"Linhir (S. \"River Fords\") was prosperous and busy, and a large population of unseemly characters had grown to prey upon the weak and gullible. A wall dating back to the time of N\u00FAmenor surrounded the city, which had remained an important urban center for millennia. Linhir was the second largest urban settlement in Dor-en-Ernil forming the principal gateway between Belfalas and Lebennin. Linhir was also the only true township within the feudal domain of Belfalas, and possessed both a unique political status as well as economic hegemony over both sides of the Glinduin vale. Finally, Linhir served as one of the main naval strongholds of central Gondor throughout the long history of the Third Age."@en . "Linhir"@en . . . "Seaport and important road crossing"@en . "Gondorians"@en . . . . "City"@en . "Linhir was a town in the province of Lebennin in southern Gondor. During the War of the Ring, the Men of Lamedon led by Angbor, the Lord of Lamedon, were attacked here by the Corsairs. As the battle raged, Aragorn, along with the Grey Company and the Army of the Dead, came and the attackers fled, as did the Men of Lamedon, save for Angbor."@en . "Kategoria:Zal\u0105\u017Cki artyku\u0142\u00F3w Linhir \u2013 miasto portowe znajduj\u0105ce si\u0119 w Lebenninie - jednej z prowinicji Gondoru, po\u0142o\u017Cone w wid\u0142ach rzek Gilrainy i Serni. Podczas Wojny o Pier\u015Bcie\u0144 dosz\u0142o tam do bitwy pomi\u0119dzy Gondorczykami dowodzonymi przez Angbora Pana Lamedonu a Korsarzami z Umbaru. 11 marca TE 3019, Aragorn i Szara Dru\u017Cyna przybyli do miasta. Nazwa Linhir pochodzi z sindarinu i znaczy w tej mowie D\u017Awi\u0119czna rzeka."@pl . "Linhir"@en . "Linhir"@de . "Linhir"@pl . "Linhir (Sindarin: Rauchender Fluss) ist eine Stadt in Lebennin, Gondor. Sie liegt oberhalb der M\u00FCndung des Gilrain und der M\u00FCndung des Serni in den Gilrain. W\u00E4hrend des Ringkrieges fand hier eine Schlacht zwischen den Menschen von Lamedon und den Korsaren von Umbar statt. Die Schlacht endete, als beide Parteien beim Herannahen der Toten von Dunharg, flohen."@de . . "Linhir was a town in the province of Lebennin in southern Gondor. During the War of the Ring, the Men of Lamedon led by Angbor, the Lord of Lamedon, were attacked here by the Corsairs. As the battle raged, Aragorn, along with the Grey Company and the Army of the Dead, came and the attackers fled, as did the Men of Lamedon, save for Angbor."@en . "Linhir (Sindarin: Rauchender Fluss) ist eine Stadt in Lebennin, Gondor. Sie liegt oberhalb der M\u00FCndung des Gilrain und der M\u00FCndung des Serni in den Gilrain. W\u00E4hrend des Ringkrieges fand hier eine Schlacht zwischen den Menschen von Lamedon und den Korsaren von Umbar statt. Die Schlacht endete, als beide Parteien beim Herannahen der Toten von Dunharg, flohen."@de . "West of the confluence of the Gilrain and Serni in southern Gondor"@en . . . "Kategoria:Zal\u0105\u017Cki artyku\u0142\u00F3w Linhir \u2013 miasto portowe znajduj\u0105ce si\u0119 w Lebenninie - jednej z prowinicji Gondoru, po\u0142o\u017Cone w wid\u0142ach rzek Gilrainy i Serni. Podczas Wojny o Pier\u015Bcie\u0144 dosz\u0142o tam do bitwy pomi\u0119dzy Gondorczykami dowodzonymi przez Angbora Pana Lamedonu a Korsarzami z Umbaru. 11 marca TE 3019, Aragorn i Szara Dru\u017Cyna przybyli do miasta. Nazwa Linhir pochodzi z sindarinu i znaczy w tej mowie D\u017Awi\u0119czna rzeka."@pl . . "Linhir (S. \"River Fords\") was prosperous and busy, and a large population of unseemly characters had grown to prey upon the weak and gullible. A wall dating back to the time of N\u00FAmenor surrounded the city, which had remained an important urban center for millennia."@en . . .