. . "The Lion Legend Beast is one of 8 Legend Beasts rescued by the Heroes in Season 2. The Scorpion Tribe captured it by surrounding it with a pool of water, as no Lion, not even the Legend Beast, can swim. Laval later rescued it by using his 'Inner-Chi' and learning to swim, then teaching the Legend Beast to swim. It's appearances in the first two seasons were Episode 2 and Episode 26. It later appears in Season three multiple times, usually in the Background, and sometimes prominent, such as when Laval gave Li'Ella a ride on its back."@en . . . . "Lion Legend Beast"@en . . "The Lion Legend Beast is one of 8 Legend Beasts rescued by the Heroes in Season 2. The Scorpion Tribe captured it by surrounding it with a pool of water, as no Lion, not even the Legend Beast, can swim. Laval later rescued it by using his 'Inner-Chi' and learning to swim, then teaching the Legend Beast to swim. It's appearances in the first two seasons were Episode 2 and Episode 26. It later appears in Season three multiple times, usually in the Background, and sometimes prominent, such as when Laval gave Li'Ella a ride on its back."@en .