"6862 Secret Space Voyager is a super set that contained only instructions that LEGO released when the line of M-Tron was near completion. The set was built by combining the bricks of the following three sets: Vector Detector, Celestial Forager, and Particle Ionizer. Other themes had super sets as well, such as the Blacktron Super Vehicle. It has 300 pieces."@en . . "6863"^^ . "6862"^^ . "6862 Secret Space Voyager"@en . "300"^^ . "6862"^^ . . "M-Tron"@en . . "Space"@en . . . "yes"@en . "1991"^^ . . . . . . . "6862 Secret Space Voyager is a super set that contained only instructions that LEGO released when the line of M-Tron was near completion. The set was built by combining the bricks of the following three sets: Vector Detector, Celestial Forager, and Particle Ionizer. Other themes had super sets as well, such as the Blacktron Super Vehicle. It has 300 pieces."@en . . . "6861"^^ . "Secret Space Voyager"@en . . "System"@en . "SpaceM-Tron"@en . "Sp033.jpg"@en .