. "J'yahn Tanner"@en . "Dark Brown"@en . "Chandrila"@en . "Caucasian"@en . "Male"@en . "Dr. Tanner's behavior can seem extremely erratic, bordering on neurotic and psychotic at times, depending on the situations in which he's encountered. At times, he can appear non-sensical and rambling, spouting figures and information about seemingly random subjects. At other times, he will be quite lucid, ably demonstrating his keen intellect, sharp wit, and even charm. Very few understand the mechanisms that determine just which Tanner they will encounter at any given time, and this has caused Tanner to have very strained relationships with other people over the years, personally and professionally. Tanner's moral compass is broken, at best. He exhibits no regret or remorse at the death and destruction his inventions and theories cause, his rationale being that it is not he himself who is using the devices in a malicious manner. On the opposite end of the scale, he seems to have an aversion to outright lying, though he is not averse to omitting information or avoiding a question entirely. He does not seem particularly concerned with threats of physical harm to himself, which can be attributed to the nature of his work, which carries great risk of physical harm in the experimental stage. This has caused him a fair amount of grief during confrontations where he is very often the weaker combatant."@en . "Dr. Tanner's behavior can seem extremely erratic, bordering on neurotic and psychotic at times, depending on the situations in which he's encountered. At times, he can appear non-sensical and rambling, spouting figures and information about seemingly random subjects. At other times, he will be quite lucid, ably demonstrating his keen intellect, sharp wit, and even charm. Very few understand the mechanisms that determine just which Tanner they will encounter at any given time, and this has caused Tanner to have very strained relationships with other people over the years, personally and professionally."@en . "Blue"@en . "1.8m"@en . "Independent"@en . "Dr. J'yahn Tanner"@en . "Human"@en .