"An unknown entity. At one second past midnight, on December 24, 2011, the following message was sent to the Shadowland BBS's introduction board: MESBASE: 102/a DATE/TIME: 00:00:01/12-24-11 AUTHOR: >>STRUCTURE ERROR 0208<< ROUTING: >>ROUTING ERROR B092<< SUBJECT: MESSAGE: Good morning world. Welcome back. Play nice. -Saeletra Nothing more from this individual has been heard from since. The message was missed in the furor of the Dragons' first appearance, but was saved by FastJack"@en . . . . "Saeletra"@en . "An unknown entity. At one second past midnight, on December 24, 2011, the following message was sent to the Shadowland BBS's introduction board: MESBASE: 102/a DATE/TIME: 00:00:01/12-24-11 AUTHOR: >>STRUCTURE ERROR 0208<< ROUTING: >>ROUTING ERROR B092<< SUBJECT: MESSAGE: Good morning world. Welcome back. Play nice. -Saeletra Nothing more from this individual has been heard from since. The message was missed in the furor of the Dragons' first appearance, but was saved by FastJack"@en . "Nieznana istota. 24 grudnia 2011, sekund\u0119 po p\u00F3\u0142nocy do grupy dyskusyjnej Shadowland BBS zosta\u0142a wys\u0142ana nast\u0119puj\u0105ca wiadomo\u015B\u0107: MESBASE: 102/a DATE/TIME: 00:00:01/12-24-11 AUTHOR: >>STRUCTURE ERROR 0208<< ROUTING: >>ROUTING ERROR B092<< SUBJECT: MESSAGE: Good morning world. Welcome back. Play nice. (Dzie\u0144 dobry, \u015Awiecie. Witaj ponownie. B\u0105d\u017A grzeczny.) -Saeletra Przez nast\u0119pne 60 lat nie by\u0142o \u017Cadnych innych wiadomo\u015Bci o tej istocie. Wiadomo\u015B\u0107 zosta\u0142a przeoczona, \u015Bwiat by\u0142 zbyt zaaferowany pojawieniem si\u0119 smok\u00F3w, ale nagra\u0142 j\u0105 legendarny hacker, FastJack"@pl . . . "Nieznana istota. 24 grudnia 2011, sekund\u0119 po p\u00F3\u0142nocy do grupy dyskusyjnej Shadowland BBS zosta\u0142a wys\u0142ana nast\u0119puj\u0105ca wiadomo\u015B\u0107: MESBASE: 102/a DATE/TIME: 00:00:01/12-24-11 AUTHOR: >>STRUCTURE ERROR 0208<< ROUTING: >>ROUTING ERROR B092<< SUBJECT: MESSAGE: Good morning world. Welcome back. Play nice. (Dzie\u0144 dobry, \u015Awiecie. Witaj ponownie. B\u0105d\u017A grzeczny.) -Saeletra Przez nast\u0119pne 60 lat nie by\u0142o \u017Cadnych innych wiadomo\u015Bci o tej istocie. Wiadomo\u015B\u0107 zosta\u0142a przeoczona, \u015Bwiat by\u0142 zbyt zaaferowany pojawieniem si\u0119 smok\u00F3w, ale nagra\u0142 j\u0105 legendarny hacker, FastJack"@pl . "Saeletra"@pl .