. "Moths the size of a fist, snowflake moths turn translucent in the sun. As they approach open flames, they ignite in bright flashes of blue and white flames.The snow flake moth is common in the western part of the Mindspin Mountains, portions of the Uskwood, and the Menador Mountains. Common prey of bats and other night-fliers. Pseudodragons say that they hate the taste of the moth. Wings of the snowflake moth, dried and powdered, are used in Nidal as glitter by master dress-weavers."@en . "Snowflake moth"@en . "Moths the size of a fist, snowflake moths turn translucent in the sun. As they approach open flames, they ignite in bright flashes of blue and white flames.The snow flake moth is common in the western part of the Mindspin Mountains, portions of the Uskwood, and the Menador Mountains. Common prey of bats and other night-fliers. Pseudodragons say that they hate the taste of the moth. Wings of the snowflake moth, dried and powdered, are used in Nidal as glitter by master dress-weavers."@en . .