. "Not really a trilogy yet, a Luke/Kyp slash series by Ars Longa, named after the fact that each episode is named after a Bruce Springsteen song. Definitely on the bad slash side of things, it commits such notable offenses as: \n* All the girls (and guys) wanting Kyp Durron \n* Rape and hurt/comfort \n* Out of Character - Who knew Kyp was a nudist? Or that Kyp was a sex addict? \n* Anachronistic Cultural Contaminations such as Luke's initial reaction to his love for Kyp, more freaked out about the fact that he was in love with a male, rather than the more obvious master-student relationship or the fact that Luke was initially nearly twice Kyp's age. \n* Squick - Luke musing on the fact that he got there before his niece did."@en . . "Not really a trilogy yet, a Luke/Kyp slash series by Ars Longa, named after the fact that each episode is named after a Bruce Springsteen song. Definitely on the bad slash side of things, it commits such notable offenses as:"@en . "The Springsteen Trilogy"@en .