"Oswego"@en . "approx. 960"@en . . "Oswego"@en . "Manager"@en . "1985-04-09"^^ . "English"@en . . . "French"@en . . "Baldwinsville, Fulton, Pulaski"@en . "Oswego"@en . "Captain"@en . . "In the Light Green"@en . "Oswego (1983: Doomsday)"@en . "Erik Cole"@en . . "Barter, Canadian and American Dollars, Niagara Dollar"@en . "The Oswegian Republic, usually simply referred to as Oswego, is a small nation located north of the ruins of Syracuse in what was once upstate New York."@en . "Oswegoflag.png"@en . "Oswegocoa.png"@en . "1983"^^ . "Oswegian Republic"@en . "Owen Benjamin"@en . "The Oswegian Republic, usually simply referred to as Oswego, is a small nation located north of the ruins of Syracuse in what was once upstate New York."@en . "approx. 87,700"@en . "Much of Oswego County and areas of Onondaga County, New York State"@en . "Oswegians"@en .