00FCr das zusammentreiben der ungehorsamen Klans im Krieg in Anspruch. Er wurde ebenfalls beauftragt die Klans von der absoluten Autorit\u00E4t Ner'zhuls zu \u00FCberzeugen. Vielleicht hatte er es geschafft seinem Meister am ende des Dritten Krieges durch das Tor zu folgen, niemand wei\u00DF es."@de . . . . . "The ogre mage Dentarg was one of the most trusted servants of Ner'zhul prior to the destruction of Draenor. Dentarg was, and had always been, unquestioningly loyal to Ner\u2019zhul, and was known for offering the heads of traitors as trophies to his master. Some of Dentarg's most famous exploits include retrieving the Skull of Gul'dan from a Bonechewer Clan Captain, employing both the Thunderlord Clan and a group of Shattered Hand Clan warriors. He also personally oversaw the defeat of the Bonechewers and Thunderlords during an uprising before the second crossing into Azeroth, as the two clans refused to follow Ner'zhul's orders."@en . "Magier"@de . . . . "Ogre mage"@en . . "Dentarg"@en . . . "Il perdit la vie face au Magicien humain Khadgar, en face-\u00E0-face honorable. (Informations tir\u00E9s du roman \"Au-del\u00E0 de la porte des T\u00E9n\u00E8bres\"). Cat\u00E9gorie:Ogre Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages Historiques Cat\u00E9gorie:Clan Ombrelune Cat\u00E9gorie:Horde de draenor"@fr . .