"Circuit is a mechanical owl which acts as an information source (like Alpha 5) and calls Captain Logan to send the Time Flyers when needed. He traveled to the 21st century with the Time Force Rangers to assist them. He was created by Trip; the two are very close, like brothers. As the Time Force Rangers' technical adviser, Circuit informs them of the weapons at their disposal, and performs diagnostics on their equipment. When he's not on the job, he frequently resides in Trip's backpack. Circuit eventually returned to the year 3000 after the final battle with Ransik. He appeared once more in the Time Force/Wild Force team up, Reinforcements from the Future."@en . "Like all of the townie plumbots, he doesn't have a trait chip. He has mastered in Advanced Technology."@en . . . "The Sims 3: Into the Future"@en . . "Offensive"@en . . . . . . . "Expert"@en . . "circuit"@fr . "He traveled to the 21st century with the Time Force Rangers to assist them. He was created by Trip; the two are very close, like brothers. As the Time Force Rangers' technical advisor, Circuit informs them of the weapons at their disposal, and performs diagnostics on their equipment. When he's not on the job, he frequently resides in Trip's backpack. Circuit could not reveal certain events of the future due to his programming but did see the coming storm that occured in the finale. Circuit eventually returned to the year 3000 after the final battle with Ransik. He appeared once more in the Time Force/Wild Force team up, Reinforcements from the Future."@en . . . "Oasis Landing"@pl . . . . "Townie"@en . "Sim z przysz\u0142o\u015Bci"@pl . "circuito"@fr . . . "circuit"@fr . "Circuit is a mechanical owl which acts as an information source (like Alpha 5) and calls Captain Logan to send the Time Flyers when needed. He traveled to the 21st century with the Time Force Rangers to assist them. He was created by Trip; the two are very close, like brothers."@en . . "Circuit"@fr . "No"@en . "Circuit \u2013 Plumbot zamieszkuj\u0105cy Oasis Landing w grze The Sims 3: Skok w Przysz\u0142o\u015B\u0107. Jest mieszka\u0144cem przysz\u0142o\u015Bci. Nie ma \u017Cadnych chip\u00F3w cech, lecz mo\u017Cna mu je doda\u0107. Aby sta\u0142 si\u0119 grywalny, nasz Sim musi poprosi\u0107 go o wprowadzenie si\u0119 do naszego domu. Tak jak reszta bot\u00F3w z przysz\u0142o\u015Bci, Circuit posiada ukryt\u0105 cech\u0119 Sima z przysz\u0142o\u015Bci oraz 10 punkt\u00F3w umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci technologii zaawansowanej."@pl . . . "Circuit"@pl . . "Takku.jpg"@en . "A Circuit is a small racetrack made for racing. In Monster Truck Madness you can choose your track to be a circuit, a rally, or a drag. In MTM2, drags where replaced by summit rumbles. Circuits have a max of 20 laps."@en . . . "A circuit is \"[a] conductor or a system of conductors through which electric current flows.\""@en . "He traveled to the 21st century with the Time Force Rangers to assist them. He was created by Trip; the two are very close, like brothers. As the Time Force Rangers' technical advisor, Circuit informs them of the weapons at their disposal, and performs diagnostics on their equipment. When he's not on the job, he frequently resides in Trip's backpack. Circuit could not reveal certain events of the future due to his programming but did see the coming storm that occured in the finale. Circuit eventually returned to the year 3000 after the final battle with Ransik. He appeared once more in the Time Force/Wild Force team up, Reinforcements from the Future."@en . . . "Oasis Landing"@en . . . "Anime, Manga"@en . "A circuit is \"[a] conductor or a system of conductors through which electric current flows.\""@en . "Chercher \"circuit\" sur dicod'\u00D2c (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congr\u00E8s permanent de la lenga occitana)"@fr . . "Plumbot"@pl . "A power surge could trigger the circuits and cause sensor glitches. (ENT: \"The Catwalk\") In 2153, after a Borg-assimilated Tarkalean female modified the circuits of Enterprise NX-01 replacing them with Borg technology, Commander Tucker compared the cybernetic circuits with a christmas tree. (ENT: \"Regeneration\") In 2254, Benjamin Finney left a circuit open which led to the atomic matter piles what would've caused the destruction of the USS Republic. (TOS: \"Court Martial\" ) In 2266, when Hikaru Sulu began to regain consciousness following a Vulcan nerve pinch, Doctor Leonard McCoy instructed Nurse Christine Chapel, as part of continuing tests on Sulu, to examine him on circuits K-one and three. (TOS: \"The Naked Time\" ) In 2267, Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott, leading a repair party aboard the USS Constellation, employed a trident scanner to cross-connect the warp drive control circuits to those of the impulse engines. (TOS: \"The Doomsday Machine\" ) In 2364, Wesley Crusher, under the influence of polywater intoxication, modified the circuits of model tractor beam and connected it to the starship's computer systems, locking himself inside the main engineering. (TNG: \"The Naked Now\" ) While formulating an escape after becoming trapped in a turbolift with Lwaxana Troi in 2369, Troi caught Odo glancing at an exposed circuit in the corner of the lift's floor, wondering to himself how many volts were running though it. (DS9: \"The Forsaken\")"@en . . "blue"@en . "Like all of the townie plumbots, he doesn't have a trait chip. He has mastered in Advanced Technology."@en . . "Circuit"@pl . "250"^^ . . . . "Danzetsu"@en . . . "Time Force"@en . . . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . . "Circuit"@en . . . . . . . "Plumbot"@en . . "No"@en . . . "Circuit"@en . "A Circuit is a small racetrack made for racing. In Monster Truck Madness you can choose your track to be a circuit, a rally, or a drag. In MTM2, drags where replaced by summit rumbles. Circuits have a max of 20 laps."@en . . . . . . "Chercher \"circuit\" sur dicod'\u00D2c (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congr\u00E8s permanent de la lenga occitana)"@fr . . . "Male"@en . . "Circuit \u2013 Plumbot zamieszkuj\u0105cy Oasis Landing w grze The Sims 3: Skok w Przysz\u0142o\u015B\u0107. Jest mieszka\u0144cem przysz\u0142o\u015Bci. Nie ma \u017Cadnych chip\u00F3w cech, lecz mo\u017Cna mu je doda\u0107. Aby sta\u0142 si\u0119 grywalny, nasz Sim musi poprosi\u0107 go o wprowadzenie si\u0119 do naszego domu. Tak jak reszta bot\u00F3w z przysz\u0142o\u015Bci, Circuit posiada ukryt\u0105 cech\u0119 Sima z przysz\u0142o\u015Bci oraz 10 punkt\u00F3w umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci technologii zaawansowanej."@pl . . . . "The Sims 3: Skok w Przysz\u0142o\u015B\u0107"@pl . . . "A power surge could trigger the circuits and cause sensor glitches. (ENT: \"The Catwalk\") In 2153, after a Borg-assimilated Tarkalean female modified the circuits of Enterprise NX-01 replacing them with Borg technology, Commander Tucker compared the cybernetic circuits with a christmas tree. (ENT: \"Regeneration\") In 2254, Benjamin Finney left a circuit open which led to the atomic matter piles what would've caused the destruction of the USS Republic. (TOS: \"Court Martial\" )"@en . . "Mieszkaniec Przysz\u0142o\u015Bci"@pl . . "Brianne Siddall"@en . . . . "Circuit"@pl . "Male"@en . "Future Sim"@en . .