"New Year"@en . "Porcelain was a material that was often referred to as china or fine china, since it originated in China. This material was often used to make common household items, such as vases and bowls, or even art sculptures, that are often displayed in a room or hallway of a residence or business. Mr. Vanderbulge had some porcelain items on display in his estate."@en . "No"@en . . "Porcelain"@en . . "4382"^^ . "(Sunset Sound Studios en Los Angeles e Rosewood Studios en El Paso)"@gl . . "Porcelain is a ceramic material made by heating raw materials, generally including clay in the form of kaolin, in a kiln to temperatures between \u00B0C ( \u00B0F) and \u00B0C ( \u00B0F). The toughness, strength, and translucence of porcelain arise mainly from the formation of glass and the mineral mullite within the fired body at these high temperatures."@es . . . "Yes"@en . . "1"^^ . . "3"^^ . "yes"@en . "Porcelana"@es . . . "Porcelain is a ceramic material made by heating raw materials, generally including clay in the form of kaolin, in a kiln to temperatures between \u00B0C ( \u00B0F) and \u00B0C ( \u00B0F). The toughness, strength, and translucence of porcelain arise mainly from the formation of glass and the mineral mullite within the fired body at these high temperatures. Porcelain derives its present name from old Italian porcellana (cowrie shell) because of its resemblance to the translucent surface of the shell. Porcelain can informally be referred to as \"china\" in some English-speaking countries, as China was the birth place of porcelain making. Properties associated with porcelain include low permeability and elasticity; considerable strength, hardness, glassiness, brittleness, whiteness, translucence, and resonance; and a high resistance to chemical attack and thermal shock. For the purposes of trade, the Combined Nomenclature of the European Communities defines porcelain as being \"completely vitrified, hard, impermeable (even before glazing), white or artificially coloured, translucent (except when of considerable thickness) and resonant.\" However, the term porcelain lacks a universal definition and has \"been applied in a very unsystematic fashion to substances of diverse kinds which have only certain surface-qualities in common\" (Burton 1906). Porcelain is used to make table, kitchen, sanitary, and decorative wares; objects of fine art; and tiles. Its high resistance to the passage of electricity makes porcelain an excellent insulator. Dental porcelain is used to make false teeth, caps, crowns and veneers."@es . . "Porcelain was a material that was often referred to as china or fine china, since it originated in China. This material was often used to make common household items, such as vases and bowls, or even art sculptures, that are often displayed in a room or hallway of a residence or business. Mr. Vanderbulge had some porcelain items on display in his estate."@en . . "N"@en . . . . "13"^^ . . "Porcelain is a level 3 trade good."@en . "Old"@en . "Tea's served!"@en . . "no"@en . "Yes"@en . "Porcelain is a delicate solid material used for the construction of various objects."@en . . "45"^^ . "3"^^ . "{{tooltip"@en . . "Diccionario de cer\u00E1mica Ingl\u00E9s/Espa\u00F1ol: \u00CDndice adicional"@es . "F-4382"@en . . "Porcelain - Icon.png"@en . . "Porcelain is a level 3 trade good."@en . "Porcelain"@es . "Floor"@en . . "45"^^ . . "200"^^ . . . . "Porcelain is a delicate solid material used for the construction of various objects."@en . "Yes"@en . . "Porcelain \u00E9 o segundo \u00E1lbum da banda estadounidense Sparta. Foi editado o 13 de xullo do 2004 atrav\u00E9s da Geffen Records e acadou o posto 60 da lista Billboard 200. O primeiro sinxelo do \u00E1lbum foi \"Breaking the Broken\"."@gl . "outubro do 2003 - xaneiro do 2004"@gl . "Porcelain \u00E9 o segundo \u00E1lbum da banda estadounidense Sparta. Foi editado o 13 de xullo do 2004 atrav\u00E9s da Geffen Records e acadou o posto 60 da lista Billboard 200. O primeiro sinxelo do \u00E1lbum foi \"Breaking the Broken\"."@gl . . "Porcelain"@en . "Porcelain"@en . . . "Purchased"@en . . . "Mike Major"@gl . . . "3448.0"^^ . "Porcelain"@es . . "Porcelain"@gl . "Trade goods"@en . "Yes"@en . . . . . "Ship Goods"@en . . . "No"@en . "Porcelain"@gl . "yes"@en . "Processed Articles"@en . . .