"Ethir Anduin (Sindarin: Ausfluss des Anduin) ist das Delta des Anduin im S\u00FCden von Gondor. Auf Westron wird es auch als die M\u00FCndungen des Anduin bezeichnet. Tarannon (zw\u00F6lfter K\u00F6nig von Gondor) lie\u00DF sich einst in den Wassern des Ethir ein Haus errichten."@de . "Ethir Anduin was one of Gondor's coastal provinces, consisting largely of the Anduin Delta, the surrounding marshes and a small back country on both sides of the river mouths.It#s first settlers had been Nandor who had moved southwards in the Elder Days, later Men akin to the Dr\u00FAedain and Sakalai followed. The landscape of the Ethir was severely changed by the large floods folowing the Drowning of N\u00FAmen\u00F3r and most elder settlements drowned or fell to ruin. The only greater settlements were Gaers\u00FBl, Fanuilond and Ethir, the latter serving as the province-capital."@en . "It was an area significant to the careers of at least two Kings of Gondor, Falastur and Aragorn. The earlier king was the first to fully embrace the necessity of a strong navy, and through its use extended the influence of Gondor around the Mouths of Anduin. On March 13 3019, shortly before the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, some hundreds of fishermen went to aid Minas Tirith without a captain. Much later, Aragorn vanquished a brief Umbarian invasion of the area. Aragorn, along with Grey Company and the Army of the Dead, liberated Pelargir and the surrounding Anduin estuary from the Corsairs of Umbar, after having progressively pushed them out of the delta for much of that week. Because the victory on 13 March was so complete, Umbar was left with no tools to effect its sovereignty. Thus, what might be thought of as the \"Battle of Ethir Anduin\" led directly to Umbar's reintegration with Gondor in Aragorn's Reunited Kingdom."@en . . "Ethir Anduin"@de . "Ethir Anduin"@en . "Ethir Anduin"@pl . . . "Ethir Anduin (Uj\u015Bcie Anduiny) \u2013 szerokie uj\u015Bcie Anduiny do Belegaeru niedaleko portu Pelargir."@pl . "It was an area significant to the careers of at least two Kings of Gondor, Falastur and Aragorn. The earlier king was the first to fully embrace the necessity of a strong navy, and through its use extended the influence of Gondor around the Mouths of Anduin. On March 13 3019, shortly before the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, some hundreds of fishermen went to aid Minas Tirith without a captain. Much later, Aragorn vanquished a brief Umbarian invasion of the area. Aragorn, along with Grey Company and the Army of the Dead, liberated Pelargir and the surrounding Anduin estuary from the Corsairs of Umbar, after having progressively pushed them out of the delta for much of that week. Because the victory on 13 March was so complete, Umbar was left with no tools to effect its sovereignty. Thus, w"@en . . "Ethir Anduin (Sindarin: Ausfluss des Anduin) ist das Delta des Anduin im S\u00FCden von Gondor. Auf Westron wird es auch als die M\u00FCndungen des Anduin bezeichnet. Tarannon (zw\u00F6lfter K\u00F6nig von Gondor) lie\u00DF sich einst in den Wassern des Ethir ein Haus errichten."@de . . "Ethir Anduin was one of Gondor's coastal provinces, consisting largely of the Anduin Delta, the surrounding marshes and a small back country on both sides of the river mouths.It#s first settlers had been Nandor who had moved southwards in the Elder Days, later Men akin to the Dr\u00FAedain and Sakalai followed. The landscape of the Ethir was severely changed by the large floods folowing the Drowning of N\u00FAmen\u00F3r and most elder settlements drowned or fell to ruin. The only greater settlements were Gaers\u00FBl, Fanuilond and Ethir, the latter serving as the province-capital."@en . . . "Ethir Anduin (Uj\u015Bcie Anduiny) \u2013 szerokie uj\u015Bcie Anduiny do Belegaeru niedaleko portu Pelargir."@pl . . .