. . . . . "Nov.1.2016"@en . . . "Modern dictators usually use force or fraud to gain power and then keep it through intimidation, terror, bribery, suppression of civil liberties, and control of the mass media. In 20th-century Latin America, nationalist leaders often achieved power through the military and attempted either to maintain the privileged elite or to institute far-reaching social reform, depending on their class sympathies. In Europe's communist and fascist dictatorships, a charismatic leader of a mass party used an official ideology to maintain his regime, and terror and propaganda to suppress opposition. In post colonial Africa and Asia, dictators have often retained power by establishing one-party rule after a military takeover. Today dictatorships are much less common and are often overthrown either by the people or by an outside force. They axis powers were under forms of Dictatorship during WWII under leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini. File:Stub Icon.png File:Cite Icon.png"@en . . "complete control over the senate means that you retain your bonuses from your political party. Also, if you direct your civilization to declare war then it will without fail. Compare this with more advanced governments in which a vote must be won in the senate before your civilization can go to war. \n* Economic Bonus: 0"@en . . "\"Dictatorship is a form of government where political authority is monopolized by a single person or political entity, and exercised through various oppressive mechanisms.\" source="@en . . . . . "\"Dictatorship\""@en . . . "Dictatorship"@en . "50"^^ . . . . . "\"Dictatorship is a form of government where political authority is monopolized by a single person or political entity, and exercised through various oppressive mechanisms.\" source="@en . "complete control over the senate means that you retain your bonuses from your political party. Also, if you direct your civilization to declare war then it will without fail. Compare this with more advanced governments in which a vote must be won in the senate before your civilization can go to war. \n* Economic Bonus: 0"@en . . . "Dictatorship was a form of in which the ruler possessed absolute power and absolute authority, in contrast with democracy. In 22 BBY, while Senator Padm\u00E9 Amidala and then-Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker were staying on Naboo temporarily to avoid a potential assassination attempt on the former, they briefly discussed the corruption that had befallen the Republic and wondering how to alleviate it. Skywalker responded that they probably would need to be made to resolve their differences by \"someone wise\", causing Amidala to guess that what Skywalker was proposing sounded similar to a dictatorship, with Skywalker not denying it and saying it may work. Under the leadership of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, the parliamentary Galactic Republic slowly turned into a dictatorship as the Chancellor used the Clone Wars as a pretext to amend the constitution and accrue more executive power. At the end of the conflict, the Republic was finally replaced by a genuine dictatorship, the First Galactic Empire. Other known dictatorial regimes included Hay-Zu's leadership over his fellow Patitites, and the rule of the so-called Albee Dewaw\u2014actually a cabal of DUM-series pit droids\u2014over the Balnab. Although its motives were to restore democracy within the galaxy, the overall function for the Rebel Alliance in terms of hierarchy was technically closer to a dictatorship due to Mon Mothma, who acted as the Chancellor to the Rebel Alliance, wielding absolute power over the group without either hereditary right or free consent of people through elections."@en . "teal; color: white"@en . . . . . . "Dictatorship was a form of in which the ruler possessed absolute power and absolute authority, in contrast with democracy. In 22 BBY, while Senator Padm\u00E9 Amidala and then-Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker were staying on Naboo temporarily to avoid a potential assassination attempt on the former, they briefly discussed the corruption that had befallen the Republic and wondering how to alleviate it. Skywalker responded that they probably would need to be made to resolve their differences by \"someone wise\", causing Amidala to guess that what Skywalker was proposing sounded similar to a dictatorship, with Skywalker not denying it and saying it may work."@en . "Dictatorship is a form of government where a country is ruled by one person or political entity, and exercised through various mechanisms to ensure the entity's power remains strong. A dictatorship is a type of authoritarianism, in which politicians regulate nearly every aspect of the public and private behavior the citizens. Dictatorships and totalitarianism generally employ political propaganda to decrease the influence of proponents of alternative governing systems, as is the nature of nationalism of any governing system."@en . . . . "Form of government ruled by one person/oligarchy which possesses absolute power"@en . "Modern dictators usually use force or fraud to gain power and then keep it through intimidation, terror, bribery, suppression of civil liberties, and control of the mass media. In 20th-century Latin America, nationalist leaders often achieved power through the military and attempted either to maintain the privileged elite or to institute far-reaching social reform, depending on their class sympathies. In Europe's communist and fascist dictatorships, a charismatic leader of a mass party used an official ideology to maintain his regime, and terror and propaganda to suppress opposition. In post colonial Africa and Asia, dictators have often retained power by establishing one-party rule after a military takeover. Today dictatorships are much less common and are often overthrown either by the p"@en . . . . . . "Dictatorship is a form of government where a country is ruled by one person or political entity, and exercised through various mechanisms to ensure the entity's power remains strong. A dictatorship is a type of authoritarianism, in which politicians regulate nearly every aspect of the public and private behavior the citizens. Dictatorships and totalitarianism generally employ political propaganda to decrease the influence of proponents of alternative governing systems, as is the nature of nationalism of any governing system. Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong meets with U.S. President Richard Nixon. Mao's dictatorial rule from 1949 to 1976 is believed to have caused the deaths of an estimated 40 to more than 70 million people. In the 19th and 20th centuries, traditional monarchies gradually declined and disappeared. Dictatorship and constitutional democracy emerged as the world's two major forms of government."@en . .