. "Waking from restless sleep and nightmares that saw his friends slaughtered one-by-one before his eyes while he could do nothing to stop it, Kentaro dressed himself quickly in the shade of the bushes where he'd spent the night tossing and turning among the thorns. His arms and legs, chest and stomach where covered in small pricks; some of which drew blood. Strapping on his zanpakut\u014D and noting the blackened clouds overhead that promised rain, the young Shinigami began walking into the horizon, not really walking in any designated direction. His thoughts lingered on his battle a week previously, and the heated words he'd exchanged with Naibu before he slipped away in the night. Naibu had expressed his concern about the Imawash\u012B's numbers, while Kentaro had urged a counter attack. It was rare for the two to argue like they had done, but for once, Kentaro didn't care. His anger hadn't diminished and neither had his desire to see vengeance done to the Imawash\u012B. \"I'll kill them for what they done,\" He shouted internally. The heavens opened and rain soon had him soaked completely through when he wandered into a small village. The windows around revealed a soft glowing light, despite the early hour and dogs barked occasionally before their owners shushed them or brought them inside out of the rain. It hadn't taken more than a few steps before Kentaro was completely soaked through in the downpour. \"Weather to match my mood.\" His silver-tinged black hair was lying over his face, shadowing his facial features and eyes. The homes around where built from stone and had slate roofs that allowed the rain water to slide right off them onto his head. \"Dirty bad-\" He reigned his temper in, determined he wouldn't let his mood sink further with the weather. He wasn't sure when he became aware of it, but someone was watching him from the courtyard up ahead. The figure was that of a white-haired woman, young with a beautiful figure that made Kentaro's heart skip a beat. Harumi was pretty, but this woman was beautiful. Her crimson eyes were measuring, as though taking in every part of him before she walked forward and covered his sodden head with an umbrella. \"We meet again, I see.\" Racking his brain for the womans name, Kentaro finally grinned and nodded. \"Akiye,\" He breathed, \"It's been... at least two weeks now, right? How are you?\" His cheeks were reddening, but thankfully, his soaked hair hid his cheeks mostly; and if they didn't, he hoped she took it for fever. \"Yes, it has.\" She replied, slipping her arm around his and smiling up at him. \"I hope you girlfriend didn't treat you too harshly,\" A dangerous smile, Kentaro noted. \"She isn't my girlfriend.\" He insisted as he walked with her below the shelter of a small bus stop. \"Really? Her reaction suggested otherwise.\" Leaning against the back of the shelter, Kentaro's eyes slowly followed Akiye's figure, though he quickly brought them eye-level when she turned to him and grinned cheekily. She'd saw, and that smile seemed to suggest she didn't mind much at all. \"So different from Harumi,\" He observed before her voice reached his ears. \"I thought you were traveling with your friends?\" A slight narrowing of her eyes accompanied the question, and a wariness entered Kentaro's posture. She was fishing for information. \"I was,\" He replied simply. If she was fishing, she'd have to fish a lot longer before he'd give her the satisfaction of the catch. \"Oh? That's unfortunate. The one with rosy-hair was gentle on the eyes,\" It then occurred to him that he was in his Shinigami form, and she only a human. \"How can you see me?\" he asked without thinking, but then summarized that she must be spiritually aware. \"I'm in my Gigai. You and your friends are not the only people who have spiritual powers... or Shinigami ones, either.\" Wariness turned into a defensive posture, his right hand straying to his zanpakut\u014D's hilt with the left opening as if for a palm strike. Narrowing eyes regarded her coolly and his posture radiated readiness like the dancing flames of a fireplace. \"Who are you?\" He asked somewhat viciously. \"You were watching us train the other day,\" And if he thought what he was thinking currently was true, then she wasn't the average stunning-looking spiritually aware person one found walking the various paths of the Human World. \"Yes,\" Her smile deepened, obviously she was somewhat aware of what he was thinking. \"But as I said, the rosy-haired one was easy on the eyes... and you're quite handsome yourself, if I might say so.\" His mouth worked itself into a snarl, but questions died in his mouth as a large Hollow descended on the shelter and split its roof in two down the middle. The youngster tackled Akiye to the ground, her grunt muffled by his chest as he relocated both himself and her with a hasty Son\u00EDdo. \"Where did he come from,\" He asked of no in particular. \"A Garganta!\" Akiye's finger pointed it out and Kentaro's nod was swift, his Son\u00EDdo more so. The first Hollow fell to a horizontal strike across the torso before the youngster's hand overflowed with reiryoku as he fired the yellow flash of \u014Ckasen towards the descending Hollow. Their mouths contorted in pain before they vanished with the spell, but Kentaro was still traveling to the Garganta in the heavens. \"All I need to do is touch...!\" Sparks flashed and then again as a talon almost pierced his ribcage from the right. An Adjuchas regarded him with intelligent eyes, but its mistakes were twofold. One, it had attacked without aid and second, it hadn't stopped to analyze any of his abilities in detail. All it took was a circular motion to knock aside the talon and then a running motion forward to run in through the chest. Akiye watched with a calm expression, as though she were never in any danger. \"Why did he move me out of the way, though?\" She asked herself. It confused her. For a time, he looked on the edge of drawing his zanpakut\u014D to try and attack her, which would have been a suicide mission on his behalf, she duly noted. His skills were impressive, that was true, and for one as young as he was; but there was something buried under the surface that made her think of herself. \"He should have left me be. I could have escaped myself no problem without his aid... but why am I grateful that he did?\" She didn't know, but when she returned to her senses the battle was done with the young, rain-soaked Shinigami landing lightly, his zanpakut\u014D clinking back into its sheath. \"It wouldn't do to stay here,\" Was all he said before taking her by the hand. Surprise kept her from saying anything or pulling away. \"If there's an Adjuchas with them, they belong to Averian's Army. More will come after sensing my presence, and since you have spiritual energy yourself, you'll be a target to.\" The two walked into the rain-filled horizon quickly, Akiye noticing Kentaro's eyes taking in his surroundings calmly and assuredly. He had done this before."@en . . "Bestiality with a Kind Heart"@en . . . . "Waking from restless sleep and nightmares that saw his friends slaughtered one-by-one before his eyes while he could do nothing to stop it, Kentaro dressed himself quickly in the shade of the bushes where he'd spent the night tossing and turning among the thorns. His arms and legs, chest and stomach where covered in small pricks; some of which drew blood. Strapping on his zanpakut\u014D and noting the blackened clouds overhead that promised rain, the young Shinigami began walking into the horizon, not really walking in any designated direction. His thoughts lingered on his battle a week previously, and the heated words he'd exchanged with Naibu before he slipped away in the night. Naibu had expressed his concern about the Imawash\u012B's numbers, while Kentaro had urged a counter attack."@en .