. . . . . . "Vaal \u00E4r en hamnstad inom V\u00E4stra Marken och har l\u00E4nge byggt sin rikedom p\u00E5 handeln med kontinenten som finns p\u00E5 andra sidan Decimasundet. Provins: V\u00E4stra Marken Befolkning: 2 400 000 - - Kategori:Ventaviska Unionen: St\u00E4der"@sv . . "Chaos Weavers"@en . . "Human"@en . . "Humanos"@es . . . "Vaal"@es . "Vaal"@es . "Vaal"@en . "Gender"@en . . . . . . . . . "Vaal was created by a small faction of settlers of the planet Arret after the devastation of the planet. These survivors decided that they would not repeat the mistake that they did with their homeworld by removing the potential of destruction from their race in order to spare their newly adopted home the same fate as their original homeworld. In 2267, Vaal was challenged by the crew of the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain James T. Kirk. The encounter would result in Vaal being deactivated allowing the inhabitants of the planet to govern themselves. (TOS episode: \"The Apple\")"@en . . . . "Vaal"@en . . . "Female"@en . . . . . "Vaal"@en . . "Vaal"@es . . . . . "P-5"@es . . . . "But since the ChaosWeavers, the monsters he rules over, had used it improperly, Vaal made a wish that a disease spreads all over Ravenloss, resulting what the Chaosweaver looks like as we seen. At one point the weavers banished Vaal for many years. During the Ravenloss War, he had finally broke out of his prison. Tomix and the Hero asked some good source questions about the Weavers, the Embodiments, Judgement scythe, and Pellow Village. Then the Hero and Tomix leave. Vaal stays and thinks up a plan. After the Hero defeats Greed in his \"human\" form, Vaal interferes and destroys the evil spirit. He was disappointed that the Judgement Wheel was shattered but he did not need it. Before he left Ravenloss with his horde of Weaver Soldiers, he warned the Hero that they will meet again in the \"Abo"@en . . "Vaal"@es . . . . "Vaal.jpg"@en . "Meeting Vaal"@en . "Sabanas"@es . "Location"@en . ""@en . . "Count"@en . "*Hyenax\n*Criatura no identificada de Vaal"@es . . "Vaal"@en . "thumb|Der Computer Vaal auf Gamma Trianguli VI. Vaal ist eine selbstdenkende Maschine, die vor etwa 10.000 Jahren auf Gamma Trianguli VI von einer unbekannten Spezies konstruiert wird. Sie ist in der Lage das Wetter auf dem Planeten zu kontrollieren, sowie mit einem der Einwohner zu kommunizieren. (TOS: )"@de . . . . "ca. 7,700 BC"@en . . "Vaal"@en . . "\u0412\u0430\u0430\u043B"@en . "Vaal"@fr . . . "Vaal is a female Human NPC Merchant that can be found at the crafting station near the Singing Crystal Mines located in Snowhill. Vaal sells Miner Job related items, and was introduced in game on the update of October 15, 2013."@en . . . . . . . . "1"^^ . "2267"^^ . . . . . . "Il y a 10'000 ans construction de Vaal. En 2267, quand la plan\u00E8te fut visit\u00E9e par James Kirk et ses officiers, Vaal \u00E9tait v\u00E9n\u00E9r\u00E9 comme un dieu par une culture primitive d'humano\u00EFdes qui furent donc appel\u00E9s les Vaaliens. Vaal ordonna \u00E0 Akuta par un syst\u00E8me d'antennes de tuer les officiers de Starfleet, de ce fait Kirk d\u00E9cida de le d\u00E9truire ce qu'il r\u00E9ussit et permettant ainsi aux Vaaliens de se lib\u00E9rer et d'\u00E9voluer comme bon leur semblait. (TOS: \"The Apple\")"@fr . "None"@en . "*Wetyin's Way\n*Yavin Bypass"@en . "Vaal was a cloud giant count sometime after the War of the Silver Marches."@en . . "Chaos weaver"@en . "Vaal"@en . . . "1"^^ . "P-5"@en . . . "\u30F4\u30A1\u30FC\u30EB\uFF08\u30A2\u30A6\u30BF\u30FC\u30FB\u30EA\u30E0\uFF09"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Vaal was created by a small faction of settlers of the planet Arret after the devastation of the planet. These survivors decided that they would not repeat the mistake that they did with their homeworld by removing the potential of destruction from their race in order to spare their newly adopted home the same fate as their original homeworld. To accomplish this, the people of Arret formed a synthetic living planet which would become Gamma Trianguli VI with the Vaal supercomputer being installed to serve as custodian of the world. Vaal was a necessary component in keeping Gamma Trianguli VI stable and without its guidance, the planet would self destruct. Once Vaal came online, it blanked the minds of the settlers that it was charged to care in order to prevent them advancing to a state where they could produce weapons that would destroy the planet like it was done with Arret. Vaal would use the accumulated knowledge of its creators to watch over them and ensure that they were well cared for. (TOS comic: \"Devil Down Below!\") In 2267, Vaal was challenged by the crew of the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain James T. Kirk. The encounter would result in Vaal being deactivated allowing the inhabitants of the planet to govern themselves. (TOS episode: \"The Apple\") On stardate 8960.2, Spock would be captured on Gamma Trianguli VI by the Vaalite Akuta who wired him into Vaal. Once hooked into the machine, Spock learnt the truth about Vaal and its creators as well as the vital role it had to the inhabitants of the planet. It would be re-energised through the aid of Spock and the sacrifice made by Akuta which restored the balance to the world before it was destroyed. (TOS comic: \"Devil Down Below!\")"@en . . "Vaal"@en . . "Vaal is a female Human NPC Merchant that can be found at the crafting station near the Singing Crystal Mines located in Snowhill. Vaal sells Miner Job related items, and was introduced in game on the update of October 15, 2013."@en . . . . "Vaal"@sv . . . "Vaal"@de . . . . "Vaal is Endarno's loyal servant."@en . "Un planeta c\u00E1lido y lleno de sabanas, Vaal albergaba a varios feroces depredadores y al remoto Puesto Imperial de Retransmisi\u00F3n V-798, al mando del sargento Reybn. V-798 era notable por ser el puesto Imperial m\u00E1s cercano al sistema Yavin. La \u00F3rbita de Vaal se intersectaba con varios traicioneros campos de asteroides."@es . . "Vaal \u00E4r en hamnstad inom V\u00E4stra Marken och har l\u00E4nge byggt sin rikedom p\u00E5 handeln med kontinenten som finns p\u00E5 andra sidan Decimasundet. Provins: V\u00E4stra Marken Befolkning: 2 400 000 - - Kategori:Ventaviska Unionen: St\u00E4der"@sv . . . . "Plains"@en . "Il y a 10'000 ans construction de Vaal. En 2267, quand la plan\u00E8te fut visit\u00E9e par James Kirk et ses officiers, Vaal \u00E9tait v\u00E9n\u00E9r\u00E9 comme un dieu par une culture primitive d'humano\u00EFdes qui furent donc appel\u00E9s les Vaaliens. Vaal ordonna \u00E0 Akuta par un syst\u00E8me d'antennes de tuer les officiers de Starfleet, de ce fait Kirk d\u00E9cida de le d\u00E9truire ce qu'il r\u00E9ussit et permettant ainsi aux Vaaliens de se lib\u00E9rer et d'\u00E9voluer comme bon leur semblait. (TOS: \"The Apple\")"@fr . . . "Void Ship"@en . . "Un planeta c\u00E1lido y lleno de sabanas, Vaal albergaba a varios feroces depredadores y al remoto Puesto Imperial de Retransmisi\u00F3n V-798, al mando del sargento Reybn. V-798 era notable por ser el puesto Imperial m\u00E1s cercano al sistema Yavin. La \u00F3rbita de Vaal se intersectaba con varios traicioneros campos de asteroides. Con su TIE Advanced x1 modificado da\u00F1ado, Darth Vader se vio obligado a aterrizar de emergencia en el planeta. Su viaje a V-798 fue interrumpido por un ataque de una jaur\u00EDa de fieros hyenax. \u00C9l las rechaz\u00F3, gan\u00E1ndose su respeto y convirti\u00E9ndoseen l\u00EDder de la manada en el proceso. Vader eventualmente obtuvo un transporte que lo llev\u00F3 a Coruscant."@es . . "thumb|Der Computer Vaal auf Gamma Trianguli VI. Vaal ist eine selbstdenkende Maschine, die vor etwa 10.000 Jahren auf Gamma Trianguli VI von einer unbekannten Spezies konstruiert wird. Sie ist in der Lage das Wetter auf dem Planeten zu kontrollieren, sowie mit einem der Einwohner zu kommunizieren. (TOS: )"@de . . . . "*Hyenax\n*Unidentified Vaal creature"@en . "Murky Hall Book 3"@en . . . . . . "Vaal"@es . . . . . "Pellow Village"@en . . . "Vaal is Endarno's loyal servant."@en . . . . "By 2267, when the planet was visited by James T. Kirk and the Enterprise, there was a primitive culture of humanoids living on the planet who were slaves to Vaal and revered it as a god. Vaal was ultimately destroyed by Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise when it killed several crew members and was on the verge of destroying the Enterprise and all her crew by pulling them into the planet's atmosphere. This action by Kirk may have been in direct violation of the Prime Directive, but Kirk felt justified that the people on the planet needed to be freed from their false god in order to achieve their full potential. (TOS: \"The Apple\" )"@en . . "Race"@en . . . "DR"@en . . . . . . "Vaal was a cloud giant count sometime after the War of the Silver Marches."@en . . . . . . . "But since the ChaosWeavers, the monsters he rules over, had used it improperly, Vaal made a wish that a disease spreads all over Ravenloss, resulting what the Chaosweaver looks like as we seen. At one point the weavers banished Vaal for many years. During the Ravenloss War, he had finally broke out of his prison. Tomix and the Hero asked some good source questions about the Weavers, the Embodiments, Judgement scythe, and Pellow Village. Then the Hero and Tomix leave. Vaal stays and thinks up a plan. After the Hero defeats Greed in his \"human\" form, Vaal interferes and destroys the evil spirit. He was disappointed that the Judgement Wheel was shattered but he did not need it. Before he left Ravenloss with his horde of Weaver Soldiers, he warned the Hero that they will meet again in the \"AboveGround\". In Book 3, The Hero and Tomix find the abandoned hunters paradise filled with monsters, however when they start to check the rooms upstairs, they find Vaal drinking. Aparently he had lost his powers and the chaosweavers he had under his command had abandoned him. The hero and Tomix try to coax him into being the navigator for the Void Ship they'd been working on. Vaal refused but responded to Tomix's taunt as a challenge, to which he was tricked into being the navigator. He is still hostile to the hero as when approached on the Void Ship he tells him to \"stay away\" until take off. After Mazurek broke the Seal of Ativa, Vaal ran trough the wrong path and find himself at a very long corridor. After battling countless void monsters Vaal came across a red substance which he met Murk and was later revealed as Roirr, the first weaver and father of the Founder of the four great weaving families. Vaal then ask Roirr on how he got in there but Roirr asked him on what he knows about Murks. Vaal then then replied why he's asking him about Murks, but after Vaal replied, Roirr possessed his body turning them into Vaaloir."@en . . "Occupation"@en . "\u0412\u0430\u0430\u043B"@es . . . "\u30F4\u30A1\u30FC\u30EB\uFF08\u30A2\u30A6\u30BF\u30FC\u30FB\u30EA\u30E0\uFF09"@es . . "Destroyed"@en . . "Vaal"@en . . "Vaal is desert planet, what Dr. Newrence gonna Lasertech army to destroy all pieces of wood, then Raclank and Angela gonna stop before is too late."@en . "By 2267, when the planet was visited by James T. Kirk and the Enterprise, there was a primitive culture of humanoids living on the planet who were slaves to Vaal and revered it as a god. Vaal was ultimately destroyed by Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise when it killed several crew members and was on the verge of destroying the Enterprise and all her crew by pulling them into the planet's atmosphere. This action by Kirk may have been in direct violation of the Prime Directive, but Kirk felt justified that the people on the planet needed to be freed from their false god in order to achieve their full potential. (TOS: \"The Apple\" ) Vaal was designed by Matt Jefferies. According to the DC Comics series, Vaal was created by Sargon's people."@en . "2267"^^ . . "Vaal is desert planet, what Dr. Newrence gonna Lasertech army to destroy all pieces of wood, then Raclank and Angela gonna stop before is too late."@en . "Male"@en . . . . . . "Vaal"@es . . . . . "Terrestrial"@en . "Type I"@en .