"Bosnian , Croatian , Serbian , Romanian , Moldovan , Other"@en . . "Military"@en . "Government"@en . "Information"@en . "Eximus Empire"@en . "Ethnic Groups"@en . "Capital City"@en . "Split, Croatia"@en . "Official Languages"@en . "Very High"@en . "8500000"^^ . "HDI"@en . "Enemies"@en . "Life Expectancy"@en . "NATO, G7"@en . "87000000"^^ . "Demonym"@en . "Allies"@en . "UK, Germany, Italy, France"@en . "In late 2016, Serbia did not approve of Kosovo being independent. Serbian troops flooded over into Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia. Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo helped each other to fight Serbia back and ended up with victory. Bosnia and Croatia took all of Serbia's land with Belgrade going to Croatia and Nis going to Bosnia. Croatia had a civil war and the rebels won. In early 2018, Bosnia and Croatia unified to create Eximus. Eximus was enemies with Romania at the time and decided to invade it with Moldova aswell. They successfully took over the two nations and formed an empire. Everyone in this country does not regret this as this nation is a MEDC country with very high HDI, very rich and strong. :D"@en . "#FF0000"@en . . "In late 2016, Serbia did not approve of Kosovo being independent. Serbian troops flooded over into Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia. Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo helped each other to fight Serbia back and ended up with victory. Bosnia and Croatia took all of Serbia's land with Belgrade going to Croatia and Nis going to Bosnia. Croatia had a civil war and the rebels won. In early 2018, Bosnia and Croatia unified to create Eximus. Eximus was enemies with Romania at the time and decided to invade it with Moldova aswell. They successfully took over the two nations and formed an empire. Everyone in this country does not regret this as this nation is a MEDC country with very high HDI, very rich and strong. :D"@en . "Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic"@en . "Population"@en . "Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Romanian, Moldovan, English, Latin"@en . "Eximus Kuna"@en . . "Ukraine, Poland"@en . "Currency"@en . . . "75.84"^^ . . "Alliances"@en . "Eximi, Eximusian"@en .