. . . . . . "solo"@en . "Patrol (commonly shortened to pat, or referred to as a pather) is a common term for mobs that wander through instances, following established routes. Patrols can periodically respawn if destroyed, so the threat of a patrol encountering the party and becoming adds while they are already engaged with other monsters is always present."@en . "2992"^^ . . "2835"^^ . "On the lookout for spirits!"@en . "A patrol is commonly a group of personnel, such as police officers or soldiers, that are assigned to monitor a specific geographic area."@en . . . . "Northwest border of the refugee camp."@en . "Patrol"@el . "Patrol missions are short objectives Guardians can accept while patrolling. The Guardian can only take on one patrol mission at a time. They can be completed for bounties and to gain faction reputation. They appear as green blinking beacons in the world, and can also be seen as floating icons in navigation mode. In Year 1 most patrol missions gave 10 reputation each, while missions to kill a specific target gave 25 reputation. In Year 2 patrol missions gave 10 reputation, 15 reputation, and 25 reputation; they also now automatically grant faction reputation at half the Vanguard reputation amount. After the 2.2.1 update of April 2016, Kill and Collection patrol missions now give 20 Faction reputation and 40 Vanguard reputation, while all others give 25 and 50 reputation, respectively."@en . . "Spirit Pistol"@en . "Patrol (Pattuglia) \u00E8 un trailer live-action per Halo: Reach, della campagna Remember Reach. Nel corto vediamo tre Marines della pattuglia Charlie 3, discutere riguardo all'ultima operazione anti-inusurrezionista della Squadra Noble, per poi essere mandati a investigare sulla scomparsa di segnale della base Visengard Relay, principale centro di comunicazioni del pianeta."@it . "2850"^^ . "Patrol is the fifth mission in Ace Combat Advance."@en . . "37"^^ . "-76216513601455"^^ . "34"^^ . "I can't talk my eyes off you,"@en . . . . "Patrol"@en . . "I thought you'd gotten lost"@en . "Air-to-air"@en . . . "Jharru Flats"@en . "You're still alive though!"@en . . . "It was only 8am and the sun had only just risen above Stantham but the Incident Response Vehicle, was already accelerating out of the gates of Finnity Road Police Station en route to Marley's Caf\u00E9, a Jamaican themed caf\u00E9 that had been the subject of a complaint by a neighbour, inside it PC Jeff Wilson and PC Lydia Stockwell were discussing their previous experiences with Marley's Caf\u00E9. For PC Wilson, Jeff Brango, the owner Inside the station Superintendent Steven Clyde was familiarising himself with his new office that was situated inside the administration block. Assistant Chief Constable Paula Lloyd, a tough officer who\u2019d worked within Stantham Constabulary all her life, was approaching his office. She knocked twice. Clyde called out and Lloyd entered. Clyde seeing his superior, put his feet down from the desk. Lloyd smiled. 'Steven, how are you settling in?'"@en . . "Travel to the patrol point locations marked in your journal, and take care of any hostile creatures you find. Once all the patrol points have been investigated, return to Guard Frekourash at the tent city."@en . "All the way down to your soul"@en . "Patrol"@en . . "In 2266, the USS Enterprise picked up Lenore Karidian from Planet Q. As part of the Karidian Company of Players, Karidian offered to perform Hamlet for the crew of the Enterprise in exchange for passage to the planet Benecia. Captain James T. Kirk accepted her offer, noting the crew had been on patrol for quite some time and could use the break in monotony. (TOS: \"The Conscience of the King\" ) The following year, the Enterprise was assigned to patrol a sector of space in proximity to Starbase 11, though Captain Kirk noted there were no problems at that time. (TOS: \"The Menagerie, Part I\" )"@en . "13"^^ . . . . "3"^^ . . "Travel to the patrol point locations marked in your journal, and take care of any hostile creatures you find. Once all the patrol points have been investigated, return to Guard Frekourash at the tent city."@en . . . "Patrol (Pattuglia) \u00E8 un trailer live-action per Halo: Reach, della campagna Remember Reach. Nel corto vediamo tre Marines della pattuglia Charlie 3, discutere riguardo all'ultima operazione anti-inusurrezionista della Squadra Noble, per poi essere mandati a investigare sulla scomparsa di segnale della base Visengard Relay, principale centro di comunicazioni del pianeta."@it . "I'm ready to go!"@en . "Patrol (commonly shortened to pat) is a common term for mobs that wander through instances, following established routes. Patrols periodically respawn if destroyed, so the threat of a patrol encountering the party and becoming adds while they are already engaged with other monsters is always present."@el . . "Ace Combat Advance"@en . "A Patrol is a group of enemies that patrol a certain area (usually walking back and forth between two points or walking around on a certain path). Patrol groups often consists of several enemies. Patrols pose a problem for adventuring parties in the game for several reasons: \n* Sometimes they will come and stand by a small group of enemies, fortifying it for a short while. \n* Othertimes, they will surprise a party by suddenly showing up when the party was not prepared. \n* It is sometimes unclear how many patrols there are. If more than one group is patrolling together, or more than one group comes to a certain point, a party could miss a patrol which means the patrol can come back and waylay the party. \n* Sometimes patrols are running patrols that move very fast (such as patrols of Grasping Darkness in the Underworld or the Shadow Army in the Fissure of Woe). These running patrols pose a grave threat as they quickly cause havoc in an unprepared party even in small numbers. Note: When someone in the party says \"patrol\", that usually means: \"wait for patrol to leave before attacking the next group\". Knowledge of patrols in a certain explorable area is only built through adventuring in that area often. A party that is familiar and aware of the patrols in an explorable area has a much better chance of survival and success."@en . . "Patrol is a command in StarCraft and StarCraft II, available to combat units in StarCraft and mobile units in StarCraft II. To use patrol, press \"P\" then left click a point on the map. The unit will patrol from its original location to the point of the map and back. In StarCraft II, a patrol can contain multiple waypoints, giving a more complicated path. Units patrol aggressively, attacking whatever enemy unit approaches, but then retreating to their original line once there are no enemy units present. In StarCraft, patrols often \"fell apart\" due to coding restrictions, with units gradually falling into different patterns than the one given. In StarCraft II, units such as SCVs and medics will automatically use Repair and Heal when viewing a damaged allied unit or structure in range."@en . . "In 2266, the USS Enterprise picked up Lenore Karidian from Planet Q. As part of the Karidian Company of Players, Karidian offered to perform Hamlet for the crew of the Enterprise in exchange for passage to the planet Benecia. Captain James T. Kirk accepted her offer, noting the crew had been on patrol for quite some time and could use the break in monotony. (TOS: \"The Conscience of the King\" ) The following year, the Enterprise was assigned to patrol a sector of space in proximity to Starbase 11, though Captain Kirk noted there were no problems at that time. (TOS: \"The Menagerie, Part I\" ) On stardate 5027.3, Enterprise Chief Medical Officer Doctor Leonard McCoy noted in his log that he had concerns about Captain Kirk's increase in tension and emotional stress. The doctor could find no reason for this increase, other than the ship having been on patrol for too long without relief or diversion. (TOS: \"The Enterprise Incident\" ) In 2269, Doctor Sevrin and his followers managed to gain control of the USS Enterprise and set it on a course for the planet Eden. As the course would take the ship directly through the Romulan Neutral Zone, Captain Kirk asked Commander Spock to scan for Romulan patrols, fearing the Romulans would see it as an act of war. Fortunately for the Enterprise, there were no patrols at that time. (TOS: \"The Way to Eden\" ) In 2369, a fleet of fifteen starships, including the USS Enterprise-D, USS Crazy Horse, USS Agamemnon, and USS Gorkon, were assigned to patrol a region of space near to Ohniaka III, following a Borg attack on the planet. (TNG: \"Descent\" ) In 2373, Starfleet assigned the USS Enterprise-E to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone, seemingly in case the Romulans decided to take advantage of another Borg incursion into Federation space. In truth, this was due to Starfleet's lacking confidence in Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who had previously been assimilated by the Borg. While on patrol, the ship's first sensor sweep detected twenty particles of space dust per cubic meter, fifty-two ultraviolet radiation spikes, and a class two comet. (Star Trek: First Contact) In the first draft script of ENT: \"Fortunate Son\", Enterprise NX-01 Captain Jonathan Archer recommended to Admiral Forrest setting up regular patrols in a particular sector of space, in order to protect Human-crewed freighters from being frequently attacked by Nausicaan raiders there. However, Forrest doubted that plan due to the enormity of the sector."@en . . . "2900"^^ . . "Patrols are organized groups, usually consisting of three or more warriors and often their apprentices (if any of the warriors happen to have one) monitoring a specific area or to carry out a specific task, such as hunting or scouting."@en . "Patrols are organized groups, usually consisting of three or more warriors and often their apprentices (if any of the warriors happen to have one) monitoring a specific area or to carry out a specific task, such as hunting or scouting."@en . . . . "Patrol is a command in StarCraft and StarCraft II, available to combat units in StarCraft and mobile units in StarCraft II. To use patrol, press \"P\" then left click a point on the map. The unit will patrol from its original location to the point of the map and back. In StarCraft II, a patrol can contain multiple waypoints, giving a more complicated path. Units patrol aggressively, attacking whatever enemy unit approaches, but then retreating to their original line once there are no enemy units present."@en . . "It was only 8am and the sun had only just risen above Stantham but the Incident Response Vehicle, was already accelerating out of the gates of Finnity Road Police Station en route to Marley's Caf\u00E9, a Jamaican themed caf\u00E9 that had been the subject of a complaint by a neighbour, inside it PC Jeff Wilson and PC Lydia Stockwell were discussing their previous experiences with Marley's Caf\u00E9. For PC Wilson, Jeff Brango, the owner Inside the station Superintendent Steven Clyde was familiarising himself with his new office that was situated inside the administration block. Assistant Chief Constable Paula Lloyd, a tough officer who\u2019d worked within Stantham Constabulary all her life, was approaching his office. She knocked twice. Clyde called out and Lloyd entered. Clyde seeing his superior, put his "@en . "none"@en . . "All enemies' ATK 25% down / 5% chance"@en . "June 2006"@en . . . "Patrol is a red, blue and white Foldabot that appeared in the June 2006 K-Zone magazine."@en . . . "Jharru Flats"@en . "Primary: Survive 5 minutes."@en . "3190"^^ . . "Hello! Long time!"@en . "Patrol is a red, blue and white Foldabot that appeared in the June 2006 K-Zone magazine."@en . . . "Patrol (commonly shortened to pat, or referred to as a pather) is a common term for mobs that wander through instances, following established routes. Patrols can periodically respawn if destroyed, so the threat of a patrol encountering the party and becoming adds while they are already engaged with other monsters is always present."@en . . "Patrol is the fifth mission in Ace Combat Advance."@en . . . . "Patrol (commonly shortened to pat) is a common term for mobs that wander through instances, following established routes. Patrols periodically respawn if destroyed, so the threat of a patrol encountering the party and becoming adds while they are already engaged with other monsters is always present."@el . . "Patrol"@en . "R"@en . . . . . "A patrol is commonly a group of personnel, such as police officers or soldiers, that are assigned to monitor a specific geographic area."@en . . "You better love me back"@en . . "Patrol missions are short objectives Guardians can accept while patrolling. The Guardian can only take on one patrol mission at a time. They can be completed for bounties and to gain faction reputation. They appear as green blinking beacons in the world, and can also be seen as floating icons in navigation mode. In Year 1 most patrol missions gave 10 reputation each, while missions to kill a specific target gave 25 reputation. In Year 2 patrol missions gave 10 reputation, 15 reputation, and 25 reputation; they also now automatically grant faction reputation at half the Vanguard reputation amount. After the 2.2.1 update of April 2016, Kill and Collection patrol missions now give 20 Faction reputation and 40 Vanguard reputation, while all others give 25 and 50 reputation, respectively. Each icon corresponds to a different objective for the mission. The missions may take place in different areas of the map, but will always be some variant of these patterns:"@en . "Male"@en . . "To lead the lost souls. That's my duty!"@en . . "3045"^^ . "\u5DE1\u56DE\uFF1A\u3058\u3085\u3093\u304B\u3044\uFF1A patrol - use this one. \u5DE1\u8996\uFF1A\u3058\u3085\u3093\u3057\uFF1A patrol - never used."@en . . "Patrol"@it . . . . "\u5DE1\u56DE\uFF1A\u3058\u3085\u3093\u304B\u3044\uFF1A patrol - use this one. \u5DE1\u8996\uFF1A\u3058\u3085\u3093\u3057\uFF1A patrol - never used."@en . . "Secondary: Earn 1,500 points."@en . . . "3135"^^ . "A Patrol is a group of enemies that patrol a certain area (usually walking back and forth between two points or walking around on a certain path). Patrol groups often consists of several enemies. Patrols pose a problem for adventuring parties in the game for several reasons: Note: When someone in the party says \"patrol\", that usually means: \"wait for patrol to leave before attacking the next group\"."@en . "All enemies' ATK 25% down / 10% chance"@en . "Leads lost souls back to the right path. Performs guidance/protection services."@en . . . . "Light"@en . "2970"^^ . "Police Car"@en . "Campaign Mission #05"@en . . "A false arrest..."@en . "Military Strategist"@en . . "There are no spirits here so... Let's do something forbidden?"@en . . "28"^^ . . "Adventuring"@en . . . "2700"^^ . . "I'm gonna make you all mine!"@en . .