. "Kedrick is a cut character from Fallout, who was supposed to play a key role in the fall of the Brotherhood to the Unity, something the Vault Dweller could impede. He was planning to assassinate the Elders and expose the Lost Hills security bunkers to the invading super mutants. Proof of his treachery could have been presented to Rhombus to safeguard the faction's future."@en . . "Traitor"@en . . . "Kedrick"@en . . . . . . . "Kedrick is a cut character from Fallout, who was supposed to play a key role in the fall of the Brotherhood to the Unity, something the Vault Dweller could impede. He was planning to assassinate the Elders and expose the Lost Hills security bunkers to the invading super mutants. Proof of his treachery could have been presented to Rhombus to safeguard the faction's future."@en . . . "Male"@en . . "FO1"@en . . .