. "RP: Lindsey Versus..! (Someone join in! Anyone, seriously please someone join in.. lol)"@en . "\"Gothorita, hold on!\" A feminine voice reached out, trailing behind the escaping Pok\u00E9mon. The voice belonged to Lindsey Martin, a powerful Pok\u00E9mon trainer sprouting from the very core of the Hoenn region. At the moment, Lindsey found herself chasing after her newly acquired Gothorita, who had a tendency to run off after sensing a worthy opponent. Meanwhile, Gothorita ran into town, and made her way through an open house door. \"Oh no, not again!\" Thought Lindsey, as she gave chase to her Pok\u00E9mon, intruding into the house of a stranger. \"...?\" [Adelle would follow, though a bit nervous.]"@en . . . "\"Gothorita, hold on!\" A feminine voice reached out, trailing behind the escaping Pok\u00E9mon. The voice belonged to Lindsey Martin, a powerful Pok\u00E9mon trainer sprouting from the very core of the Hoenn region. At the moment, Lindsey found herself chasing after her newly acquired Gothorita, who had a tendency to run off after sensing a worthy opponent. \"Urggh! Gothorita!!!\" Lindsey called out again, the sides of her open jacket fluttering through the wind. The sun shined over the top of her head, creating a blinding glare over the woman's luscious, straight blonde hair. Appearing to be in her early twenties, Lindsey was considered attractive to most, if not all. She was light-skinned, tall, and possessed light blue eyes. She sported a top model physique, with large breasts, and ample hips. She was extremely curvaceous, but at the same time rather lean, mostly around the waist area. Meanwhile, Gothorita ran into town, and made her way through an open house door. \"Oh no, not again!\" Thought Lindsey, as she gave chase to her Pok\u00E9mon, intruding into the house of a stranger. [The house would be more of a short motel lobby, as it would appear to be. A girl with a white labcoat and long, pink hair, as well as pink sunglasses would walk out.] \"...? A, Gothorita?\" Lindsey would stop dead in her tracks, an apologetic smile appearing across her face. \"So sorry about that!\" Lindsey giggled warmly, placing a hand behind her head. \"Gothorita has a tendency of running off whenever she senses strong trainers.\" Mm... \"Well, I'm the apprentice of a Champion, and I have his team with me right now, if that counts.\" Lindey's eyes widened at the thought of champion. \"R-really?! NO WAY!!!\" She clenched both fists as chibi flames erupted from her beaty eyes. \"Then we just absolutely must battle!\" Lindsey happily trotted away, into an open field, hoping for this girl behind her to follow. \"...?\" [Adelle would follow, though a bit nervous.] Lindsey, having gathered enough space between her opponent, removed her jacket, typing it around her waist. She was now dressed in a grey tank top, the collar of which, was closed quite low, revealing her sizable cleavage. Lindsey seemed to be extremely confident in not only her battle style, but her sex appeal as well. She placed both hands onto her hips, and fixed her gaze on the pink headed woman. \"Alright! I'll let you decide the rules!\" She called out, from across the field. \"No two Pokemon can have the same items, be the same species, and if you cause a tie by using Self-Destruct, Explosion, or Destiny Bond. Or any similar moves, you lose the battle.\" Lindsey's mood shifted with the flicker of a finger. \"Sounds great.\" She no longer seemed to be the same, jittery woman she was just moments earlier. Reaching down toward her belt, she grasped a red and white ball, clipping it off. With that, she brought the ball toward her soft, pink, full lips, planting a gentle, but meaningful kiss on the nozzle of the ball. \"Come on out!\" She hollered, tossing the ball into the air. The ball spun several times, before erupting in the air with a large white flash. When the flash concluded, a newly acquired Floatzel stood in place, a confident smirk across it's face. (Shall we use the Battle Sim?) (Oh, you want to use a battle simulator? The problem with that is, it'll just be based off statistics, where as, for example, a Gastly, will never be able to defeat a Charizard, one on one. You know what I'm saying? If you text play, anything can happen. I can always use a simulator for battling purposes afterwards, though. Let me know what you think.) (Well, this isn't really much of an anime as that itself focuses too much on the bonding, yet Pikachu is mysteriously back to Level 5 everytime he goes to a new region. xD I usually use battle sims to decide Battler turnouts because there's no way to determine real HP turnouts and all.) (Well, one flamethrower will kill a caterpie, xD So I'd much rather prefer this, since we can decide who wins and all through text play. If we battle using simulators, there will be a defined victor every single time) (Not all the time, it depends on how you use your Pok\u00E9mon.) [She threw out a Ninetales, the air suddenly got hotter.] Lindsey looked up at the scorching sun, enjoying the warm blaze of the sun on her delicate skin. \"Ah, that feels nice...\" With a look of determination, she looked forward at Floatzel. \"Interesting decision. The sun definitely limits the power of Floatzel's water-based attacks.... from a distance..!\" Suddenly, Lindsey threw her arm forward. \"Floatzel, aqua jet!\" By the command of its trainer, Floatzel thrusted forward at an impressive rate, covered in water. It appeared before Ninetails, attempting to make direct contact with the Pok\u00E9mon, using it's right hand. [The Ninetales allows itself to get hit, though it grins, along with Adele, a little.] \"Nasty Plot.\" [It seems that not only Nasty Plot raises it's Special Attack, but a Weakness Policy it had with it had also rose it.] \"Tch..\" Floatzel, already within point blank distance readied itself, drawing his fists out before himself. \"Basic water moves in the sun won't do any good... then... Floatzel, giga impact!\" Floatzel clenched it's fists tightly, roaring into the day sky. \"FLOAT..... ZEL!!!!!!!!!!\" The water type Pok\u00E9mon, already having been within inches of Ninetails, rushed forward, covered in a thick golden aura. \"Energy Ball.\" [The Ninetales, having ranged advanatge, would fire, and result in having slammed it hard with its ranged attack, which was boosted sharply twice, likely sending it flying off of its feet, even more so due to a type advantage.] (This was literally only a few seconds after Ninetails used nasty plot, and since Floatzel is literally 2 inches away after hitting it with an aqua jet, I don't think it'd be able to counter with an energy ball so quickly :o) (Ever thought that Ninetales would be recoiled away from Aqua Jet due to it being a Super Effective attack and Floatzel's literally ramming it? :T -Continued- Considering the fact that Ninetales is only about 19.9 kg compared to a 33.5 kg Floatzel. -Further Continued- So, do you wanna take this to a Battle Simulator. Or do you wanna keep fighting? 'cause I'm gonna be Hellishly logical when it would come to RP Battling. After all, with the current conditions, and according to a Battle Damage calculator, as well as Medusa's personal stats. She'd still be up to fire an OHKO Energy Ball to Floatzel, even if it had maximized Special Defense.)"@en .