"Fashion is fleeting, but style is forever. Authors want their characters to stand out, and there's various tropes that can be used to make their look distinctive. One such way that says a lot about a character's... well, character... is for them to purposely use an Outdated Outfit in everyday life. Rather than a suit and tie, they'll wear finery from London in the 1850's. Instead of a dress, how about a ceremonial Kimono? Instead of business attire, go to meetings decked out in Renaissance plate armor and helmet. Regional chic from past times works as well: a character wearing cowboy gear is sure to look cool and stand out."@en . . . . . . . . "Fashion is fleeting, but style is forever. Authors want their characters to stand out, and there's various tropes that can be used to make their look distinctive. One such way that says a lot about a character's... well, character... is for them to purposely use an Outdated Outfit in everyday life. Rather than a suit and tie, they'll wear finery from London in the 1850's. Instead of a dress, how about a ceremonial Kimono? Instead of business attire, go to meetings decked out in Renaissance plate armor and helmet. Regional chic from past times works as well: a character wearing cowboy gear is sure to look cool and stand out. This isn't just a distinct visual look, but a subtle (or very overt) statement that this character is enamored with the bygone style and perhaps even time period. They have a different world view than most contemporary people (though not necessarily the one from their chosen period of dress) and aren't afraid to defy convention by dressing unconventionally. When done well, this trope shows it's not the clothes that make the man or woman, but the wearer who gives what ought to be a desperately out of place Halloween costume a natural style and appropriateness. Somehow, it seems natural that the man in a cowboy suit is opening a bank account, and the woman in the Kimono is working at a particle physics lab, or the man in a bowler hat is slaying zombies. See also Gorgeous Period Dress and Elegant Gothic Lolita. If a character's whole personality is stuck in a bygone era, you've got Disco Dan. Examples of Awesome Anachronistic Apparel include:"@en . "Awesome Anachronistic Apparel"@en . . . . . . . .