"Herblaw training"@en . "Herblaw uses 11 different herbs: Guam, Marrentill, Tarromin, Harralander, Ranarr, Irit, Avantoe, Kwuarm, Cadantine, Dwarf Weed and Torstol. There are 13 available potions players can mix using the Herblaw skill; upon drinking, each potion has a unique effect on the player. The most common effect is temporarily raising a players level in a certain skill. It's for these effects that Herblaw is an important skill to train because the higher levelled potions have a high demand and relatively low supply, resulting in large profits."@en . . "Herblaw uses 11 different herbs: Guam, Marrentill, Tarromin, Harralander, Ranarr, Irit, Avantoe, Kwuarm, Cadantine, Dwarf Weed and Torstol. There are 13 available potions players can mix using the Herblaw skill; upon drinking, each potion has a unique effect on the player. The most common effect is temporarily raising a players level in a certain skill. It's for these effects that Herblaw is an important skill to train because the higher levelled potions have a high demand and relatively low supply, resulting in large profits."@en . .