"Manga"@en . "No"@en . . . "Supplementary"@en . . "No"@en . "Death Covenant is a shinijutsu f\u016Binjutsu that forms a contract with the user and another, in exchange for granting any wish in exchange for claiming their life and soul at a fixed point in the future. To from a contract with a user, the person will state what they want. Upon doing this, the user will expel an amount of death chakra in their hand, at this point the person will drop their blood into the chakra. Once the blood hits the chakra, it changes into the form of a seal. The seal is stated as being the contract and are written invisibly on the skin of the person. Once the seal is placed, the person will obtained what they wished for. If the person dies before the allotted time their soul is often destroyed, and their remaining life force is given to the contractor. However, if the person lives for allotted the time and the contractor gains their soul, the contractor gains a great boost in chakra,lifeforce, and often gains access to a new jutsu given to them by the shinigami based on the number of contracts they have formed. Due to this, a contractor will often say with the contractee."@en . "Shinijutsu, F\u016Binjutsu"@en . "Death Covenant"@en . "on"@en . . "Death Covenant is a shinijutsu f\u016Binjutsu that forms a contract with the user and another, in exchange for granting any wish in exchange for claiming their life and soul at a fixed point in the future. To from a contract with a user, the person will state what they want. Upon doing this, the user will expel an amount of death chakra in their hand, at this point the person will drop their blood into the chakra. Once the blood hits the chakra, it changes into the form of a seal. The seal is stated as being the contract and are written invisibly on the skin of the person. Once the seal is placed, the person will obtained what they wished for. If the person dies before the allotted time their soul is often destroyed, and their remaining life force is given to the contractor. However, if the per"@en . "Death Covenant"@en .