. "Runnin' Wild... From Ted Nugent (or Running Wild...From Ted Nugent) was a short-lived, eight episode only competition series in which iconic rocker, hunter and modern-day Davy Crocket Ted Nugent teaches ordinary people how to survive in the wild and then invade \"the master\" Nugent (along with his very own son Rocco) themselves."@en . . . . . . "Runnin' Wild... From Ted Nugent"@en . "Runnin' Wild... From Ted Nugent (or Running Wild...From Ted Nugent) was a short-lived, eight episode only competition series in which iconic rocker, hunter and modern-day Davy Crocket Ted Nugent teaches ordinary people how to survive in the wild and then invade \"the master\" Nugent (along with his very own son Rocco) themselves."@en .