"Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 05:45, December 2, 2013 (UTC)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Return to the Castle of \"Ya vulf! YaYaYaYa! Heeel!\" Dogenstienhelm is a first person racist computer game. Created in 1797 by iED and Actiblindness, it has been a breakthrough in games as we know it. Actually, it's pronounced \"Wolfensteeeeeeen - Putting On The Reeeeeeeeeeeeeetz\" alternatively it can also be pronounced as \"Ya voolf!\" (with a heavy australian accent, naturally)."@en . . . . "En el modo multijugador existen dos bandos, el del eje (alemanes) y aliados (estadounidenses), dentro de cada cual los jugadores han de escoger un personaje entre soldado de infanter\u00EDa, ingeniero, m\u00E9dico y teniente. Cada miembro del pelot\u00F3n posee una habilidad especial; por ejemplo, los sanitarios pueden devolver a sus compa\u00F1eros a la vida, y los soldados portar armas pesadas. Para conseguir la victoria es necesario cumplir varios objetivos, que var\u00EDan seg\u00FAn el mapa."@en . "Return to the Castle of \"Ya vulf! YaYaYaYa! Heeel!\" Dogenstienhelm is a first person racist computer game. Created in 1797 by iED and Actiblindness, it has been a breakthrough in games as we know it. Actually, it's pronounced \"Wolfensteeeeeeen - Putting On The Reeeeeeeeeeeeeetz\" alternatively it can also be pronounced as \"Ya voolf!\" (with a heavy australian accent, naturally)."@en . . "Powr\u00F3t Do Zamku Kamiennego Wilka (potocznie Wolf) \u2013 gra z gatunku FPS (Fest P40px|link=nij Strza\u0142\u0119). Kontynuacja ciesz\u0105cego si\u0119 s\u0142aw\u0105 Wolfensteina Czy De."@pl . "Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 05:45, December 2, 2013 (UTC)"@en . "Powr\u00F3t Do Zamku Kamiennego Wilka (potocznie Wolf) \u2013 gra z gatunku FPS (Fest P40px|link=nij Strza\u0142\u0119). Kontynuacja ciesz\u0105cego si\u0119 s\u0142aw\u0105 Wolfensteina Czy De."@pl . "Return To Castle Wolfenstein is a First-Person Shooter game using the Quake III engine, created by Id Software. It's the Spiritual Successor (hard to call it a \"remake\") of Wolfenstein 3D, also created by Id, and it was released in 2001. The game is set During the War, following the story of B.J. Blazkowicz, a soldier sent to investigate a secret/occult Nazi plot. After being captured and escaping Castle Wolfenstein, he finds out the Nazis are resurrecting corpses as well as developing all manner of advanced technology (like a viral V2 missile, rocket planes, Super Soldier cyborgs), all of this fitting into a mysterious plot to bring an evil conqueror back from the dead. A 2009 sequel, simply titled Wolfenstein, was made using a heavily modified version of the Doom 3 engine and follows directly from the story of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, including several returning characters. There's also a free standalone game running in the same engine and with the same thematic, called Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Originally, it was going to be a free addon for RTCW, but that changed during the development. In the QuakeCon 2010, Id announced that the source code of both this game and the multiplayer standalone game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory have been released under the General Public License version 3. (Or GPLv3 if you want)"@en . . . . . . . "Return to Castle Wolfenstein"@en . . . "In 943 AD, a German prince known as Heinrich dominated Western Europe with his army of undead and Dark Knights created by black magic. There was no one who could stand in his way - until a monk stopped Heinrich by sealing him in a deep underground tomb. A thousand years later, in 1943 AD, the Second World War had started to go bad for Nazi Germany due to their defeats on the Eastern Front and in North Africa. The Chief of the Nazi SS, Heinrich Himmler, had been researching possible ways to win the war through science and black magic and read a few stories about the German prince Heinrich I and his Dark Knights, becoming interested in them, especially since they were so powerful. Heinrich Himmler believed that if he could bring Heinrich back to life, he could win the war for Nazi Germany. Himmler then founded an SS Paranormal Division and sent them to Northern Egypt in secret and hoped that they would find some ancient tablets. Meanwhile, the Allied intelligence office got word of this and sent British Agent One and US Army Captain B.J. Blazkowicz to capture Helga von Bulow, a high ranking member of the SS Paranormal Division. They tracked Helga to an ancient tomb filled with the undead, but both the agents and the Germans escaped, including Helga. After this on March 15, 1943, Blazkowicz and Agent One were sent to follow her to Castle Wolfenstein, but were shot down by the Luftwaffe along the way and captured by the Germans."@en . . . "Return to Castle Wolfenstein"@pl . . "En el modo multijugador existen dos bandos, el del eje (alemanes) y aliados (estadounidenses), dentro de cada cual los jugadores han de escoger un personaje entre soldado de infanter\u00EDa, ingeniero, m\u00E9dico y teniente. Cada miembro del pelot\u00F3n posee una habilidad especial; por ejemplo, los sanitarios pueden devolver a sus compa\u00F1eros a la vida, y los soldados portar armas pesadas. Para conseguir la victoria es necesario cumplir varios objetivos, que var\u00EDan seg\u00FAn el mapa."@en . . "In 943 AD, a German prince known as Heinrich dominated Western Europe with his army of undead and Dark Knights created by black magic. There was no one who could stand in his way - until a monk stopped Heinrich by sealing him in a deep underground tomb."@en . . . "Return To Castle Wolfenstein is a First-Person Shooter game using the Quake III engine, created by Id Software. It's the Spiritual Successor (hard to call it a \"remake\") of Wolfenstein 3D, also created by Id, and it was released in 2001. A 2009 sequel, simply titled Wolfenstein, was made using a heavily modified version of the Doom 3 engine and follows directly from the story of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, including several returning characters."@en . . . . . . .