"Jedi Under Siege"@en . "1996-09-01"^^ . "Shards of Alderaan"@en . "*Assassin \n*Engineer\n*Galactic Empire \n**Galactic Emperor \n**Grand Moff \n*Lost Ones\n*New Jedi Order\n**Jedi Master\n*New Republic\n**Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic\n***Admiral\n***Supreme Commander\n**Chief of State \n*Nightsisters\n*Pirate \n*Prisoner\n*Rebel Alliance \n*Second Imperium\n**Great Leader of the Second Imperium\n***Emperor's Royal Guard\n**Shadow Academy\n***Darkest Knight\n****Dark Jedi\n***Stormtrooper\n***TIE pilot\n****Commander\n*Senator"@en . . "*Bartokk \n*Cha'a\n*Human\n**Clone \n*Massassi \n*Mon Calamari\n*Unidentified avian"@en . "*Assassin droid \n*M-TD miniaturized translator droid\n*Medical droid \n*R2-series astromech droid\n*Worker droid"@en . . "Angriff auf Yavin 4"@en . "M\u0142odzi rycerze Jedi: Obl\u0119\u017Cenie Akademii Jedi"@en . . "*Comet \n*Corusca gem \n*Credit \n*The Force\n**Animal friendship\n**Dark side of the Force\n**Force Grip\n**Force Jump\n**Force lightning\n**Force Pull\n**Force Push\n**Force sense\n**Force Storm\n**Healing trance \n**Mind trick\n**Telekinesis\n*Grappling hook\n*Hyperspace \n*Jedi training \n*Lightsaber duel\n*Mandalorian iron \n*Massassi language\n*Massassi tree\n*May the Force be with you\n*Marble\n*Mushroom\n*New Order \n*Quantum armor\n*Shyriiwook\n*Syren plant \n*Viewport\n*Water"@en . . . . "*Alderaan \n*Corellia \n*Coruscant \n**Coruscant underworld \n**Holographic zoo \n*Dathomir \n*Endor \n*Ennth \n*Hapes \n*Hoth \n*Kashyyyk \n**Thikkiiana computer fabrication facility \n*Tanaab \n*Telti \n*Yavin system\n**Yavin\n***GemDiver Station \n**Yavin (star)\n**Yavin 4\n***Great Temple\n****Communications Center \"Comm Center\"\n****Grand Audience Chamber\n****Jedi academy\n***Palace of the Woolamander\n***Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster"@en . . . "23"^^ . "\u041C\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0434\u044B\u0435 \u0440\u044B\u0446\u0430\u0440\u0438-\u0434\u0436\u0435\u0434\u0430\u0438: \u041E\u0441\u0430\u0436\u0434\u0451\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u0434\u0436\u0435\u0434\u0430\u0438"@en . . "1572971630"^^ . "Darkest Knight"@en . . . . . . "*Crystal snake\n*Gundark \n*Hawk-bat \n*Herdbeast \n*Jumping spider\n*Mucous salamander\n*Piranha beetle\n*Plankton\n*Protozoan\n*Rancor \n*Raven \n*Stintaril\n*Stump lizard \n*Swimming crab\n*Wampa \n*Woolamander"@en . "*Adamant \n*All Terrain Armored Transport \"Imperial walker\" \n*Battle Platform \n*CR90 corvette\n*Death Star I \n*Death Star II \n*DP20 frigate \"Corellian gunship\"\n*Millennium Falcon \n*Shadow Chaser\n*Shuttle\n**Lambda-class T-4a shuttle \n**Lightning Rod\n*Skyhopper\n**T-23 Skyhopper\n*Star Destroyer\n*T-65 X-wing starfighter \"X-wing\" \n*TIE/IN interceptor \"TIE interceptor\" \n*TIE/LN starfighter \"TIE fighter\"\n*TIE/sa bomber \"TIE bomber\"\n*TIE stealth"@en . . "*Battle of Endor \n*Battle of Taanab \n*Battle of Yavin \n**Trench run \n*Destruction of Alderaan \n*Duel on Cloud City \n*Duel on the Shadow Academy \n*Duel on Telti \n*Raid on Reef Fortress \n*Rescue of Princess Leia \n*Second Imperium Crisis\n**Battle of Kashyyyk \n**Third Battle of Yavin \n**Raid on Coruscant \n**Raid on GemDiver Station"@en . "Paperback"@en . "Jedi Under Siege is the sixth book in the Young Jedi Knights series."@en . "*Gial Ackbar\n*Brakiss\n*Lando Calrissian\n*Chewbacca \n*Dareb \n*Tenel Ka Djo \"Tenel Ka\"\n*Four unidentified Imperial Royal Guards\n*Tamith Kai\n*Obi-Wan Kenobi \n*Lowbacca \"Lowie\"\n*M-TD \"Em Teedee\"\n*Norys\n*Orvak \n*Palpatine / Resurrected Emperor \n*Peckhum \"Old Peckhum\"\n*Qorl\n*R2-D2 \"Artoo-Detoo\"\n*Luke Skywalker\n*Han Solo \n*Jacen Solo\n*Jaina Solo\n*Tionne Solusar\n*Wilhuff Tarkin \n*Raynar Thul\n*Darth Vader \n*Vilas \n*Yoda \n*Zekk"@en . . . . "Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Under Siege"@ru . . "Jedi Under Siege is the sixth book in the Young Jedi Knights series."@en . . "*Bacta tank \n*Blaster\n*Chronometer \n*Cloaking device\n*Comlink\n*Comm unit / Comm system\n*Computer\n*Crash webbing\n*Deflector shield\n*Durasteel\n*Fibercord\n*Force pike\n*Holovid\n*Hyperdrive \n*Identify Friend or Foe\n*Jamming\n*Knife \n*Laser cannon\n*Leather armor\n*Life support\n*Lightsaber\n*Magnetic atmosphere containment field\n*Optical sensor\n*Power coupling \n*Prosthetic \n*Proton bomb\n*Proton torpedo\n*Repulsorjet\n*Repulsorlift\n*Repulsorpack \n*Shield generator\n*Spear \n*Superlaser \n*Thermal detonator\n*Turbolaser\n*Turbolift\n*Twin ion engine\n*Viewscreen"@en . "Young Jedi Knights"@en . "Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Under Siege"@en . . .