"The Joe Schmo Show was at once a Reality Show and a spoof of reality shows. The first season centered around Matt Kennedy Gould, a regular guy who is selected as a contestant on the reality game show Lap of Luxury. What he didn't realize, however, is that everybody else around him was an actor, specifically selected to play a reality-show archetype such as \"The Rich Bitch\", \"The Gay Guy\", \"The Asshole\", and \"The Smarmy Host\". The scenes in the house were cut with standard reality-show style interviews, both from Matt and from the actors, who would describe how they felt about keeping the charade going on this guy. (Once they got to know Gould, and realized how much a truly nice and upright a guy he was, fooling him became emotionally harder and harder for the actors involved.) Despite seve"@en . . "The Joe Schmo Show"@en . . . . . "The Joe Schmo Show was at once a Reality Show and a spoof of reality shows. The first season centered around Matt Kennedy Gould, a regular guy who is selected as a contestant on the reality game show Lap of Luxury. What he didn't realize, however, is that everybody else around him was an actor, specifically selected to play a reality-show archetype such as \"The Rich Bitch\", \"The Gay Guy\", \"The Asshole\", and \"The Smarmy Host\". The scenes in the house were cut with standard reality-show style interviews, both from Matt and from the actors, who would describe how they felt about keeping the charade going on this guy. (Once they got to know Gould, and realized how much a truly nice and upright a guy he was, fooling him became emotionally harder and harder for the actors involved.) Despite several close calls, Matt didn't find out the truth until The Reveal in the season finale. After this, the series was rerun under the title Mo' Schmo, with Matt giving a running commentary over it now that he knew the whole thing was fake. (Though this only lasted for four episodes before Spike pulled these repeats due to sagging ratings.) Joe Schmo 2, the second season, brought in 2 schmoes, Tim Walsh and Ingrid Weise, for a parody reality relationship show, Last Chance for Love. This season was often criticized for taking the premise way over the top, and for practically daring the schmoes to figure out the truth (which one, Ingrid, eventually did; they kept things going by having her join the actors and bringing in a new Schmo, Amanda). As well, neither Tim nor Ingrid was really as likeable as Matt was. Because of this, season 2 never really did quite as well as season 1, Ratings- or acclaim-wise."@en . "The Joe Schmo Show (also called Joe Schmo 2 in 2004 and as The Joe Schmo Show: The Full Bounty in 2013) is the ultimate reality show...that isn't as the whole entire thing is a set-up to fool one guy or girl, (a.k.a the \"Joe Schmo\") that he or she is in a reality show as the whole entire thing is a set up just to see how far they can push the limit without the \"Joe\" catching on."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "The Joe Schmo Show (also called Joe Schmo 2 in 2004 and as The Joe Schmo Show: The Full Bounty in 2013) is the ultimate reality show...that isn't as the whole entire thing is a set-up to fool one guy or girl, (a.k.a the \"Joe Schmo\") that he or she is in a reality show as the whole entire thing is a set up just to see how far they can push the limit without the \"Joe\" catching on."@en . . . . . . . . . . . .