"DaiMon Tarr \u00E9tait le capitaine d'un maraudeur ferengi de classe D'kora dans les ann\u00E9es 2360."@fr . . . . . . "Tarr"@de . "DaiMon Tarr was the commander of a Ferengi D'Kora-class marauder responsible for the theft of a T-9 energy converter from an unmanned Federation outpost on Gamma Tauri IV, in 2364. Tarr's starship was later pursued by the USS Enterprise-D in an attempt to recover the energy converter, it was finally able to confront the Marauder in the Delphi Ardu star system. Soon thereafter, both ships were incapacitated by an unknown energy beam from a nearby planet, later discovered to be a former outpost of the Tkon Empire. Tarr and Captain Jean-Luc Picard both agreed to send away teams to the planet in order to disable the energy beam."@en . . "DaiMon Tarr \u00E9tait le capitaine d'un maraudeur ferengi de classe D'kora dans les ann\u00E9es 2360."@fr . "DaiMon Tarr by\u0142 komandorem okr\u0119tu Ferengi klasy D'Kora. Odpowiada\u0142 za kradzie\u017C konwertera energii T-9 z posterunku Federacji na planecie Gamma Tauri IV w 2364 roku. P\u00F3\u017Aniej okr\u0119t Tarra by\u0142 \u015Bcigany przez USS Enterprise w celu odzyskania skradzionego konwertera. Ostateczna konfrontacja z federacyjn\u0105 jednostk\u0105 mia\u0142a miejsce w systemie Delphi Ardu. Tam\u017Ce oba statki zosta\u0142y pochwycone przez niezidentyfikowan\u0105 wi\u0105zk\u0119 energii pochodz\u0105cej z pobliskiej planety. Tu\u017C po tym odkryto dawny posterunek nale\u017C\u0105cy do nieistniej\u0105cego Imperium Tkon. Tarr i kapitan Jean-Luc Picard zgodzili si\u0119, by wys\u0142a\u0107 dru\u017Cyny zwiadowcze na planet\u0119 w celu wy\u0142\u0105czenia wi\u0105zki. Zwiad DaiMona zaatakowa\u0142 zwiad Federacji. Rozdzieli\u0142 ich dopiero Portal 63 - stra\u017Cnik Imperium Tkon. Z pocz\u0105tku Portal mia\u0142 zamiar zniszczy\u0107 okr\u0119t Ferengi, lecz po sugestii komandora Rikera, kt\u00F3ry dowodzi\u0142 dru\u017Cyn\u0105 z Enterprise, stra\u017Cnik uwolni\u0142 Tarra i jego okr\u0119t. Ostatecznie Tarr zgodzi\u0142 si\u0119 odda\u0107 skradziony konwerter. (TNG: \u201EThe Last Outpost\u201D) W posta\u0107 Tarra wcieli\u0142 si\u0119 Mike Gomez."@pl . . . . . . "Male"@en . . "Commander, marauder"@en . "DaiMon Tarr was the commander of a Ferengi D'Kora-class marauder responsible for the theft of a T-9 energy converter from an unmanned Federation outpost on Gamma Tauri IV, in 2364. Tarr's starship was later pursued by the USS Enterprise-D in an attempt to recover the energy converter, it was finally able to confront the Marauder in the Delphi Ardu star system. Soon thereafter, both ships were incapacitated by an unknown energy beam from a nearby planet, later discovered to be a former outpost of the Tkon Empire. Tarr and Captain Jean-Luc Picard both agreed to send away teams to the planet in order to disable the energy beam. His team attacked the Federation away team, and were stopped by the Portal, a guardian of the Tkon Empire. At first the Portal was going to destroy Tarr and his ship, but after listening to Commander William T. Riker who led the Federation away team, the Portal freed Tarr and his ship. Following this encounter Tarr agreed to return the stolen energy converter. (TNG: \"The Last Outpost\" ) Tarr, played by actor Mike Gomez, was the first Ferengi seen in the Star Trek saga. The script and Star Trek Encyclopedia (3rd ed., p. 491) spelled his name as \"Taar\", but the end credits of the episode spell it as \"Tarr\". Tarr appears in the Menage a Troi second draft script where he fulfills the same role that DaiMon Tog does in the finished episode."@en . "Tarr was a Litigaran police officer who had been on the force for around eight or nine cycles when Moya visited the planet. Before then, he was a security guard at Ja Rhumann's law firm Rhumann, Willian, and Mandell."@en . . . ""@en . . "Tarr got a little too much sun."@en . . . . . . . "thumb|DaiMon Tarr (2364) DaiMon Tarr ist der Ferengi-Kommandant an Bord des D'kora-Klasse-Raumschiffes, welches 2364 auf Gamma Tauri IV einen T-9-Energiekonverter der F\u00F6deration stiehlt. Seine Mannschaft stellt so den ersten Kontakt \u00FCberhaupt mit der F\u00F6deration her. (TNG: ) Tarr wurde von Mike Gomez gespielt und von Helmut Krauss (TV-Version) synchronisiert."@de . . "DaiMon Tarr on the viewscreen"@en . "DaiMon Tarr by\u0142 komandorem okr\u0119tu Ferengi klasy D'Kora. Odpowiada\u0142 za kradzie\u017C konwertera energii T-9 z posterunku Federacji na planecie Gamma Tauri IV w 2364 roku. P\u00F3\u017Aniej okr\u0119t Tarra by\u0142 \u015Bcigany przez USS Enterprise w celu odzyskania skradzionego konwertera. Ostateczna konfrontacja z federacyjn\u0105 jednostk\u0105 mia\u0142a miejsce w systemie Delphi Ardu. Tam\u017Ce oba statki zosta\u0142y pochwycone przez niezidentyfikowan\u0105 wi\u0105zk\u0119 energii pochodz\u0105cej z pobliskiej planety. Tu\u017C po tym odkryto dawny posterunek nale\u017C\u0105cy do nieistniej\u0105cego Imperium Tkon. Tarr i kapitan Jean-Luc Picard zgodzili si\u0119, by wys\u0142a\u0107 dru\u017Cyny zwiadowcze na planet\u0119 w celu wy\u0142\u0105czenia wi\u0105zki."@pl . "Tarr was a Litigaran police officer who had been on the force for around eight or nine cycles when Moya visited the planet. Before then, he was a security guard at Ja Rhumann's law firm Rhumann, Willian, and Mandell. When Zotoh Zhaan attempted an escape from jail and encountered the body of Utilities' rights activist Wesley Kenn, Tarr was the officer to discovered her and thus became one of the key witnesses in her case. Chiana and Rygel would later note that Tarr had been out on a Litigaran night with its dual moons out, in spite of the fact that blue-eyed Litigarans such as Tarr often suffered bad burns from the dual moons. Chiana was able to bring up some doubts in the case when she brought this fact up as well as his connection to Rhumann's firm."@en . . "thumb|DaiMon Tarr (2364) DaiMon Tarr ist der Ferengi-Kommandant an Bord des D'kora-Klasse-Raumschiffes, welches 2364 auf Gamma Tauri IV einen T-9-Energiekonverter der F\u00F6deration stiehlt. Seine Mannschaft stellt so den ersten Kontakt \u00FCberhaupt mit der F\u00F6deration her. (TNG: ) Tarr wurde von Mike Gomez gespielt und von Helmut Krauss (TV-Version) synchronisiert."@de . . "2364"^^ . . . . . . "Tarr"@en . . . . . . "#DEDEE2"@en . "Tarr"@fr . . "Active"@en . "Tarr"@en . ""@en . . . . "Tarr"@pl .