"Game Boy Micro"@de . "Image:GBmicrologo.png Game Boy micro is a handheld game console developed and manufactured by Nintendo. The system is the second major redesign of the Game Boy Advance, and is marketed towards the \"image conscious\" consumer, with emphasis placed on its small size and sleek design. According to Nintendo of America executive Perrin Kaplan, its codename during development was Oxygen. The unit also has a model name of \"OXY-001\" on the back."@en . "La Game Boy Micro est la troisi\u00E8me version de la Game Boy Advance. Elle est sortie le 13 septembre 2005 au Japon, le 19 septembre aux \u00C9tats-Unis et le 4 novembre de la m\u00EAme ann\u00E9e en Europe. Son nom de code durant son d\u00E9veloppement \u00E9tait Oxygen."@fr . . . . "System"@en . . "The Game Boy Micro is the last of six in the Game Boy franchise and a redesigned (much smaller) version of the original Game Boy Advance and is the final, last Game Boy. It is much smaller than any Game Boy, including the Game Boy Pocket, but can still play all GBA games. Unlike the Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Advance SP, it does not have backwards compatibility, meaning it cannot play Game Boy Color games, or the original Game Boy games because it lacks the Z80 processor. It was designed with a very small screen and a powerful backlight. Unlike the Game Boy Advance SP, the Game Boy Micro does not have a clamshell design (similar to the original Game Boy). This makes Game Boy Advance games seem to be in HD quality, and prevents reflections on the screen's surface. Backwards compatibility with the Game Boy Color was sacrificed in order to make the Game Boy Micro smaller and more affordable. It also doesn't work with the Game Boy Advance cable link. The GBA Micro was surprisingly made a year after the Nintendo DS. The Game Boy Micro uses its own unique charger that isn't compatible with any other Nintendo consoles and also comes with its very own faceplate unlike the older game boy models. The Game Boy Micro never sold as well as Nintendo wanted it to, as the lack of GBA games being made was scarce and also due to the screen size dropping down to a 1 inch display."@en . . . "3"^^ . . . "Sixth generation era"@en . "Der Game Boy Micro (GBM) ist eine sehr kleine Version des Game Boy Advance. Erstmalig wurde er auf Nintendos Pressekonferenz zur E3 2005 der \u00D6ffentlichkeit vorgestellt. Er soll laut Nintendos Marketing-Sprecher Reginald Fils-Aime den \u201Eimagebewussten K\u00E4ufer\u201C ansprechen. Der Game Boy Micro bietet alle Funktionen des Game Boy Advance SP, kann allerdings Game-Boy- und Game-Boy-Color-Module nicht abspielen. Zus\u00E4tzlich bietet er im Gegensatz zu der ersten Generation der GBA-SP-Modelle eine farbechtere Hintergrundbeleuchtung, deren Helligkeit eingestellt werden kann sowie ein entspiegeltes LCD. In Japan erschien der Game Boy Micro am 13. September, eine Woche sp\u00E4ter auch in den USA. In Europa erschien der Handheld am 4. November 2005 zu einem Preis von 99 \u20AC. Seit Mitte 2006 ist er f\u00FCr weniger als 60 \u20AC erh\u00E4ltlich. Im Gegensatz zu seinen Vorg\u00E4ngern bietet der Game Boy Micro ein Metallgeh\u00E4use. Die Front-Abdeckung besteht aus Kunststoff und l\u00E4sst sich jederzeit mit einem der zahlreichen separat erh\u00E4ltlichen Cover austauschen."@de . . . "La consola fue lanzada en septiembre de 2005, varios meses despu\u00E9s del lanzamiento de Nintendo DS. Esta consola fue utilizada para extender al m\u00E1ximo posible las ventas de Game Boy Advance, finalmente, en 2008, junto a Game Boy Advance y Game Boy Advance SP, perd\u00EDan su soporte y se daba por finalizada a la L\u00EDnea Game Boy. El nombre provisorio de esta consola era \"OXY\" pero posteriormente fue renombrada a \"Game Boy Micro\", esta consola es m\u00E1s peque\u00F1a que una tarjeta de cr\u00E9dito. Implementa nuevas car\u00E1cteristicas en comparaci\u00F3n con la Game Boy Advance SP, pu\u00E9s es compatible con la Nintendo DS (ya mencionado) y es m\u00FAcho m\u00E1s peque\u00F1a"@es . . . . "--11-04"^^ . . . "20"^^ . . "--09-19"^^ . . "The Game Boy Micro is a mini version of the Game Boy Advance in 2005. And this is the last Game Boy system by Nintendo. It functions the same, but this system cannot play Game Boy or Game Boy Color games. This system only play Game Boy Advance games. Also it is said that the release of the Nintendo DS on November 21, 2004 shortly before the release of the Micro in 2005 \"killed\" it's sales, simply sending the Micro into Nintendo history. This system discontuined on January 31, 2008."@en . . . "Game Boy Micro is a bit like Game Boy Advance but it is still pixel like Game Boy"@en . . . "La Game Boy Micro est la troisi\u00E8me version de la Game Boy Advance. Elle est sortie le 13 septembre 2005 au Japon, le 19 septembre aux \u00C9tats-Unis et le 4 novembre de la m\u00EAme ann\u00E9e en Europe. Son nom de code durant son d\u00E9veloppement \u00E9tait Oxygen."@fr . . "--11-03"^^ . "The Game Boy Micro is a mini version of the Game Boy Advance in 2005. And this is the last Game Boy system by Nintendo. It functions the same, but this system cannot play Game Boy or Game Boy Color games. This system only play Game Boy Advance games. Also it is said that the release of the Nintendo DS on November 21, 2004 shortly before the release of the Micro in 2005 \"killed\" it's sales, simply sending the Micro into Nintendo history. This system discontuined on January 31, 2008."@en . . . "thumb|Der Game Boy Micro Der Game Boy Micro ist der letzte Game Boy, der weltweit erschienen ist. Er passt sogar in die kleinste Tasche, man kann dort alle Game Boy Advance Spiele spielen und er hat ebenfalls ein Farbdisplay. Ein Slogan der Game Boy Micro Werbung lautet: \"Deswegen kann der Game Boy Micro dein aller bester Freund sein!\" Kategorie:Tragbare Konsole"@de . . . "Game Boy Micro is a bit like Game Boy Advance but it is still pixel like Game Boy"@en . "32"^^ . "--09-13"^^ . . . . "--11-04"^^ . . "Pok\u00E9mon Ruby and Sapphire"@en . "81410000"^^ . "Custom 2D core"@en . "Japan"@de . "300"^^ . . "280"^^ . "Pok\u00E9mon Ruby and Sapphire, 13 million combined"@en . . "Image:GBmicrologo.png Game Boy micro is a handheld game console developed and manufactured by Nintendo. The system is the second major redesign of the Game Boy Advance, and is marketed towards the \"image conscious\" consumer, with emphasis placed on its small size and sleek design. According to Nintendo of America executive Perrin Kaplan, its codename during development was Oxygen. The unit also has a model name of \"OXY-001\" on the back."@en . "2420000"^^ . "Game Boy Micro"@de . . . "Worldwide: 81.24 million, all versions combined"@en . "Gameboy-micro.jpg"@de . "2008-04-30"^^ . . . . "Game Boy Micro"@fr . "D"@en . . . . . "Sixth generation"@en . "Cartridge"@en . "OXY"@en . "ARM7TDMI, 16.78 MHz"@en . "The Game Boy Micro is the last of six in the Game Boy franchise and a redesigned (much smaller) version of the original Game Boy Advance and is the final, last Game Boy. It is much smaller than any Game Boy, including the Game Boy Pocket, but can still play all GBA games. Unlike the Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Advance SP, it does not have backwards compatibility, meaning it cannot play Game Boy Color games, or the original Game Boy games because it lacks the Z80 processor. It was designed with a very small screen and a powerful backlight. Unlike the Game Boy Advance SP, the Game Boy Micro does not have a clamshell design (similar to the original Game Boy). This makes Game Boy Advance games seem to be in HD quality, and prevents reflections on the screen's surface. Backwards compatibility"@en . "--09-13"^^ . "Game Boy Micro"@es . . "Ja"@de . "Der Game Boy Micro (GBM) ist eine sehr kleine Version des Game Boy Advance. Erstmalig wurde er auf Nintendos Pressekonferenz zur E3 2005 der \u00D6ffentlichkeit vorgestellt. Er soll laut Nintendos Marketing-Sprecher Reginald Fils-Aime den \u201Eimagebewussten K\u00E4ufer\u201C ansprechen. Der Game Boy Micro bietet alle Funktionen des Game Boy Advance SP, kann allerdings Game-Boy- und Game-Boy-Color-Module nicht abspielen. Zus\u00E4tzlich bietet er im Gegensatz zu der ersten Generation der GBA-SP-Modelle eine farbechtere Hintergrundbeleuchtung, deren Helligkeit eingestellt werden kann sowie ein entspiegeltes LCD."@de . . "Game Boy Micro"@en . . "15850000"^^ . "Handheld video game console"@en . . . . ""@en . . "50"^^ . "Sexta"@es . "Game Boy Micro"@en . . "Ja"@de . "thumb|Der Game Boy Micro Der Game Boy Micro ist der letzte Game Boy, der weltweit erschienen ist. Er passt sogar in die kleinste Tasche, man kann dort alle Game Boy Advance Spiele spielen und er hat ebenfalls ein Farbdisplay. Ein Slogan der Game Boy Micro Werbung lautet: \"Deswegen kann der Game Boy Micro dein aller bester Freund sein!\" Kategorie:Tragbare Konsole"@de . "--09-19"^^ . . . "--03-23"^^ . "La consola fue lanzada en septiembre de 2005, varios meses despu\u00E9s del lanzamiento de Nintendo DS. Esta consola fue utilizada para extender al m\u00E1ximo posible las ventas de Game Boy Advance, finalmente, en 2008, junto a Game Boy Advance y Game Boy Advance SP, perd\u00EDan su soporte y se daba por finalizada a la L\u00EDnea Game Boy. El nombre provisorio de esta consola era \"OXY\" pero posteriormente fue renombrada a \"Game Boy Micro\", esta consola es m\u00E1s peque\u00F1a que una tarjeta de cr\u00E9dito."@es . . "Game Boy Advance cartridges"@en .