. "RC-1013"@es . "RC-1013"@en . "RC-1013"@es . "RC-1013"@en . . . "Marrones"@es . "RC-1013"@es . . "Tan"@en . "RC-1013, tambi\u00E9n conocido como Sarge, era un comando clon en el escuadr\u00F3n Aiwha y el l\u00EDder formal del escuadr\u00F3n Blanco, que fue destruido durante la Escaramuza en Ord Mantel. M\u00E1s tarde, Sarge particip\u00F3 en la Batalla del Despertar Celestial. A\u00FAn m\u00E1s tarde, durante una misi\u00F3n a Garqi, Sarge y el resto del escuadr\u00F3n, tambi\u00E9n miembros que perdieron a todo su escuadr\u00F3n, encontraron un peque\u00F1o ni\u00F1o hu\u00E9rfano llamado Evan, y se lo llevaron. Despu\u00E9s de que llegaran al campamento de los refugiados, \u00E9l recibi\u00F3 ordenes de ejecutar al General Jedi Traavis como parte de la Orden 66, despu\u00E9s llen\u00F3 un reporte de la ejecuci\u00F3n del Jedi."@es . . . . . . . . . "*Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica\n*Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico"@es . "RC-1013, tambi\u00E9n conocido como Sarge, era un comando clon en el escuadr\u00F3n Aiwha y el l\u00EDder formal del escuadr\u00F3n Blanco, que fue destruido durante la Escaramuza en Ord Mantel. M\u00E1s tarde, Sarge particip\u00F3 en la Batalla del Despertar Celestial. A\u00FAn m\u00E1s tarde, durante una misi\u00F3n a Garqi, Sarge y el resto del escuadr\u00F3n, tambi\u00E9n miembros que perdieron a todo su escuadr\u00F3n, encontraron un peque\u00F1o ni\u00F1o hu\u00E9rfano llamado Evan, y se lo llevaron. Despu\u00E9s de que llegaran al campamento de los refugiados, \u00E9l recibi\u00F3 ordenes de ejecutar al General Jedi Traavis como parte de la Orden 66, despu\u00E9s llen\u00F3 un reporte de la ejecuci\u00F3n del Jedi."@es . "*Galactic Republic\n**Grand Army of the Republic\n***Unidentified squad\n***White Squad\n***Aiwha Squad\n*Galactic Empire"@en . "Humano"@es . . "1"^^ . "32"^^ . . . . . "RC-1013, also known as \"Sarge,\" was a clone commando sergeant who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. In 22 BBY, he survived the war's initiation on the planet Geonosis. During the war, he and two clone squads undertook a mission to Ord Mantell in order to retrieve a stolen diplomatic package intended for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from diplomats on the planet Malastare. Sarge managed to successfully retrieve the package from a group of Trandoshan bounty hunters, although both commando units were eliminated in the process. He eventually joined Aiwha Squad, a squad of clone commandos consisting of RC-2088, Tyto, and Di'kut. He and his comrades were placed under Jedi General Traavis' command and served under the Jedi Master during the Galactic Republic's sieges of Separatist-controlled worlds in the Outer Rim.During a campaign on the planet Garqi, Sarge and the rest of Aiwha Squad escorted a young orphan boy named Evan to a refugee camp on Garqi. After reporting to Traavis, RC-1013 received a command from Chancellor Palpatine to execute Order 66, which labeled all Jedi Knights as traitors to the Republic. RC-1013 immediately ordered the rest of Aiwha Squad to turn against Traavis, promptly executing the J edi."@en . . . . . "Galactic Empire"@en . . "Rep"@es . "1.83"^^ . . "Human"@en . . "\"Sarge\""@en . . . . "Ninguno; originalmente negro"@es . "RC-1013"@en . "\u0420\u041A-1013"@es . . . . . "RC-1013"@en . "RC-1013"@es . . . "RC-1013, also known as \"Sarge,\" was a clone commando sergeant who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. In 22 BBY, he survived the war's initiation on the planet Geonosis. During the war, he and two clone squads undertook a mission to Ord Mantell in order to retrieve a stolen diplomatic package intended for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from diplomats on the planet Malastare. Sarge managed to successfully retrieve the package from a group of Trandoshan bounty hunters, although both commando units were eliminated in the process. He eventually joined Aiwha Squad, a squad of clone commandos consisting of RC-2088, Tyto, and Di'kut. He and his comrades were placed under Jedi General Traavis' command and served under the Jedi Master during the Galactic Republic's sieges "@en . "\u0420\u041A-1013"@en . . . . . . "\"Sarge\""@es . "RC-1013"@en . "Brown"@en . "RC-1013"@en . . "183"^^ . . "RC-1013"@es .