. "Banehammer"@en . . . "Como todas las variantes de la Baneblade, el Banehammer surgi\u00F3 como la soluci\u00F3n a una necesidad t\u00E1ctica espec\u00EDfica. Al igual que su contrapartida el Stormlord, es un especialista en abrir brechas, dise\u00F1ado para hacer frente a grandes oleadas de infanter\u00EDa. Mientras que el Stormlord es excepcionalmente eficaz contra Orkos, el Banehammer es especialmente eficaz contra los terriblemente r\u00E1pidos enjambres tir\u00E1nidos y sus notoriamente resistentes bio-formas m\u00E1s grandes. El Ca\u00F1\u00F3n Tremor que reemplaza al Ca\u00F1\u00F3n Volc\u00E1n original es un potente arma adaptado de un dise\u00F1o Squat: dispara grandes cohetes autopropulsados \u200B\u200Bcon una punta muy dura que est\u00E1 dise\u00F1ada para enterrarse a s\u00ED misma a una distancia determinada en el suelo antes de explotar. La detonaci\u00F3n subterr\u00E1nea crea una onda de choque de un alcance mucho mayor que la explosi\u00F3n de la ojiva, lo que impedir\u00E1 el progreso de cualquier unidad atrapada en su radio. La Infanter\u00EDa ser\u00EDa derribada y envuelto en polvo, mientras que los tanques se quedar\u00EDan empantanados y atrapados por el suelo agrietado. Mientras que la ojiva del Ca\u00F1\u00F3n Tremor en s\u00ED hace relativamente poco da\u00F1o, es el efecto secundario de la explosi\u00F3n subterr\u00E1nea el que tiene un valor incalculable, fijando al oponente en su lugar y haci\u00E9ndolo vulnerable a los bombardeos sufridos por los dem\u00E1s elementos de la artiller\u00EDa de la Guardia Imperial. Adem\u00E1s, puesto que el Ca\u00F1on Tremor es mucho menor que el Ca\u00F1\u00F3n Volc\u00E1n, el Banehammer posee una gran bodega, que se puede utilizar ya sea para el transporte de un peque\u00F1o pelot\u00F3n de soldados de la Guardia Imperial, o albergar un peque\u00F1o pero completamente funcional puesto de mando equipado con un potente sistema Vox y arreglos t\u00E1cticos para que el oficial a cargo pueda conducir a sus tropas. En el campo de batalla, el lugar del Banehammer est\u00E1 detr\u00E1s de la l\u00EDnea del frente, clavando al adversario a un rango medio. El impacto del Ca\u00F1\u00F3n Tremor se duplicar\u00E1 como una bengala de orientaci\u00F3n para las bater\u00EDas de artiller\u00EDa en un escal\u00F3n trasero y el armamento secundario del Banehammer de hasta tres series de B\u00F3lters Pesados gemelos y dos Ca\u00F1ones L\u00E1ser agregar\u00E1n su fuego castigador a la barrera general. El Banehammer puede configurarse para el transporte de infanter\u00EDa, proporcionando una plataforma estable desde la que los Guardias embarcados pueden aumentar la potencia de fuego general con sus propias armas personales, y el tanque a menudo sirve como un bunker m\u00F3vil de pelotones de armas pesadas. Si la necesidad lo hace preciso, el Banehammer se env\u00EDa como un tanque de asalto. Mientras que la onda de choque del Ca\u00F1\u00F3n Tremor es moderadamente eficaz contra fortificaciones fuertemente reforzadas, hace polvo las defensas m\u00E1s ligeras como trincheras y terraplenes, colaps\u00E1ndolos y enterrando a cualquier enemigo en vida que intente refugiarse dentro de ellos. Tales Banehammers de asalto intercambiar\u00EDan algunos de sus B\u00F3lters Pesados \u200B\u200Bpor Lanzallamas Pesados y llevar\u00EDan uno o dos pelotones de guardias veteranos en su bodega. Estos Banehammers de asalto orientada retumbar\u00EDan lentamente hacia adelante a trav\u00E9s de la tierra de nadie hacia su objetivo, colapsando las defensas enemigas con disparos de su Ca\u00F1\u00F3n Tremor sobre la marcha. Una vez en su destino, ahuyentar\u00EDa a los defensores con sus Lanzallamas Pesados \u200B\u200By los segar\u00EDa con sus B\u00F3lters Pesados, permitiendo a los guardias reclamar el objetivo sin esfuerzo. Como tanque anti-infanteria y rompel\u00EDneas, el Banehammer sufre de una desventaja importante, a saber, la falta de armamento anti-tanque. Aunque puede defenderse de blindados enemigos con sus dos Ca\u00F1ones L\u00E1ser, o incluso con un tiro directo de su Ca\u00F1\u00F3n Tremor, la falta de variedad de su armamento deja al Banehammer altamente vulnerable a fuego antitanque de largo alcance. Cuando se enfrenta a oponentes que despliegan tanques, el Banehammer requerir\u00E1 el apoyo de unidades cazatanques dedicadas a cumplir con su misi\u00F3n. Por supuesto, el Banehammer tambi\u00E9n sufre de los inconvenientes inherentes al Shadowsword y todas sus variantes, a saber, pobre velocidad y maniobrabilidad, y el arma principal fija requiere que el tanque se mueva completamente para apuntar al objetivo previsto."@es . . . . . . . . "Like all of the variants of the Baneblade, the Banehammer came into being as the solution to a specific tactical need. Like its counterpart tank the Stormlord, it is a dedicated line-breaker, designed to deal with large waves of infantry. Where the Stormlord is exceptionally effective against Orks, the Banehammer is especially effective against the horrendously fast-moving Tyranid swarms and their notoriously resiliant larger bio-forms. The Tremor Cannon that replaces the original Volcano Cannon is a potent weapon adapted from a Squat design: it fires large self-propelled rockets with an incredibly hard tip which are designed to burrow themselves a set distance into the ground before exploding. The underground detonation creates a powerful shockwave much larger than the shell's explosion, "@en . . "Banehammer"@es . . . "Como todas las variantes de la Baneblade, el Banehammer surgi\u00F3 como la soluci\u00F3n a una necesidad t\u00E1ctica espec\u00EDfica. Al igual que su contrapartida el Stormlord, es un especialista en abrir brechas, dise\u00F1ado para hacer frente a grandes oleadas de infanter\u00EDa. Mientras que el Stormlord es excepcionalmente eficaz contra Orkos, el Banehammer es especialmente eficaz contra los terriblemente r\u00E1pidos enjambres tir\u00E1nidos y sus notoriamente resistentes bio-formas m\u00E1s grandes. El Ca\u00F1\u00F3n Tremor que reemplaza al Ca\u00F1\u00F3n Volc\u00E1n original es un potente arma adaptado de un dise\u00F1o Squat: dispara grandes cohetes autopropulsados \u200B\u200Bcon una punta muy dura que est\u00E1 dise\u00F1ada para enterrarse a s\u00ED misma a una distancia determinada en el suelo antes de explotar. La detonaci\u00F3n subterr\u00E1nea crea una onda de choque de un al"@es . "Like all of the variants of the Baneblade, the Banehammer came into being as the solution to a specific tactical need. Like its counterpart tank the Stormlord, it is a dedicated line-breaker, designed to deal with large waves of infantry. Where the Stormlord is exceptionally effective against Orks, the Banehammer is especially effective against the horrendously fast-moving Tyranid swarms and their notoriously resiliant larger bio-forms. The Tremor Cannon that replaces the original Volcano Cannon is a potent weapon adapted from a Squat design: it fires large self-propelled rockets with an incredibly hard tip which are designed to burrow themselves a set distance into the ground before exploding. The underground detonation creates a powerful shockwave much larger than the shell's explosion, which will impede the progress of any unit caught within it. Infantry will be thrown down and shrouded in dirt, while tanks will become bogged down and trapped by the shifting soil. While the Tremor Cannon shell itself does relatively little damage, it is the side effect of the underground explosion that is invaluable, pinning the opponent in place and making him vulnerable to sustained bombardment by the other artillery elements of the Imperial Guard. Additionally, since the Tremor Cannon is much smaller than the original Volcano Cannon, the Banehammer possesses a large empty hold, which can be used to either transport a small platoon of Imperial Guardsmen, or house a cramped but fully functional headquarters equipped with powerful Vox-casters and tactical arrays from which the officer in charge can lead his troops. On the battlefield, the Banehammer's place is behind the frontline, slowing the opponent down at medium range. The Tremor Cannon's impact will double as a targeting flare for rear echelon artillery batteries, and the Banehammer's secondary armament of up to three sets of twin-linked Heavy Bolters and two Lascannons will add their punishing fire to the overall volley.The Banehammer is also configured to transport infantry, providing a stable platform from which the embarked Guardsmen can add to the overall firepower with their own personal weapons, and the tank will often serve as a mobile bunker for heavy weapon platoons. If necessity warrants it, the Banehammer will be fielded as an assault tank. While the shockwave of the Tremor Cannon is moderately efficient against heavily reinforced fortifications, it makes short work of lighter defences like trenches and similar earthworks, collapsing them outright and burying any enemy attempting to take shelter within them alive. Such assault-oriented Banehammers will swap some of their Heavy Bolters for Heavy Flamers, and carry one or two squads of veteran Guardsmen in their hold. These assault-oriented Banehammers will rumble slowly forward through the no-man's-land toward their objective, collapsing the enemy defences with shots from their Tremor Cannon on the go. Once arrived at their destination, they will flush out the defenders with their Heavy Flamers and gun them down with their Heavy Bolters, allowing the Guardsmen they carry to claim the objective effortlessly. As a dedicated line-breaker and anti-infantry tank, the Banehammer suffers from one major drawback, namely the lack of anti-armour weaponry. while it can attempt to fend off enemy armour with its two Lascannons, or even a direct shot from the Tremor Cannon, the lack of range of its weaponry leaves the Banehammer highly vulnerable to long-range anti-tank fire. When facing opponents that field tanks, the Banehammer will require support from dedicated tank-hunter units to fulfill its mission. Of course, the Banehammer also suffers from the drawbacks inherent to the Shadowsword and all its variants, namely poor top speed and maneuverability, and the fixed main gun that requires that the tank be bodily aimed at the intended target."@en . . . . . . .