"In late 619, Asherrean returned to Stormwind. He was often seen in the company of the enigmatic Shame and Bonnyjune. Not long after, Shame disappeared, and Asherrean retreated to his studies. He would appear in the darker parts of Azeroth from time to time to retrieve some obscure bit of information before vanishing again from the public eye. Sometime during this research, something happened. His research frantic pace halted, and his demeanor changed. He again returned to Stormwind, however instead of interacting, was content to observe events as they transpired. Shortly after this, Shame returned. The changes this wrought in both of them would lead to their eventual parting of ways. More recently, Asherrean has been seen spending more time in Booty Bay and Redridge rather then Stormwind. His appearances in the city have been infrequent and often in the company of the Kaldorei known as PeeJee. For the most part he is still content to watch the game that is played out by the more dynamic residents of Stormwind, he is more prone to tip his hand then before."@en . . "Lawful Evil"@en . "Enchanting"@en . "Guildless"@en . "In late 619, Asherrean returned to Stormwind. He was often seen in the company of the enigmatic Shame and Bonnyjune. Not long after, Shame disappeared, and Asherrean retreated to his studies. He would appear in the darker parts of Azeroth from time to time to retrieve some obscure bit of information before vanishing again from the public eye. Sometime during this research, something happened. His research frantic pace halted, and his demeanor changed. He again returned to Stormwind, however instead of interacting, was content to observe events as they transpired. Shortly after this, Shame returned. The changes this wrought in both of them would lead to their eventual parting of ways."@en . "Male"@en . . "Asherrean"@en . "Asherrean"@en . "Human"@en . . "Priest"@en . "Alliance"@en . .