. "IKC-7750"@en . . . . . . . "2364"^^ . . "K't'inga"@en . . . "destroyed"@en . . . . "Battle cruiser"@en . "IKS T'Acog"@de . "IKS T'Acog"@en . . . "kling"@en . . . . . . "T'Acog was sent in pursuit of a Talarian freighter, the Batris, in 2364, in seeking renegade Klingon nationals who had taken refuge aboard the ship. After a battle, the T'Acog was destroyed due to treachery and attack by the Klingons who had commandeered the freighter. (TNG episode: \"Heart of Glory\") The T'Acog was not seen, nor was its class mentioned, in canon. Specifications about the vessel's class and registry were made in the latter two reference sources."@en . "IKS T'Acog"@fr . . . "Die IKS T'Acog ist ein klingonischer Kreuzer des 24. Jahrhunderts. 2364 hat die T'Acog den Auftrag die klingonischen Verbrecher Korris, Konmel und Kunivas zu fangen, die auf ihrer Flucht den talarianischen Frachter Batris \u00FCbernommen haben. Das Schiff besch\u00E4digt den Frachter schwer, wird aber dennoch zerst\u00F6rt, als es auf Transporterreichweite aufschlie\u00DFt und die Schilde fallen l\u00E4sst. Diesen Moment nutzen die drei Klingonen, um einige auf dem Frachter gelagerte Merculit-Raketen auf den Kreuzer zu feuern. (TNG: )"@de . "2364"^^ . . . . . . . . "Destroyed"@en . . "IKS T'Acog"@en . . . "T'Acog"@fr . "The IKS T'Acog was a Klingon cruiser that was in service with the Klingon Defense Force in the mid-24th century. In 2364, the T'Acog was sent to apprehend the Klingon criminals Korris, Konmel, and Kunivas, who had commandeered the Talarian freighter Batris. By feigning a power failure, the fugitives were able to lure the T'Acog into close range, and then destroyed it with a barrage of merculite rockets when the cruiser lowered its shields to board the freighter. There were no survivors. (TNG: \"Heart of Glory\" )"@en . "T'Acog was sent in pursuit of a Talarian freighter, the Batris, in 2364, in seeking renegade Klingon nationals who had taken refuge aboard the ship. After a battle, the T'Acog was destroyed due to treachery and attack by the Klingons who had commandeered the freighter. (TNG episode: \"Heart of Glory\") The T'Acog was not seen, nor was its class mentioned, in canon. Specifications about the vessel's class and registry were made in the latter two reference sources."@en . "l\u2019IKS T'Acog \u00E9tait un croiseur de la Force de Def\u00E9nse Klingonne dans la deuxi\u00E8me moiti\u00E9 du 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . "IKS"@fr . . . . . "Die IKS T'Acog ist ein klingonischer Kreuzer des 24. Jahrhunderts. 2364 hat die T'Acog den Auftrag die klingonischen Verbrecher Korris, Konmel und Kunivas zu fangen, die auf ihrer Flucht den talarianischen Frachter Batris \u00FCbernommen haben. Das Schiff besch\u00E4digt den Frachter schwer, wird aber dennoch zerst\u00F6rt, als es auf Transporterreichweite aufschlie\u00DFt und die Schilde fallen l\u00E4sst. Diesen Moment nutzen die drei Klingonen, um einige auf dem Frachter gelagerte Merculit-Raketen auf den Kreuzer zu feuern. (TNG: )"@de . "l\u2019IKS T'Acog \u00E9tait un croiseur de la Force de Def\u00E9nse Klingonne dans la deuxi\u00E8me moiti\u00E9 du 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . . "The IKS T'Acog was a Klingon cruiser that was in service with the Klingon Defense Force in the mid-24th century. In 2364, the T'Acog was sent to apprehend the Klingon criminals Korris, Konmel, and Kunivas, who had commandeered the Talarian freighter Batris. By feigning a power failure, the fugitives were able to lure the T'Acog into close range, and then destroyed it with a barrage of merculite rockets when the cruiser lowered its shields to board the freighter. There were no survivors. (TNG: \"Heart of Glory\" )"@en . . . "The IKS T'Acog was a K't'inga-class battle cruiser that served in the Klingon Defense Force during the 24th century. (Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 4: Starships of the Original Series Era) In 2364, the T'Acog was destroyed by the criminals Korris, Konmel and Kunivas while trying to apprehend them. The criminals hijacked a Talarian freighter armed with merculite rockets, using them to destroy the ship. (TNG: \"Heart of Glory\")"@en . "The IKS T'Acog was a K't'inga-class battle cruiser that served in the Klingon Defense Force during the 24th century. (Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 4: Starships of the Original Series Era) In 2364, the T'Acog was destroyed by the criminals Korris, Konmel and Kunivas while trying to apprehend them. The criminals hijacked a Talarian freighter armed with merculite rockets, using them to destroy the ship. (TNG: \"Heart of Glory\")"@en .