. . . "GTA: VCS"@es . . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe"@en . . . . "Cantante: Vincenzo Nello, alias bel biondone. \u00C8 biondo e cotonato (si, \u00E8 ancora vivo). All'inizio il suo gruppo si chiamava Rock Candy e la leggenda narra che il nome fu scelto da lui dopo che un maniaco al parco gli offr\u00EC le famigerate caramelle che per\u00F2, essendo scadute, erano dure come la roccia. Chitarra/citofono: Michele Mars (figlio del famoso creatore dei cioccolati MARS). \u00C8 colui che ebbe l'idea di chiamare il gruppo \"Disperati\". L'uso frequente di allucinogeni l'ha portato a confondere suo figlio con una Gibson, che per questo motivo ha chiamato Les Paul. Basso: Niccol\u00F2 VI Fu eletto papa, ma poi decise di dimettersi. Il suo look facilmente scambiabile con un tamarro fulminato l'ha aiutato a buttarsi nella scena Glam Metal, diventando anche un'icona secsi per i giovani glamster. Nikki \u00E8 spesso confuso con Ges\u00F9, in quanto entrambi sono morti e risorti.. l'uno dopo 3 giorni, l'altro dopo 3 minuti. Batteria: Tommaso Lee (creatore dei jeans) Sottogenere umano assomigliante a un incrocio tra il pirla delle suonerie dei cellulari e un barbone. \u00C8 perennemente sudato e appiccicoso, cosa che per un glamster non va affatto bene! ma si sa, Tommy ha il suo fascino, anche se Pamela, incazzata perch\u00E9 non trovava pi\u00F9 il suo rossetto, decise di denunciarlo per molestie"@it . "1981"^^ . "1981"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe"@fr . . . . . "Ingl\u00E9s"@es . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe is a rock band \n* Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) \n* Down at the Whisky \n* Dr. Feelgood \n* Face Down in the Dirt \n* Kickstart My Heart \n* Rattlesnake Shake \n* Saints of Los Angeles \n* Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S.) \n* She Goes Down \n* Slice of Your Pie \n* Sticky Sweet \n* Time For Change \n* Without You"@en . . . . . . . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe"@pl . "2004"^^ . . . . "Formed in January 1981, M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe were originally the pet project of bassist Nikki Sixx (born Frank Ferrana), vocalist/guitarist Greg Leon, and drummer Tommy Lee (born Thomas Lee Bass). Leon was a veteran of the Hollywood scene, having replaced Randy Rhoads in Quiet Riot two years prior. He butted heads with the strong-willed Sixx, however, resulting in his departure from the lineup several months later. Local guitarist Bob \"Mick Mars\" Deal joined in his place, bringing the moniker \"Mottley Krue\" with him. After altering the name and adding a pair of umlauts (allegedly in tribute to German beer), the trio began efforts to recruit Vincent Neil Wharton, vocalist for the L.A.-based band Rock Candy. Neil initially refused the advances, only joining the band after his Rock Candy cohorts announced their decision to transform their group into a new wave act. With Vince Neil now on board, M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe became a cult favorite on the L.A. circuit, infamously known for such theatrics as setting Sixx's pants on fire midsong."@en . . . . . "Glam metal, hard rock, heavy metal."@es . . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe \u00E9 unha banda estadounidense de glam metal/heavy metal formada en Los Angeles, California en 1981. A banda foi creada polo baixista Nikki Sixx (que estaba nese intre nunha banda chamada London) e o baterista Tommy Lee, aos que se lle uniron despois o guitarrista Mick Mars e o vocalista Vince Neil. M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe leva vendidos m\u00E1is de 40 mill\u00F3ns de \u00E1lbumes en todo o mundo."@gl . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe is an American heavy metal band formed in Los Angeles, California in 1981. The group was founded by bass guitarist Nikki Sixx and drummer Tommy Lee, who were later joined by lead guitarist Mick Mars and lead singer Vince Neil. M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe has sold more than 80 million album copies worldwide, including 25 million in the U.S. They are one of the leading groups in the glam metal genre. The band members have often been noted for their hard-living lifestyles, and the persona they maintained. All members have had numerous brushes with the law, spent time in jail, suffered from alcoholism, long addictions to drugs such as cocaine and heroin, had countless escapades with women, and are heavily tattooed. Their ninth studio album, Saints of Los Angeles, was released on June 24, 2008. They are currently writing new material for their next album."@en . . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe is an American heavy metal band formed in Los Angeles, California, in 1981. The group was founded by bassist Nikki Sixx and drummer Tommy Lee, who were later joined by guitarist Mick Mars, and vocalist Vince Neil. M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe has been described through the years as one of the world's best-selling groups of all time, having sold more than 80 million records, including 25 million in the U.S."@en . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe is a rock band \n* Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) \n* Down at the Whisky \n* Dr. Feelgood \n* Face Down in the Dirt \n* Kickstart My Heart \n* Rattlesnake Shake \n* Saints of Los Angeles \n* Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S.) \n* She Goes Down \n* Slice of Your Pie \n* Sticky Sweet \n* Time For Change \n* Without You"@en . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe es una banda de glam metal que aparece en 3 juegos de la saga Grand Theft Auto. Motley Crue fundada en los 80s, en Los \u00C1ngeles, California, por Nikki Sixx despu\u00E9s de dejar la banda London, y por Tommy Lee despu\u00E9s de dejar la banda Suite 19. Luego encontraron a Mick Mars en la guitarra y a Vince Neil como vocalista. Motley Crue hizo famosa, la frase \"Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll\" (Sexo, drogas y rock n roll)."@es . . . . . . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe \u00E9 unha banda estadounidense de glam metal/heavy metal formada en Los Angeles, California en 1981. A banda foi creada polo baixista Nikki Sixx (que estaba nese intre nunha banda chamada London) e o baterista Tommy Lee, aos que se lle uniron despois o guitarrista Mick Mars e o vocalista Vince Neil. M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe leva vendidos m\u00E1is de 40 mill\u00F3ns de \u00E1lbumes en todo o mundo."@gl . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe"@gl . "Wild Side"@es . . "230"^^ . "John Corabi"@gl . . . . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe is an American heavy metal band formed in Los Angeles, California, in 1981. The group was founded by bassist Nikki Sixx and drummer Tommy Lee, who were later joined by guitarist Mick Mars, and vocalist Vince Neil. M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe has been described through the years as one of the world's best-selling groups of all time, having sold more than 80 million records, including 25 million in the U.S. The members of the band have often been noted for their hedonistic lifestyles and the persona they maintained. Various original members have had numerous brushes with the law, spent time in prison, suffered from alcoholism, suffered from long addictions to drugs such as cocaine and heroin, had countless escapades with women and are heavily tattooed. The band is considered as a part of the first wave of glam metal. Their ninth and most recent studio album, Saints of Los Angeles, was released on June 24, 2008, and was certified Gold in January 2012. The band is currently embarking on a final tour that will continue through 2015 before retiring."@en . . . . "GTA: EFLC"@es . "Looks that Kill"@es . . . . . "Mick Mars"@es . . "Logo de"@es . . . . . . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe es una banda estadounidense de Glam Metal que con m\u00E1s de 25 millones de copias vendidas s\u00F3lo en Estados Unidos y m\u00E1s de 80 millones en todo el mundo, es considera como una de las bandas m\u00E1s importantes de la escena 'glam' tanto en 1980 como en la actualidad y como una de las m\u00E1s influyentes en la escena mundial."@es . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe es una banda estadounidense de Hard Rock y Glam Metal con m\u00E1s de 25 millones de copias vendidas s\u00F3lo en Estados Unidos y m\u00E1s de 45 millones en todo el mundo."@es . . "Motley Crue is an American heavy metal band formed in 1986."@en . . "Formed in January 1981, M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe were originally the pet project of bassist Nikki Sixx (born Frank Ferrana), vocalist/guitarist Greg Leon, and drummer Tommy Lee (born Thomas Lee Bass). Leon was a veteran of the Hollywood scene, having replaced Randy Rhoads in Quiet Riot two years prior. He butted heads with the strong-willed Sixx, however, resulting in his departure from the lineup several months later. Local guitarist Bob \"Mick Mars\" Deal joined in his place, bringing the moniker \"Mottley Krue\" with him. After altering the name and adding a pair of umlauts (allegedly in tribute to German beer), the trio began efforts to recruit Vincent Neil Wharton, vocalist for the L.A.-based band Rock Candy. Neil initially refused the advances, only joining the band after his Rock Candy cohorts annou"@en . "M\u00F6tley, Eleven Seven Music, Elektra, Leath\u00FCr, Warner Music Group"@en . . . . "250"^^ . "250"^^ . "M\u00F6tley, Elektra, Leath\u00FCr"@gl . "Glam Metal"@es . "Los Angeles, California, U.S.A."@en . . . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe is an American heavy metal band formed in Los Angeles, California in 1981. The group was founded by bass guitarist Nikki Sixx and drummer Tommy Lee, who were later joined by lead guitarist Mick Mars and lead singer Vince Neil. M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe has sold more than 80 million album copies worldwide, including 25 million in the U.S. They are one of the leading groups in the glam metal genre."@en . "Vince Neil"@gl . . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe es una banda estadounidense de Hard Rock y Glam Metal con m\u00E1s de 25 millones de copias vendidas s\u00F3lo en Estados Unidos y m\u00E1s de 45 millones en todo el mundo."@es . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe"@en . "Motley Crue is an American heavy metal band formed in 1986."@en . "Cantante: Vincenzo Nello, alias bel biondone. \u00C8 biondo e cotonato (si, \u00E8 ancora vivo). All'inizio il suo gruppo si chiamava Rock Candy e la leggenda narra che il nome fu scelto da lui dopo che un maniaco al parco gli offr\u00EC le famigerate caramelle che per\u00F2, essendo scadute, erano dure come la roccia. Chitarra/citofono: Michele Mars (figlio del famoso creatore dei cioccolati MARS). \u00C8 colui che ebbe l'idea di chiamare il gruppo \"Disperati\". L'uso frequente di allucinogeni l'ha portato a confondere suo figlio con una Gibson, che per questo motivo ha chiamato Les Paul."@it . . "Estados Unidos"@es . . . "MotleyCrue.jpg"@en . . . . . . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe"@es . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe es una banda estadounidense de Glam Metal que con m\u00E1s de 25 millones de copias vendidas s\u00F3lo en Estados Unidos y m\u00E1s de 80 millones en todo el mundo, es considera como una de las bandas m\u00E1s importantes de la escena 'glam' tanto en 1980 como en la actualidad y como una de las m\u00E1s influyentes en la escena mundial."@es . "Tommy Lee"@es . "250"^^ . . . "Randy Castillo"@gl . . . . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe es una banda de glam metal que aparece en 3 juegos de la saga Grand Theft Auto. Motley Crue fundada en los 80s, en Los \u00C1ngeles, California, por Nikki Sixx despu\u00E9s de dejar la banda London, y por Tommy Lee despu\u00E9s de dejar la banda Suite 19. Luego encontraron a Mick Mars en la guitarra y a Vince Neil como vocalista. Motley Crue hizo famosa, la frase \"Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll\" (Sexo, drogas y rock n roll)."@es . "Tommy Lee"@gl . . . . . . . "M\u00F6tley Cr\u00FCe"@it . . "Nikki Sixx"@es . . .