"Rowanclaw"@en . . "Tigerstar"@en . "The Forgotten Warrior"@en . . "None"@en . "This has never been done before. You have already used up one life, but there are eight remaining. Use them as your used the first\u2014with courage and for the good of others."@en . "We have nothing left to say to each other."@en . "Dovewing"@en . "Deputy:"@en . "We can do this together."@en . "Dovewing"@en . . "Raggedstar"@en . "Tigerheart to Dovepaw about that he loves only her"@en . "I've seen her at Gatherings."@en . . "You don't know what it's like to lose a littermate. You want to blame anyone, anything. Not just a crack in the ice."@en . "296"^^ . "Dark River, Outcast, Eclipse, Long Shadows, Sunrise, Hollyleaf's Story, The Fourth Apprentice, Fading Echoes, Mistystar's Omen, Night Whispers, Sign of the Moon, The Forgotten Warrior, The Last Hope, Dovewing's Silence, Bramblestar's Storm, The Apprentice's Quest, Thunder and Shadow, Shattered Sky, Tigerheart's Shadow, Battles of the Clans"@en . "I am Yellowfang, once of ShadowClan. With this life, I give you forgiveness. Forgiveness will give you more power than vengeance will ever bring."@en . "With this life I give you courage. Fear will always pull at your tail, but the courage I give you now will always draw you on."@en . "292"^^ . "Thistleclaw"@en . "Tigerstar! Tigerstar!"@en . "Leader"@en . "The Last Hope"@en . "Dovepaw"@en . "Tigerstar is a big, sleek and thick-furred, dark brown tiger-striped tabby tom. He has a torn ear, broad shoulders, a long tail, and dark amber eyes."@en . "Tigerstar (AVoS)"@en . "288"^^ . "78"^^ . "With this life I give you hope. As long as hope burns in your heart. It will burn in the hearts of your Clanmates."@en . "With this life I give you strength. Don't let softness sway you from what must be done for your Clan."@en . "But you're Tigerstar's kin!"@en . . . . "That doesn't mean I have to be like him. He almost destroyed ShadowClan once before. I wasn't going to let him do it again!"@en . . "\"I left you. [...] But now I've returned. I bring with me cats who will make our Clan strong again. Accept them as I accept you. Give them your loyalty as I give you mine. I am ready to lead you.\""@en . "Where has ShadowClan gone?"@en . "We can have one more night together, can't we?"@en . "I am Sagewhisker. With this life, I give you persistence. Don't let failure sap your determination or rejection change your mind. A true leader tries as many times as it takes to succeed."@en . "Do you mean, have I ever asked to meet her in the middle of the night, and brought her here to risk my life on collapsing logs? Let me think...No. I'm pretty sure I haven't. There's only one sister I'm interested in."@en . "You are the only one who can bring ShadowClan back."@en . "Reunite ShadowClan"@en . . "126"^^ . "Yellowfang"@en . "I believe what my sister says. Jayfeather murdered our littermate, and he must be punished."@en . "D-do you know Ivypaw?"@en . "Sleekwhisker, Lioneye"@en . "No, we can't. I have to concentrate on the prophecy! There's a battle coming. I don't know who to trust anymore!"@en . "I'm a warrior. I fight for the Clans. Dark Forest warriors don't belong here. This is Clan territory!"@en . "Tigerheart"@en . "ShadowClan"@en . . "Dovewing ends her relationship with Tigerheart"@en . "Tigerstar's Leader Ceremony"@en . . . "Littlecloud"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . "RowanclawTawnypeltFlametailDawnpeltDovewingShadowkitPouncekit, Lightkit"@en . "111"^^ . "Kit:Apprentice:Warrior:"@en . "Sagewhisker"@en . "Please! I didn't use you, I promise I didn't. Okay, I told Blackstar about Jayfeather's herbs, but that doesn't change how I felt about you. How I still feel about you."@en . "What about afterward?"@en . . . . . . "Tigerheart"@en . "232"^^ . "But nothing more than that?"@en . "ThunderClan , Loner, The Guardian Cats"@en . "Rowanstar"@en . . . "There must always be five Clans. Where there is sky, thunder, wind, and river, there must also be shadow."@en . . "Kinkfur"@en . . "Tigerheart's Shadow, page 410"@en . "I, Raggedstar, give you this life for loyalty. A leader's loyalty belongs only to his Clan. Let loyalty be your heartbeat, for when it stops, so will you."@en . "Tigerstar to his Clanmates"@en . . . "This isn't the time. I have a battle to fight. So do you."@en . "Tigerheart"@en . "Dawnpelt"@en . . . "Tigerheart to Ivypool"@en . . "Crowfrost"@en . "Tigerheart pleading to Dovewing"@en . . "You can always trust me. I love you!"@en . "With this life I give you compassion. Love your Clan as you love your kits. Forgive them their flaws and love them even when they fail you."@en . "Tigerheart"@en . . "Dovepaw"@en . "Deputy"@en . . "Dovewing"@en . "Dovewing"@en . . "Tigerheart's Shadow, page 402-406"@en . "Leader:"@en . "Tigerstar is a big, sleek and thick-furred, dark brown tiger-striped tabby tom. He has a torn ear, broad shoulders, a long tail, and dark amber eyes."@en . "Tigerheart. Fear of failure has kept you too long from leadership. But leadership is your destiny, and one that you must embrace if you are to save your Clan. So with this life I give you acceptance. Accept with all your heart what you cannot change, and fear will vanish."@en . . "Tigerheart"@en . "There will be four Clans again. You'll belong to ShadowClan, and I'll belong to ThunderClan, and ... and maybe that's how it should be."@en . . "Flametail"@en . . . "Brackenfur , Oakfur"@en . "Tigerheart"@en . . "Thistleclaw and Tigerheart in the Dark Forest battle"@en . "Tigerheart"@en . "TigerkitTigerpawTigerheart"@en . "Father:Mother:Brother:Sister:Mate:Son:Daughters:"@en . . . . . . "I wish I could still walk at your side. I wish I could help you reunite our Clan. With this life I give you love. You have known so much, but still have much to give. Leadership without love will never be enough to draw your Clan from the shadows. Let your heart lead when your head does not know the way."@en . . "Loner:"@en . "StarClan"@en . "Pinenose"@en .