"The Hallowe'en Wallpapers is a special edition of Sonic the Comic Online released Hallowe'en 2010. Not strictly an edition of the comic, the site simply displays a selection of wallpapers where regular STC characters have dressed up in the style of another SEGA franchise. The project was organised by Calisto and almost all of the posters were coloured by her. A couple of days after the initial publication, the site was changed to show all of the Back Issues, as well as making Issue 224 the \"Featured Issue\" of the moment. The wallpapers are relegated to a link between the two major sections. It has now permanently been moved to a position between links for Issue 252 and Issue 253."@en . "The Hallowe'en Wallpapers is a special edition of Sonic the Comic Online released Hallowe'en 2010. Not strictly an edition of the comic, the site simply displays a selection of wallpapers where regular STC characters have dressed up in the style of another SEGA franchise. The project was organised by Calisto and almost all of the posters were coloured by her."@en . . . . "Hallowe'en Wallpapers 2010"@en . .