. . "Burkina Faso is a landlocked west Highsun ethel. This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it."@en . "Burkina Faso"@cs . . . "Ugadugudugudugu"@pl . . "Burkina Faso - ogromne pa\u0144stwo w Afryce (por\u00F3wnuj\u0105c do takich kraj\u00F3w jak Gwinea R\u00F3wnikowa czy Burundi). Kraj, kt\u00F3ry w 2163 roku rozpocznie budow\u0119 reaktora j\u0105drowego (plany zakoszone z okolic Prypeci ju\u017C s\u0105). Kraj zamieszkuj\u0105 g\u0142\u00F3wnie ludzie oraz karaluchy pod dow\u00F3dztwem w\u0142adcy Kara Luch."@pl . . . "Flag of Burkina Faso.png"@en . "Burkina Faso's capital is Ouagadougou. \n* \"Manufacture and Popularization of Biomass Briquettes\". Aiming to replace wood and charcoal with biomass briquettes from fallen leaves and other sources of unused biomass, this progressive enterprise of local and international NGOs and a research institution helps to combat desertification, create jobs in rural communities and raise awareness for alternative energy sources. \n* \"Initiative for Promoting and Distributing Bio-Pesticides\". The initiative's ambitious goal is to promote and distribute ecological pest control for organic crops, especially cotton, vegetable and oil-producing crops. In this way, the partnership of local and community-based organisations and research agencies hopes to increase yields and preserve the production environment. \n* \"Nafore & Afrisolar energy kiosks\". A small business and international NGOs are cooperating to provide sustainable energy supply to poor communities by expanding the use of \"Nafore\", a PV-based telephone charger, powered 100% on solar energy."@en . . "Borders"@en . "77.0"^^ . . . "150"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Burkina Faso, a landlocked country in the western part of Africa, is surrounded by six countries, namely, Mali, Niger, Benin, Togo, Ghana and C\u00F4te d'Ivoire. Its former name was the Republic of Upper Volta, and it acquired its present name in 1984. Burkino Faso means in \"the land of upright people\" or \"upright land\" in Mossi and Dioula languages, the major native languages of the country. Earlier, it was a colony of France and gained its independence in 1960. The people who live in Burkino Faso are called Burkinab\u00E8 or Burkinab\u00E9 (pronounced [burki\u02D0n\u0259\u02C8be\u02D0])."@en . . "Country summary"@en . . "When Burkina Faso was colonized by the French, it was known as Upper Volta."@en . . "Burikina Faso is a country in western Africa that borders Mali in the north, Niger in the west and Benin, Togo, Ghana and the Ivory Coast in the south. Its capital is Ouagadougou."@en . . . . . . . "Burkina Faso's capital is Ouagadougou. \n* \"Manufacture and Popularization of Biomass Briquettes\". Aiming to replace wood and charcoal with biomass briquettes from fallen leaves and other sources of unused biomass, this progressive enterprise of local and international NGOs and a research institution helps to combat desertification, create jobs in rural communities and raise awareness for alternative energy sources. \n* \"Initiative for Promoting and Distributing Bio-Pesticides\". The initiative's ambitious goal is to promote and distribute ecological pest control for organic crops, especially cotton, vegetable and oil-producing crops. In this way, the partnership of local and community-based organisations and research agencies hopes to increase yields and preserve the production environm"@en . "This is a collection of local flavor and sources of information about Burkina Faso, with a focus on individual voices. Please add other sources below. See the Bridge Index style guide for advice on how to list new sources on this page. +/-"@en . . . . . "[[Datei:5099139815 7729e6df1c o.jpg|thumb|right|515px|Auf der einzigen burkinafasoischen Autobahn werden die Trucker nie einsam, weil jeder in den K\u00E4ffern an der Stra\u00DFe sich langweilt und per Anhalter mitfahren will. Zum n\u00E4chsten Kaff.]] Burkina Faso, alias \u201EObervolta\u201C ist ein westafrikanischer Staat, der zu den \u00E4rmsten L\u00E4ndern der Welt geh\u00F6rt und es um den 15.01.2016 herum gef\u00FChlt zum ersten Mal im 21. Jahrhundert in die Nachrichten geschafft hat. Zumindest in das nachrichten\u00E4hnliche Onlineklatschblatt Spiegel Online."@de . . . . . . . . "Population"@en . . . "Burkina Faso is a country located in Africa."@en . . "Le Burkina Faso est un pays se trouvant sur le continent africain."@fr . . . "90"^^ . . . "A thriving solar cooking promotion has been underway for several years, initially through the efforts of a young Burkinabe, William Ilboudo, who founded ISOMET, a business enterprise in the late 1990s. Other organizations also work in this Sahelian nation, which is ideally suited for solar cooking. The Kozon Foundation has since promoted solar usage in other nations (see Mali and Chad) and other areas of Burkina Faso. CooKits are being made in Burkina Faso, rather than imported, which both provides jobs for Burkinabes and is less expensive, making support dollars go further."@en . . . . . "40.0"^^ . . . . "79"^^ . "Ouagadougou"@en . . . . . "Les Animaux fantastiques"@fr . . . "Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) achieved independence from France in 1960. Repeated military coups during the 1970s and 1980s were followed by multiparty elections in the early 1990s. Current President Blaise COMPAORE came to power in a 1987 military coup and has won every election since then. Burkina Faso's high population density and limited natural resources result in poor economic prospects for the majority of its citizens. Recent unrest in Cote d'Ivoire and northern Ghana has hindered the ability of several hundred thousand seasonal Burkinabe farm workers to find employment in neighboring countries."@en . "Das Land Burkina Faso (\u00FCbersetzt: Land der aufrechten Menschen) ist ein magischer Staat in Westafrika. Der Staat selber wurde erst 1960 in der Muggelwelt gegr\u00FCndet. Die Hauptstadt ist Ouagadougou. Gilderoy Lockhart behauptete einmal, dass er der Stadt bei der Aufkl\u00E4rung einer Reihe von Angriffen geholfen h\u00E4tte, die den Vorf\u00E4llen in Hogwarts \u00E4hnlich schienen. Das Land war 2006 Weltmeister im Quidditch."@de . . "thumb Burkina Faso (ang. Burkina Faso) \u2014 ma\u0142e pa\u0144stwo w zachodniej Afryce. Kraj posiada w\u0142asne Ministerstwo Magii. By\u0142 naturalnym miejscem wyst\u0119powania wid\u0142ow\u0119\u017Cy. Czarodzieje z Burkina Faso wyznaczyli wid\u0142ow\u0119\u017Com specjalny rezerwat."@pl . "Burkina Faso was one of the first countries to convert en masse to Judaism after it was learned that the Jews were indeed God's Chosen People."@en . . "15746232"^^ . . "thumb|Po\u0142o\u017Cenie Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - do listopada 2052 roku niewielka republika w zachodniej Afryce. Po wypowiedzeniu wojny Wielkiej Rzeczypospolitej i rzuceniu swej floty inwazyjnej z\u0142o\u017Conej z jednej \u0142odzi podwodnej na nasz kraj, rozpocz\u0119\u0142a badania nad broni\u0105 atomow\u0105. Badania zako\u0144czy\u0142y si\u0119 pe\u0142nym sukcesem, jednak podczas pr\u00F3by odpalenia pr\u00F3bnej rakiety nast\u0105pi\u0142 nieprzewidziany przez tamtejszych naukowc\u00F3w wypadek. Zgin\u0119\u0142o 62 mln os\u00F3b, w tym 6 agent\u00F3w polskiego wywiadu. Prze\u017Cy\u0142o 17 obywateli Burkina Faso, odnalezionych w okolicach Islandii na niewielkiej \u0142odzi podwodnej. Uzyskali oni azyl w WRP."@pl . "thumb|Po\u0142o\u017Cenie Burkina Faso Burkina Faso - do listopada 2052 roku niewielka republika w zachodniej Afryce. Po wypowiedzeniu wojny Wielkiej Rzeczypospolitej i rzuceniu swej floty inwazyjnej z\u0142o\u017Conej z jednej \u0142odzi podwodnej na nasz kraj, rozpocz\u0119\u0142a badania nad broni\u0105 atomow\u0105. Badania zako\u0144czy\u0142y si\u0119 pe\u0142nym sukcesem, jednak podczas pr\u00F3by odpalenia pr\u00F3bnej rakiety nast\u0105pi\u0142 nieprzewidziany przez tamtejszych naukowc\u00F3w wypadek. Zgin\u0119\u0142o 62 mln os\u00F3b, w tym 6 agent\u00F3w polskiego wywiadu. Prze\u017Cy\u0142o 17 obywateli Burkina Faso, odnalezionych w okolicach Islandii na niewielkiej \u0142odzi podwodnej. Uzyskali oni azyl w WRP. Burkina Faso og\u0142oszona zosta\u0142a zamkni\u0119t\u0105 stref\u0105 ska\u017Con\u0105, kt\u00F3ra stanowi\u0142a polski poligon j\u0105drowy. W chwili obecnej Burkina Faso zamieszkuj\u0105 mutanci oraz karaluchy, nad kt\u00F3rymi w\u0142adz\u0119 sprawuje samozwa\u0144czy prezydent Kara-Luch, posiadaj\u0105cy pod swoj\u0105 komend\u0105 dwustumiliardow\u0105 karalusz\u0105 armi\u0119. thumb|Burkina Faso widziana z kosmosu - 17.11.2052 godz.15.03"@pl . "Africa"@en . . "Burkina Faso was one of the first countries to convert en masse to Judaism after it was learned that the Jews were indeed God's Chosen People."@en . . . "According to the 2006 census, 61% of the people of Burkina Faso are Muslims, predominantly Sunni, 19% are Roman Catholics 15% follow indigenous African beliefs and 4% are Protestants. Less than 0.1% are Buddhists.There are very few atheists in Burkina Faso."@en . "Information"@en . . . "Burikina Faso is a country in western Africa that borders Mali in the north, Niger in the west and Benin, Togo, Ghana and the Ivory Coast in the south. Its capital is Ouagadougou."@en . "Et comme on dit au Burkina \"Quelle que soit la laideur d'une femme au teint clair, sa cuisse est toujours bonne \u00E0 prendre\" i-Afrique"@fr . . . . . "parliamentary republic"@en . . . . . . "Burkina Faso, a tak naprawd\u0119 Burka Fasoli \u2013 dziwny kraj, czy tam pa\u0144stwo, czy tam pa\u0144stewko, gdzie ka\u017Cdy ma afro, Ebol\u0119, nosi burk\u0119 i je fasol\u0119. Sk\u0105d to wszystko wiemy? A wi\u0119c, oficjalnie pa\u0144stwo nosi nazw\u0119 Burka Fasoli, co m\u00F3wi samo za siebie; a reszta to w tamtym regionie po prostu standard, tak\u017Ce nie ma o co si\u0119 martwi\u0107. Kraj ten ma do\u015B\u0107 d\u0142ug\u0105 nazw\u0119 stolicy \u2013 Ugadugudugudugu (nie s\u0142uchajcie Wikipedii \u2013 tam pisz\u0105 Ugadugu). Nie jed\u017Acie tam, po prostu przeczytajcie artyku\u0142 \u2013 wiele nie wiemy, ale postaramy si\u0119 opisa\u0107 ten kraj i wymieni\u0107 wszystkie powody dlaczego powinni\u015Bcie tam nie jecha\u0107."@pl . "The flag of Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) consists of two equal horizontal bands of red (top) and green with a yellow five-pointed star in the center."@en . . . "49"^^ . . "Burkina Faso is a landlocked nation in West Africa and a member of the United Nations. Among the local folklore is the legend of the teliko. Samuel Aboah, a real teliko, traveled from Burkina Faso to the United States. Agent Mulder met the ambassador from Burkina Faso in Washington, D.C. in hopes that he could learn more about a series of murders in Philadelphia being committed by Aboah."@en . . "When Burkina Faso was colonized by the French, it was known as Upper Volta."@en . "fasole, kilka murzyn\u00F3w"@pl . . . . "Burkina Faso is a landlocked nation in West Africa and a member of the United Nations. Among the local folklore is the legend of the teliko. Samuel Aboah, a real teliko, traveled from Burkina Faso to the United States. Agent Mulder met the ambassador from Burkina Faso in Washington, D.C. in hopes that he could learn more about a series of murders in Philadelphia being committed by Aboah."@en . . . . . "Burkina Faso (p\u016Fvodn\u011B Horn\u00ED Volta) je st\u00E1t v z\u00E1padn\u00ED Africe, kter\u00FD pat\u0159\u00ED mezi p\u0159edn\u00ED sv\u011Btov\u00E9 v\u00FDrobce bu\u0159inek, burkin a burek."@cs . . . . "Burkina Faso, a landlocked country in the western part of Africa, is surrounded by six countries, namely, Mali, Niger, Benin, Togo, Ghana and C\u00F4te d'Ivoire. Its former name was the Republic of Upper Volta, and it acquired its present name in 1984. Burkino Faso means in \"the land of upright people\" or \"upright land\" in Mossi and Dioula languages, the major native languages of the country. Earlier, it was a colony of France and gained its independence in 1960. The people who live in Burkino Faso are called Burkinab\u00E8 or Burkinab\u00E9 (pronounced [burki\u02D0n\u0259\u02C8be\u02D0])."@en . ""@en . "The flag of Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) consists of two equal horizontal bands of red (top) and green with a yellow five-pointed star in the center."@en . . . "Burkina Faso, a tak naprawd\u0119 Burka Fasoli \u2013 dziwny kraj, czy tam pa\u0144stwo, czy tam pa\u0144stewko, gdzie ka\u017Cdy ma afro, Ebol\u0119, nosi burk\u0119 i je fasol\u0119. Sk\u0105d to wszystko wiemy? A wi\u0119c, oficjalnie pa\u0144stwo nosi nazw\u0119 Burka Fasoli, co m\u00F3wi samo za siebie; a reszta to w tamtym regionie po prostu standard, tak\u017Ce nie ma o co si\u0119 martwi\u0107. Kraj ten ma do\u015B\u0107 d\u0142ug\u0105 nazw\u0119 stolicy \u2013 Ugadugudugudugu (nie s\u0142uchajcie Wikipedii \u2013 tam pisz\u0105 Ugadugu). Nie jed\u017Acie tam, po prostu przeczytajcie artyku\u0142 \u2013 wiele nie wiemy, ale postaramy si\u0119 opisa\u0107 ten kraj i wymieni\u0107 wszystkie powody dlaczego powinni\u015Bcie tam nie jecha\u0107."@pl . . "Burka Fasoli"@pl . . . "Burkina Faso is a nation inadvertently founded as a byproduct of the release of the Dark Side Of The Moon by Pink Floyd in 1973. Burkina Faso is thus not only the first country to have been produced as a direct result of popular culture, but is also the only country to use vinyl records for its currency. This curious financial system has created a tragic disparity between rich and poor. After the death of the founding president Syd Barrett in 1980, in a tragic tea cake related accident, the economy collapsed as a result of the influx of cheap country music albums was shipped in by the CIA so as to install a US puppet dictator. At the worst of the period of hyperinflation, the purchase of a single banana required the 600 copies of entire Hank Williams catalog. The current president Kylie Minogue came to power as the result of the people thinking she was going to provide a nationalised railroad, only to find out that Locomotion was just a chessy pop song with a lame dance. She remains president as she has a nice arse."@en . . . "Benin 306 km, Cote d'Ivoire 584 km, Ghana 549 km, Mali 1,000 km, Niger 628 km, Togo 126 km"@en . "Burkina Faso is a landlocked west Highsun ethel. This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it."@en . . . . . . . "Mossi , Gurunsi, Senufo, Lobi, Bobo, Mande, Fulani"@en . . . . "A thriving solar cooking promotion has been underway for several years, initially through the efforts of a young Burkinabe, William Ilboudo, who founded ISOMET, a business enterprise in the late 1990s. Other organizations also work in this Sahelian nation, which is ideally suited for solar cooking. William Ilboundo had studied in Germany where he came to know about solar ovens. When he returned to his country, he started a small business, basically in his own backyard and with the assistance of family members, making and selling wooden box cookers. Because of the cost of the boxes, the audience was primarily a middle class one, at least initially. Even then, the ovens were usually sold on a pay-over-time business, and collecting the money proved problematic. Efforts to assist in the development of a micro-credit scheme, to be managed by a banking firm, were not successful. In 2000, William, who is loosely allied with Solar Household Energy, Inc. as one of that organization's roster of solar entrepreneurs, returned to Germany for another course of study. On his return, a larger scale business plan was developed - one that would create a proper workshop and permit a number of employees to be used in expanding cooker production. Technical assistance in management of this effort was provided to Mr. Ilboudo by a Dutch representative of an association of retired business executives. A number of visitors and observers have evaluated the work done by ISOMET. All who have visited the project were impressed with the dedication of the workers and the quality of the solar products. Throughout the early years, Mr. Ilboudo continued to receive support from a number of German solar cooking experts, including Rolf Behringer, a well-known solar cooker promoter. In 2000, a Swiss expert visited this Burkina Faso business and reported that over 150 excellent ovens had been built, and demand appeared to be steady if not spectacular In 2003, M. Bonello, a European solar cooking promoter, visited programs in three West African nations, one of which was Burkina Faso. He reported that ISOMET now has four employees and is manufacturing a range of types of cookers. After several years of only working with box cookers, they now are also manufacturing the CooKit, the cardboard [solar panel cooker] that is the least expensive, but efficient, cooker available. 300 of these had been sold, following a major promotion on television. Currently, they sell around 50 of those per year. In addition, William is importing kits for the assembly of small-scale parabolic cooking devices, far more expensive, but able to cook for up to 10 people. One negative aspect of this part of ISOMET's work is the necessity to pay a heavy custom duty of around 33% on the imported goods. (Paradoxically, the government subsidizes gas products, such as kerosene, at around 40%). Yet another part of the work of this organization is equipping school cafeterias with large-scale Scheffler parabolic devices, some equipped with tracking devices made from bicycle parts in the ISOMET workshop. Maintenance problems have been severe however with these more complex devices. Topping off the work of ISOMET, Mr. Ilboudo and his workers have recently installed a solar bakery capable of producing 1500 loaves of bread a day. The bakery is equipped with a 16 sq. meter Scheffler reflector, and has a heat retention system using a container filled with stones. This effort has been led by the Solar Institute Julich, using ISOMET staff. The organization is currently building more spacious quarters and has additional large projects in mind. Other promoters work in this nation, as well. Centre \u00C9cologique Albert Schweitzer is located in Ougadougou; a part of its work is a Workshop for Solar Energy and Appropriate Technologies. The latter is a research and training center for farmers, artisans, and small business owners. An affiliate of the center is the German non-governmental organization, the Association for the Promotion of the Use of Solar Energy (APEES). That group has, in turn, affiliated itself with local artisans and with women's organizations to distribute solar cookers and dryers. In 2003, as reported by M. Bonello (see above), they had sold around 500 such units in the past decade. Another company, SED, has been created by Boudacar Zongo, who was already in the business of provided various cooking devices, through his business, Solar Household Energy (SHE). The focus of SED is on fuel conserving stoves, but they actively promote solar cooking as well. One promotional scheme included a small store located in a low income area of Ougadougou, where cakes, chicken, or other food cooked in solar ovens are sold. To increase traffic, they even installed a pay phone. SED receives technical assistance from the Centre \u00C9cologique Albert Schweitzer and its unit on renewable energy. Ougadougou would appear to be an excellent site for initiatives established by local entrepreneurs, perhaps a model for other cities and nations. On the other end of the solar cooking range from the large scale parabolics is a project developed in a rural area of Burkina Faso. The pioneering site was the village of Goram-Goram, in the northern part of the country. Wietske Jongbloed is a volunteer associated with the Dutch NGO, the KoZon Foundation. Wietske started with 20 CooKits to introduce to village women. She is a very experienced solar trainer who first went to Goram-Goram in 1999. Already well acquainted with and supportive of the activities of ISOMET, where experimentation with the CooKit was underway, she decided to see what success might be had with the far less expensive CooKit in the rural areas. The first 20 CooKits were given to two groups of women to try with their own cooking practices. Reaction was very positive and many asked that more CooKits be made available. After this \"pilot\", the KoZon Foundation was willing to support a larger project. In 1999, 300 Cookits were made available for sale, though subsidized to make the price low enough to be feasible for the potential customers, who are very poor. The cooking kit comprised a thin aluminum pot, two plastic bags (used to retain heat in the pot) and the cardboard CooKit; the price was about $2.50 (actually, about the cost of the pot alone). Experienced solar cooks from the initial project later served as trainers for new buyers of CooKits. All the solar cookers sold very quickly and many more people inquired about availability of more such devices. Sixty percent of the kits were purchased by women, 25% by men for their families (sometimes several, as multiple wives are common), and 15% to young single men, the latter becoming very enthusiastic users of the CooKit. Many families would like to have more than one CooKit, as their families are large. This very positive reception appears to be related to a number of factors: the use of village women as trainers, familiar foods for demonstrations, cooking that is normally done out of doors, the excellent insolation, and the high cost of alternative fuels, plus, no doubt, Wietske Jongbloed's skill and persistence. The generosity of the KoZon Foundation in subsidizing the poor of the nation is also a major factor. The Kozon Foundation has since promoted solar usage in other nations (see Mali and Chad) and other areas of Burkina Faso. CooKits are being made in Burkina Faso, rather than imported, which both provides jobs for Burkinabes and is less expensive, making support dollars go further. One of the very interesting parts of the KoZon support for solar cooking in West Africa is their support of an evaluation of the project. A masters level student from at a Dutch university (and from Benin) was assisted to conduct the evaluation which carefully studied and observed solar cooker purchasers, their motives and the consequences of solar usage. Those findings were summarized, and the staff and board of KoZon very systematically examined each and made appropriate changes in their approaches as the data indicated. This outside evaluation and the uses made of it are fairly rare in the solar cooking world, and hence to be noted and commended. A more recent report from Burkina Faso tells of the work sponsored by other European groups in West Africa. BSW Alternative Energy, a German company, makes a somewhat different type of parabolic cooker known as the Papillon. Instead of an inverted dome like most parabolics, the Papillon has two wings, with room for the cook to stand between for ease of cooking. In addition, the device folds to go through a doorway. The device can cook for up to 15 people, since it holds several pots, and is very powerful. The BSW Solar Energy group is promoting the Papillion for West Africa (SEWA) where they have been working since 1994. They recently have introduced 70 Papillion cookers in Gaoua, Burkina Faso. The devices were manufactured in country with technical assistance from BSW. The Papillion can also be purchased as a kit for home assembly, and a scheme is in place for payment over time with savings from previous reductions in fuel purchasing. The cost is repaid in around 18 months; once repaid, the funds are available for another family to use for a cooker and pay back in the same manner. The promoters of this scheme include Willi Heinzen, Bernd Hafner, and Paul Kraemer, chef, scientist, and medical doctor, respectively. Their recent book, Solar Kocher, (Munich, Germany, 2002: Sud West Information) unfortunately for many of us, is published only in German. It provides an excellent discussion of solar cooking technology and practice, with detailed diagrammatic drawings of various types of cookers and marvelous pictures of fuel scarce West Africa. Community members in Bobo Dioulasso formed Association TLE NAFA in 2004 to promote solar energy and reduce deforestation. In 2005, the association carried out two projects with 35 Papillon solar cookers. The cookers were made in Ouagadougou and assembled in Bobo Dioulasso. After a 20% subsidy, the cookers sold for about \u20AC120 each. Sales proceeds were used to buy additional supplies. TLE NAFA planned to sell at least 15 more in 2006."@en . . . "Burkina Faso (i/b\u0259r\u02CCki\u02D0n\u0259 \u02C8f\u0251\u02D0so\u028A/ b\u0259r-KEE-n\u0259 FAH-soh; French: [bu\u0281kina faso]), also known by its short-form name Burkina, is a landlocked country in west Africa, formerly known as Upper Volta. It is surrounded by six countries: Mali to the north; Niger to the east; Benin to the southeast; Togo and Ghana to the south; and Ivory Coast to the southwest. Its capital is Ouagadougou. More information on the Wikipedia page [1]"@en . . . . . . . . . . "*Joshua Sankara\n*Runespoor"@en . "Pays"@fr . "This is a collection of local flavor and sources of information about Burkina Faso, with a focus on individual voices. Please add other sources below. See the Bridge Index style guide for advice on how to list new sources on this page. +/-"@en . "Burkina Faso is a nation inadvertently founded as a byproduct of the release of the Dark Side Of The Moon by Pink Floyd in 1973. Burkina Faso is thus not only the first country to have been produced as a direct result of popular culture, but is also the only country to use vinyl records for its currency. The current president Kylie Minogue came to power as the result of the people thinking she was going to provide a nationalised railroad, only to find out that Locomotion was just a chessy pop song with a lame dance. She remains president as she has a nice arse."@en . . . . . . . . "Burkina Faso was a landlocked country in western Africa, bordering Mali to the northwest, Niger to the east and Benin, Ivory Coast, Togo and Ghana to the south. (\"Day 9: 3:00pm-4:00pm\")"@en . . . . "1000"^^ . "2"^^ . "Government type"@en . "Burkina Faso is a country in Africa. The capital and largest city is Ouagadougou. There are no ice rinks and no ice hockey is played. Benjamin Agnel who played for the French National Team was born in Ouagadougou."@en . . "Unemployment"@en . . . . . . . . "LE BURKINA FASO (pr\u00E9sentation selon Faso New) Enclav\u00E9 dans les terres de l'Afrique occidentale, le Burkina Faso s'\u00E9tend en bordure m\u00E9ridionale du Sahara, dans la partie centrale du Sahel. Il est limit\u00E9 par la C\u00F4te d\u2019Ivoire, le Togo, le Ghana, le B\u00E9nin au sud, le Mali \u00E0 l'ouest et au nord ouest, le Niger \u00E0 l'est et au nord est. Ancienne Haute Volta, colonie Fran\u00E7aise, et apr\u00E8s une d\u00E9c\u00E9nie de turbulences politiques (1980 ~ 1990), il voit aujourd'hui une croissance de son \u00E9conomie due en grande par \u00E0 la stabilit\u00E9 politique par rapport aux autres pays de la sous r\u00E9gion, et occupe une place de choix dans l'Union Economique et Mon\u00E9taire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA). Devenu ind\u00E9pendant en 1960, il a \u00E9t\u00E9 gouvern\u00E9 par une succ\u00E9ssion militaire, le Burkina Faso est devenu un \u00E9tat pluraliste depuis 1991. communes avec le Mali au nord-ouest, la C\u00F4te d'Ivoire au sud-ouest, le Ghana, le Togo et le B\u00E9nin au sud, et le Niger \u00E0 l'est. Le pays couvre une superficie totale de 274 000 km2 dont 33 % (soit 95 650 km2) sont \u00E0 vocation agricole. Dans l'ensemble, le relief est peu accentu\u00E9 et une bonne partie des sols sont secs et pauvres. Pays enclav\u00E9 de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, le Burkina Faso a des fronti\u00E8res Le climat de type tropical se caract\u00E9rise par l'alternance d'une longue saison s\u00E8che et d'une courte saison des pluies, \u00E9tablie de mai/juin \u00E0 septembre, avec de tr\u00E8s fortes variations interannuelles de la pluviom\u00E9trie (voir le profil m\u00E9t\u00E9orologique). Quatre zones peuvent \u00EAtre identifi\u00E9es sur la base de crit\u00E8res \u00E9co-climatiques : la zone sah\u00E9lienne au nord, avec une pluviom\u00E9trie annuelle moyenne inf\u00E9rieure \u00E0 500 mm, et 40 \u00E0 50 jours de pluie. C'est une zone de parcours et de c\u00E9r\u00E9aliculture al\u00E9atoire. la zone sah\u00E9lo-soudanienne au centre-nord, avec une pluviom\u00E9trie annuelle moyenne comprise entre 500 et 750 mm, et 60 jours de pluie. C'est une zone de parcours et de culture d'arachide en association avec le mil et le sorgho. la zone soudanienne au centre-sud, avec une pluviom\u00E9trie annuelle entre 750 et 1000 mm, et 70 \u00E0 80 jours de pluie. Cette zone pr\u00E9sente des vocations comparables \u00E0 celles de la zone sah\u00E9lo-soudanienne. la zone soudano-guin\u00E9enne au sud-ouest, avec une pluviom\u00E9trie sup\u00E9rieure \u00E0 1000 mm, et plus de 100 jours de pluie. Cette zone est favorable aux cultures pluviales exigeantes telles que le coton, le ma\u00EFs, le riz, les fruits et les l\u00E9gumes. La population r\u00E9sidente \u00E9tait estim\u00E9e \u00E0 8 millions d'habitants (dont 12 % d'urbains, 2 % de semi-urbains et 86 % de ruraux) au recensement de 1985. Avec un taux moyen de croissance annuelle de 2,82 % entre 1990 et 1999, la population a \u00E9t\u00E9 estim\u00E9e \u00E0 10 319 000 habitants en 1995 dont 73 % (soit 7 510 000) de ruraux, et \u00E0 10 995 000 habitants en 1999. La densit\u00E9 moyenne de 34,7 habitants/km2 est in\u00E9galement r\u00E9partie, avec un centre du pays tr\u00E8s peupl\u00E9 contrairement au nord et \u00E0 l'est (voir carte). La pression sur les terres arables est tr\u00E8s forte. Entre 1960 et 1964, la population employ\u00E9e dans l'agriculture a diminu\u00E9 de 90 % \u00E0 85 %, tandis que celle employ\u00E9e dans l'industrie a augment\u00E9 de 5 % \u00E0 10 %. Une partie de la population active travaille de mani\u00E8re temporaire ou permanente dans les pays limitrophes, particuli\u00E8rement en C\u00F4te d'Ivoire. L'\u00E9conomie du pays est caract\u00E9ris\u00E9e par le poids important de l'agriculture, dont la contribution au PIB est rest\u00E9e \u00E9lev\u00E9e malgr\u00E9 une baisse significative (68,2 % entre 1969 et 1971, 43 % entre 1979 et 1981, et 42,8 % en 1989). Le produit national brut par t\u00EAte est de 230 US$. Plus de 80 % de la population vit de l'agriculture de subsistance, de l'exportation de l'or, du coton et du b\u00E9tail. Les s\u00E9cheresses de 1970-74 et de 1983-84 ont s\u00E9v\u00E8rement affect\u00E9 l'agriculture. Le d\u00E9veloppement est \u00E9galement handicap\u00E9 par la faible fertilit\u00E9 des sols et la surexploitation des terres : 23 % du territoire sont exploitables et 11 % sont effectivement cultiv\u00E9s. En janvier 1994, le FCFA a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9valu\u00E9 de moiti\u00E9 par rapport au FF (1 FF = 100 FCFA). Au cours de la p\u00E9riode suivant la d\u00E9valuation, le taux de croissance du PIB (4 % en 1995, 6 % en 1996 et 5,5 % en 1997) s'est maintenu au-dessus du taux de croissance de la population (2,6 %). L'indice des prix \u00E0 la consommation est pass\u00E9 de 8,3 % entre 1993-97 \u00E0 2,3 % en 1997. En 1996, les importations totales \u00E9taient de 583 millions US$ tandis que les exportations totales \u00E9taient de 304 millions US$. En 1994, les importations de produits agricoles \u00E9taient de 90 millions US$, tandis que les exportations \u00E9taient de 75 millions de US$. Projet de diffusion et de promotion de cuiseurs solaires au Burkina Faso propos\u00E9 par l'Association SOS Energie Burkina Faso L'association SOS Energie Burkina Faso a pour objectifs d'oeuvrer \u00E0 la protection de l'environnement par la promotion des \u00E9nergies renouvelables et les NTIC au Burkina Faso. Contexte et justification du projet: Le Burkina Faso, pays sah\u00E9lien et enclav\u00E9 situ\u00E9 dans la boucle du Niger au c\u0153ur de l\u2019Afrique occidentale conna\u00EEt de nos jours de s\u00E9rieux probl\u00E8mes de d\u00E9sertification. Devant ce \u00E9tat des lieux combien alarmant, des actions marquants pour contrer les effets de la s\u00E9cheresse et lutter contre la d\u00E9sertification ont \u00E9t\u00E9 initi\u00E9es ces derni\u00E8res ann\u00E9es. On peut citer entre autres les actions suivantes : 1. \n* lutter contre la coupe abusive du bois ; 2. \n* Reboisement industriel et villageois ; 3. \n* Recherche d\u2019alternatives (\u00E9nergie de substitution/foyer am\u00E9lior\u00E9) pour all\u00E9ger la pression excessive sur la v\u00E9g\u00E9tation naturelle, etc Aussi, plus de 90% du bois coup\u00E9 au Burkina Faso est utilis\u00E9 comme combustible. La consommation est plus \u00E9lev\u00E9e dans les zones urbaines que dans les m\u00E9nages ruraux. Dans ces conditions, l'urbanisation rapide conduira \u00E0 l'acc\u00E9l\u00E9ration de la d\u00E9forestation, d'autant plus que les r\u00E9serves de bois ont \u00E9t\u00E9 surexploit\u00E9es pour un temps consid\u00E9rable. L'importation de formes d'\u00E9nergie n\u2019est pas une alternative pour des raisons \u00E9conomiques. En raison de la forte encore et la hausse des co\u00FBts du bois et d'autres formes de combustible domestique le lien avec le probl\u00E8me de la pauvret\u00E9 est \u00E9vident. Dans le contexte de la mondialisation et de l'urbanisation la relation moderne de la croissance du secteur et l'accroissement de la pauvret\u00E9, la relation de l'acceptation de cuisini\u00E8res solaires et socio-\u00E9conomique est abord\u00E9e, de m\u00EAme que la possibilit\u00E9 de solutions hybrides au niveau local."@fr . . "Et comme on dit au Burkina \"Quelle que soit la laideur d'une femme au teint clair, sa cuisse est toujours bonne \u00E0 prendre\" i-Afrique"@fr . . . . . "Burkina Faso (i/b\u0259r\u02CCki\u02D0n\u0259 \u02C8f\u0251\u02D0so\u028A/ b\u0259r-KEE-n\u0259 FAH-soh; French: [bu\u0281kina faso]), also known by its short-form name Burkina, is a landlocked country in west Africa, formerly known as Upper Volta. It is surrounded by six countries: Mali to the north; Niger to the east; Benin to the southeast; Togo and Ghana to the south; and Ivory Coast to the southwest. Its capital is Ouagadougou. More information on the Wikipedia page [1]"@en . . . . . . . "French"@en . . "Das Land Burkina Faso (\u00FCbersetzt: Land der aufrechten Menschen) ist ein magischer Staat in Westafrika. Der Staat selber wurde erst 1960 in der Muggelwelt gegr\u00FCndet. Die Hauptstadt ist Ouagadougou. Gilderoy Lockhart behauptete einmal, dass er der Stadt bei der Aufkl\u00E4rung einer Reihe von Angriffen geholfen h\u00E4tte, die den Vorf\u00E4llen in Hogwarts \u00E4hnlich schienen. Das Land war 2006 Weltmeister im Quidditch."@de . "Ouagadougou"@en . "Burkina Faso was a landlocked country in western Africa, bordering Mali to the northwest, Niger to the east and Benin, Ivory Coast, Togo and Ghana to the south. (\"Day 9: 3:00pm-4:00pm\")"@en . "Burkina Faso"@pl . "Izak \u017Byda Zida"@pl . . "1984-08-04"^^ . . . "Burkina Faso"@fr . "[[Datei:5099139815 7729e6df1c o.jpg|thumb|right|515px|Auf der einzigen burkinafasoischen Autobahn werden die Trucker nie einsam, weil jeder in den K\u00E4ffern an der Stra\u00DFe sich langweilt und per Anhalter mitfahren will. Zum n\u00E4chsten Kaff.]] Burkina Faso, alias \u201EObervolta\u201C ist ein westafrikanischer Staat, der zu den \u00E4rmsten L\u00E4ndern der Welt geh\u00F6rt und es um den 15.01.2016 herum gef\u00FChlt zum ersten Mal im 21. Jahrhundert in die Nachrichten geschafft hat. Zumindest in das nachrichten\u00E4hnliche Onlineklatschblatt Spiegel Online."@de . "Burkina Faso"@en . "147"^^ . "Burkina Faso is a tiny country in western Africa and its capital is Ouagadougou. It has its own Ministry of Magic and is the native home of the Runespoor."@en . "Burkina Faso is a country located in Africa."@en . . . . "Burkina Faso"@de . . "Capital"@en . . . . "French ; native African languages 90%"@en . . "Le Burkina Faso est un pays se trouvant sur le continent africain."@fr . "F22121"@en . . . . "Life expectancy"@en . . . . "Burkina Faso - ogromne pa\u0144stwo w Afryce (por\u00F3wnuj\u0105c do takich kraj\u00F3w jak Gwinea R\u00F3wnikowa czy Burundi). Kraj, kt\u00F3ry w 2163 roku rozpocznie budow\u0119 reaktora j\u0105drowego (plany zakoszone z okolic Prypeci ju\u017C s\u0105). Kraj zamieszkuj\u0105 g\u0142\u00F3wnie ludzie oraz karaluchy pod dow\u00F3dztwem w\u0142adcy Kara Luch."@pl . . . . "Burkina Faso is a tiny country in western Africa and its capital is Ouagadougou. It has its own Ministry of Magic and is the native home of the Runespoor."@en . . . "Burkina Faso is a country in Africa. The capital and largest city is Ouagadougou. There are no ice rinks and no ice hockey is played. Benjamin Agnel who played for the French National Team was born in Ouagadougou."@en . "Burkina Faso"@fr . . "LE BURKINA FASO (pr\u00E9sentation selon Faso New) Enclav\u00E9 dans les terres de l'Afrique occidentale, le Burkina Faso s'\u00E9tend en bordure m\u00E9ridionale du Sahara, dans la partie centrale du Sahel. Il est limit\u00E9 par la C\u00F4te d\u2019Ivoire, le Togo, le Ghana, le B\u00E9nin au sud, le Mali \u00E0 l'ouest et au nord ouest, le Niger \u00E0 l'est et au nord est. Projet de diffusion et de promotion de cuiseurs solaires au Burkina Faso propos\u00E9 par l'Association SOS Energie Burkina Faso"@fr . "*Joshua Sankara\n*Runespoor"@de . "Burkina Faso"@pl . . "Burkina Faso"@de . . "Burkina Faso (p\u016Fvodn\u011B Horn\u00ED Volta) je st\u00E1t v z\u00E1padn\u00ED Africe, kter\u00FD pat\u0159\u00ED mezi p\u0159edn\u00ED sv\u011Btov\u00E9 v\u00FDrobce bu\u0159inek, burkin a burek."@cs . . . . . "CFA Franc"@en . . . . . . . "Burkina Faso"@en . . . "Population growth"@en . . . . . "1.67097492E9"^^ . . . "According to the 2006 census, 61% of the people of Burkina Faso are Muslims, predominantly Sunni, 19% are Roman Catholics 15% follow indigenous African beliefs and 4% are Protestants. Less than 0.1% are Buddhists.There are very few atheists in Burkina Faso."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "3.103"^^ . . . . . . . . "Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) achieved independence from France in 1960. Repeated military coups during the 1970s and 1980s were followed by multiparty elections in the early 1990s. Current President Blaise COMPAORE came to power in a 1987 military coup and has won every election since then. Burkina Faso's high population density and limited natural resources result in poor economic prospects for the majority of its citizens. Recent unrest in Cote d'Ivoire and northern Ghana has hindered the ability of several hundred thousand seasonal Burkinabe farm workers to find employment in neighboring countries."@en . . "thumb Burkina Faso (ang. Burkina Faso) \u2014 ma\u0142e pa\u0144stwo w zachodniej Afryce. Kraj posiada w\u0142asne Ministerstwo Magii. By\u0142 naturalnym miejscem wyst\u0119powania wid\u0142ow\u0119\u017Cy. Czarodzieje z Burkina Faso wyznaczyli wid\u0142ow\u0119\u017Com specjalny rezerwat."@pl . . "Flaga Burkina faso.png"@pl . . .