"Race"@en . "Missing the ring and pinky fingers on his right hand. A long scar on his left cheek from ear to chin. A small, jeweled rose brooch that clasps his cloack together. A series of coin-sized sigils, each depicting a different symbol and made of a different metal, hanging on a small chain from his belt. A dented drinking flask. A flintlock pistol."@en . "Black/Gray"@en . . "Tan"@en . . "Dloin Stonehammer has recently come down with a strong sense of apathy towards his life, falling into a short-tempered demeanor that is very uncharacteristic of how he once was. He is beginning to show his age as his hair lightens from black to gray, and while he was a fan of drinking before, in his recent days he is either intoxicated or hung-over from the night previous. He's finding little reason to take action in his life anymore, and it seems the loss of his crew, the Pirates of Khaz Modan, and his ship is weighing heavily on his mind. He can oftentimes be found in Stormwind, frequenting the various bars, staggering through the streets drunk, or sitting at the harbor and enjoying the view."@en . "DloinSteeleye.jpg"@en . "Dwarf-Tall"@en . "Warrior"@en . "Class"@en . . "Hometown"@en . . "Weight"@en . "Undisclosed"@en . . "Captain Dloin Stonehammer"@en . "Distinguishing Marks/Trinkets"@en . . . "Dwarf"@en . "Dloin Stonehammer has recently come down with a strong sense of apathy towards his life, falling into a short-tempered demeanor that is very uncharacteristic of how he once was. He is beginning to show his age as his hair lightens from black to gray, and while he was a fan of drinking before, in his recent days he is either intoxicated or hung-over from the night previous. He's finding little reason to take action in his life anymore, and it seems the loss of his crew, the Pirates of Khaz Modan, and his ship is weighing heavily on his mind. He can oftentimes be found in Stormwind, frequenting the various bars, staggering through the streets drunk, or sitting at the harbor and enjoying the view. Most recently, after reconnecting with old friends and colleagues, Dloin has found it in his best interest to keep active and seek out jobs as he once did, even if he does so without a crew this time around. He can be found keeping an eye on social events and gatherings, walking around Stormwind and Ironforge with his friend and former crew member Taedius, or trekking across the wilderness of Kalimdor with a strange, kryptic map in his hand, of which he says nothing."@en . . . . "Height"@en . "257"^^ . . "Skin Color"@en . "Claims to be \"Solid\""@en . "Blacksmith"@en . . "Profession"@en . "Age"@en . . "Hair Color"@en . "Dloin \"Steeleye,\" \"Turtleback\" Stonehammer"@en .