. . . "Inigo"@en . "5"^^ . "7"^^ . "45"^^ . . "Vor dem Erwachen"@de . . . . . . . "Xenologue 1: Before Awakening"@en . "Chrom is a character from Tokyo Mirage Sessions \u266FFE."@en . . "7"^^ . "Holy Ylissian Army"@en . . "60"^^ . "Avatar"@en . "20"^^ . "Chrom (\u30AF\u30ED\u30E0 Kuromu) ist einer der Hauptcharaktere aus Fire Emblem Awakening. Als Nachfahre des Heldenk\u00F6nigs ist er Prinz von Ylisse, Bruder von Lissa und Emmeryn, f\u00FChrt die Klinge Falchion und wird im Laufe der Story Vater von Lucina sowie der Onkel von Owain. Er ist au\u00DFerdem ein Potenzieller Vater f\u00FCr Cynthia, Kjelle, Brady, I\u00F1igo und Linfan. Au\u00DFerdem ist er Hauptmann der K\u00E4mpfergruppe namens \u201Edie Hirten\u201C. Er tr\u00E4gt das Mal der Erhabenen an seiner rechten Schulter. Er wird von Tomokazu Sugita in der japanischen Version und von Matthew Mercer in der englischen Version synchronisiert. Sein Geburtstag ist am 27 Mai."@de . . . . "18"^^ . "Fire Emblem"@en . . . . "Chrom .png"@es . . "File:FE13 Chrom Bow Knight Map Sprite.gifBow Knight"@en . "Olivia"@en . "Chrom"@es . "8"^^ . "Episode 50"@en . "8"^^ . "Rapier"@de . "Ylisse"@es . "25092013"^^ . . . . "Falchion"@de . "Brady"@en . "5"^^ . "thumb|250px|Chromowany samoch\u00F3d daje +\u221E do wypasu Chrom (Cr) \u2013 dwudziesty czwarty pierwiastek chemiczny, metal przej\u015Bciowy, cho\u0107 my\u015Bli o przerzuceniu si\u0119 na muzyk\u0119 elektroniczn\u0105. Jest bardzo wa\u017Cnym mikroelementem w procesie od\u017Cywiania. Bez niego, ka\u017Cdy organizm zmieni\u0142by si\u0119 w chodz\u0105c\u0105 kostk\u0119 cukru lub bary\u0142k\u0119 oleju. Za bardzo utleniony chrom jest jednak szkodliwy i wywo\u0142a\u0107 mo\u017Ce reakcje alergiczne, raka, a nawet mutacj\u0119. Je\u015Bli chcesz si\u0119 zmieni\u0107 w Hulka, to jest to substancja w sam raz dla ciebie."@pl . . . "Morgan"@en . . "Chrom is a character in Project \u2715 Zone 2."@en . "x"@en . . . "41"^^ . . "60"^^ . "File:Silver_Sword_FE13_Icon.pngSilver Sword"@en . "Chapter 31"@en . . "Lissa"@en . "-"@es . . . . . "https://www.YouTube.com/user/TheChromLP/|Twitter = https://twitter.com/Chromtastisch|Twitch = http://www.twitch.tv/chromlp|Kanaltrailer = Chrom ~ Kanal Trailer"@de . . "File:FE13 Chrom Archer Map Sprite.gifArcher"@en . . . . . "Nintendo 3DS"@en . "27"^^ . . "70"^^ . . "Chrom .png"@de . . "Lissa"@en . . "Male"@en . . . . . "x"@en . "x"@en . . . . "File:FE13 Chrom Paladin.gifPaladin"@en . . "Chrom"@en . "Vaike"@en . "14"^^ . "File:Rapier FE13 Icon.pngRapier"@en . . . "1"^^ . "250"^^ . "Ylisse"@en . "20"^^ . "Chrom"@en . "Chrom (\u30AF\u30ED\u30E0 Kuromu) is one of the three main protagonists of Fire Emblem Awakening. According to the official Japanese website, he is voiced by Tomokazu Sugita.[1] He is voiced by Matthew Mercer in the English version."@en . "Hymen"@en . . . . . . . "None"@en . . . "Maribelle"@en . "\u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0630\u064A \u064A\u0642\u0648\u062F \u0627\u0644\u062C\u0646\u0648\u062F \u062D\u062A\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u062A."@en . "Sully"@en . "Matthew Mercer"@en . "1"^^ . . "Character"@en . . . "Joins at beginning"@en . "Chrom"@pl . . . "Patch Officiant"@en . "Chrom ist ein chemisches Element. Es hat das Symbol Cr, besitzt 24 Protonen und Elektronen und ist ein Metall. Rubine aus der tibetanischen Hochebene enthalten sehr viel Chrom, das f\u00FCr die Rotf\u00E4rbung verantwortlich ist. (DS9: )"@de . "8"^^ . . "tabber|\n-Great Lord= 250px\n-Conqueror= 250px"@en . . "Sumia"@en . "5"^^ . . "20"^^ . "Vorahnung: Unsichtbare Bande"@de . . "Chrom (\u30AF\u30ED\u30E0 Kuromu) is one of the three main protagonists of Fire Emblem Awakening."@en . "Krom"@en . . "Chrom is the main Lord character in Fire Emblem: Awakening. Chrom is the prince of the Kingdom of Ylisse, and the descendant of the Hero King Marth. He is the brother of Lissa and Emmeryn, and the father of Lucina. He is in charge of the vigilante force known as The Shepherds investigating Plegia's actions. He is the wielder of the legendary Falchion."@en . . . "Chrom"@en . "7"^^ . . . . "17"^^ . "File:FE13 Chrom Great Lord.gifGreat Lord"@en . "Project \u2715 Zone"@en . . . . . "Lord"@es . . "Chrom of the Ten Patch Officiants"@en . "Brady"@en . . . . . "Heilmittel"@de . . . "\u30AF\u30ED\u30E0"@en . "Kuromu"@en . "Chrom"@es . "n/a"@en . . "Chrom (\u30AF\u30ED\u30E0 Kuromu) is one of the three main protagonists of Fire Emblem Awakening."@en . . . "Doppelschlag+"@de . . . . . . . . "Humano"@es . "Tomokazu Sugita"@en . . . . "Deutsch"@de . "Chrom is a character in Project \u2715 Zone 2."@en . . "Avatar"@en . "Sully"@en . . "n/a"@en . "Marth but with a fat ass"@en . . . . "Together with Frederick and Lissa, Chrom finds Robin lying on the ground. Chrom helps them up and is surprised when the Avatar knows his name. Robin cannot remember anything about themselves though, which makes Frederick suspicious and Chrom decides to bring Robin to the capital of Ylisse to decide who they are and whether [Robin] is a threat or not. During their way to the capital, the group encounter a band of bandits plundering a town. Chrom fights them and Robin helps which makes Chrom trust them. Together they defeat the bandits. Later, on the night, Chrom and Lissa encounter a new threat: Risen. Two Risen attack them. Chrom manages to kill one and the other almost kills Lissa who is saved by a mysterious character named \"Marth\". Frederick and Robin arrive and they fight off the rest of the Risen with the help of one of Chroms soldiers: Sully and an archer named Virion. Afterwards, they reach the capital and Chrom attends to a meeting with his sister Emmeryn, exalt of Ylisse. Chrom recieves a mission: to take his group of warriors, the Shepherds and ask for help against the threats against Ylisse from the nation Ferox. Chrom also makes Robin the tactician of the Shepherds."@en . "Emmeryn \n\nLissa \n\nLucina \n\nOwain"@es . . . "Chrom"@en . . . . . "n/a"@en . "\u30AF\u30ED\u30E0"@en . "fe13"@en . . "Avatar, if I see someone hurt or in need, I'm going to help them. That's just who I am, and there's no changing it."@en . . "Lord"@en . . "Gaius"@en . ""@en . "\u30AF\u30ED\u30E0"@en . . "7"^^ . "7"^^ . "6"^^ . . "17"^^ . . "x"@en . "File:FE13 Chrom Cavalier.gifCavalier"@en . . . "Chrom is the former leader and founder of the Holy Ylissian Army, Responsible for the 38 year civil war within the country of Ylisse. Before becoming the leader of the Holy Ylissian Army, he was a once great general for the Crimian Ultra Nationalist Tiddies, where they fought for the freedom of the tiddies within Crimia. However, once Chrom recognized the fault of his ways in the way of the tiddie, he went into exile for 20 years to recuperate from his idiocy. With his mind rejuvenated on the way of the ass, he brought with him 80'000 waifu warriors, to seize the land of Crimia or whatever the city was called that was seized by the iddy biddy tiddie comiddie. Chroms young body, as well as his utterly brutal way of war, by sending thousands upon thousands of his own soldiers to get decimated by the C.U.N.T soldiers within Ylisse. During his time in the war however, he also did a lot of fucc an' got a lot (I MEAN ALOT) of SUCC, so he had a child that he later abandoned, due to the war needing him. The times were tough, and morale was down, but due to his sister listening to too much of linkin park un-ironically, she killed herself by gibbing succ. This enraged Chrom, and led him to single handily decimating all C.U.N.T troops within the city of r\u00F6v. This feat brought warmth and courage to the remaining 12'420 troops that were still alive 38 years within the war, and with these 12'420, they lead their final assault on the Ylisse capital, Ylissetol, where he earned the nickname of \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0630\u064A \u064A\u0642\u0648\u062F \u0627\u0644\u062C\u0646\u0648\u062F \u062D\u062A\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0648\u062A. Chrom was later killed that day by the child he abandoned early on in the war. However, before his death, he popped a chub to her, due to her slender figure. However, Chrom did not know this was his daughter, causing him to go to hell, for thoughts of incest. However, while in hell, he fought his way through The Eclipse, proving his worth to Mumble as a worthy soldier, causing him to reincarnate Chrom. However, now 80 years into the future, he has lost his touch of realty and instead drifts throughout the land with his legendary Katana, \u6E90\u6C0F that was forged for him by \uBBF8\uC2A4\uD130 \uB0A8\uC790, and wanders with the name of \u9ED2\u4EBA\u306E\u30DB\u30E2. He accepts payments of both pictures that contain ass, or AB+ blood, to feed Mumble and to extend his lifespan by 1 year for 1 liter of blood."@en . . "4219"^^ . . "File:DuelAttackPlus.pngDual Strike+"@en . . "60"^^ . "Chrom is one of the main protagonists of Fire Emblem: Awakening. He plays a supporting role in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U as part of Robin's Final Smash."@en . "B"@en . . . . . . "1"^^ . "Frederick"@en . "File:FE13 Chrom Sniper.gifSniper"@en . "Chrom beschreibt sich selbst als \"abogeil, leidenschaftlicher Komentareschreiber, verr\u00FCcktes Fangirl von Unge, M\u00F6chtegern Designer und dass er zu viel redet\" (s.[1])."@de . "10"^^ . "-"@es . "x"@en . . "Lord"@en . "5"^^ . . . . . "Chrom"@en . . "Principe de Ylisse\nCapit\u00E1n de los Custodios"@es . "25"^^ . . . "File:Binding Falchion icon.pngFalchion"@en . "Human"@en . "Lucina"@en . "E"@en . . "\u2014 Chrom, al final del capitulo 11. Chrom (\u30AF\u30ED\u30E0, traducido Krom en la versi\u00F3n japonesa) es uno de los principales protagonistas de Fire Emblem: Awakening. Su dobladores son Tomokazu Sugita en la versi\u00F3n japonesa y Matthew Mercer en la versi\u00F3n inglesa."@es . "1"^^ . "Sumia"@en . "Chrom (\u30AF\u30ED\u30E0 Kuromu) ist einer der Hauptcharaktere aus Fire Emblem Awakening. Als Nachfahre des Heldenk\u00F6nigs ist er Prinz von Ylisse, Bruder von Lissa und Emmeryn, f\u00FChrt die Klinge Falchion und wird im Laufe der Story Vater von Lucina sowie der Onkel von Owain. Er ist au\u00DFerdem ein Potenzieller Vater f\u00FCr Cynthia, Kjelle, Brady, I\u00F1igo und Linfan. Au\u00DFerdem ist er Hauptmann der K\u00E4mpfergruppe namens \u201Edie Hirten\u201C. Er tr\u00E4gt das Mal der Erhabenen an seiner rechten Schulter. Er wird von Tomokazu Sugita in der japanischen Version und von Matthew Mercer in der englischen Version synchronisiert."@de . . "3366"^^ . "Chrom (Fire Emblem: Awakening) is the Prince and leader of Ylisse\u2019s vigilante force, the Shepherds. He is a descendant of the hero Marth. He wields the sword Falchion and has a strong sense of justice willing to do anything for his family and kingdom."@en . "\u2014 Chrom, al final del capitulo 11. Chrom (\u30AF\u30ED\u30E0, traducido Krom en la versi\u00F3n japonesa) es uno de los principales protagonistas de Fire Emblem: Awakening. Su dobladores son Tomokazu Sugita en la versi\u00F3n japonesa y Matthew Mercer en la versi\u00F3n inglesa."@es . . "Chrom ist ein chemisches Element. Es hat das Symbol Cr, besitzt 24 Protonen und Elektronen und ist ein Metall. Rubine aus der tibetanischen Hochebene enthalten sehr viel Chrom, das f\u00FCr die Rotf\u00E4rbung verantwortlich ist. (DS9: )"@de . "2"^^ . . "Kouhei Maeda"@en . "8"^^ . . "Chrom (\u30AF\u30ED\u30E0 Kuromu) is one of the three main protagonists of Fire Emblem Awakening. According to the official Japanese website, he is voiced by Tomokazu Sugita.[1] He is voiced by Matthew Mercer in the English version."@en . . "Maribelle"@en . . "File:FE13 Chrom Lord Map Sprite.gifLord"@en . "Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U"@en . . . . . . "Chrom is a character from Tokyo Mirage Sessions \u266FFE."@en . . . . . . "-"@en . . "5"^^ . "7"^^ . . . "24000"^^ . "Gaius"@en . . . "-Portador de la Falchion-"@es . . "Chrom"@en . . . "Chrom is the former leader and founder of the Holy Ylissian Army, Responsible for the 38 year civil war within the country of Ylisse. Before becoming the leader of the Holy Ylissian Army, he was a once great general for the Crimian Ultra Nationalist Tiddies, where they fought for the freedom of the tiddies within Crimia. However, once Chrom recognized the fault of his ways in the way of the tiddie, he went into exile for 20 years to recuperate from his idiocy. With his mind rejuvenated on the way of the ass, he brought with him 80'000 waifu warriors, to seize the land of Crimia or whatever the city was called that was seized by the iddy biddy tiddie comiddie."@en . "Lucina"@en . "Masculino"@es . "20"^^ . "20"^^ . . "20"^^ . . . "19"^^ . . "Frederick"@en . . "80815.0"^^ . . . "400"^^ . "Premonition: Invisible Ties"@en . . . "8"^^ . "Blue"@en . . "2694000"^^ . "15"^^ . "11062016"^^ . . "Morgan"@en . . . . "File:Vulnerary FE13 Icon.pngVulnerary"@en . . "Together with Frederick and Lissa, Chrom finds Robin lying on the ground. Chrom helps them up and is surprised when the Avatar knows his name. Robin cannot remember anything about themselves though, which makes Frederick suspicious and Chrom decides to bring Robin to the capital of Ylisse to decide who they are and whether [Robin] is a threat or not. During their way to the capital, the group encounter a band of bandits plundering a town. Chrom fights them and Robin helps which makes Chrom trust them. Together they defeat the bandits."@en . . . "Schwert - E"@de . . . "Chrom (Fire Emblem: Awakening) is the Prince and leader of Ylisse\u2019s vigilante force, the Shepherds. He is a descendant of the hero Marth. He wields the sword Falchion and has a strong sense of justice willing to do anything for his family and kingdom. While on patrol near the board of Plegia Chrom finds an unconscious Robin (the Avatar) in a field who has forgotten everything. Despite the warnings from his bodyguard Frederic Chrom sees no harm in Robin and invites him to join the group. A near-by village is attacked by Plegian barbarians and with the help of Robin Chrom saves the village and makes Robin his tactician. Later that night the group is attacked by undead humans known as Risen and is saved by a masked person who claims to be Marth. Marth warns Chrom that Grima, the fell dragon will soon be resurrected and will destroy the world. Fearing the Risen and the aggression from Plegia the current Exhalt and sister to Chrom, Emmeryn asks him to travel to Ferox in order to gain some military assistance. Chrom meets the East-Khan leader, Flavia who states only the ruling Khan can make the decision and for her to become the ruling Khan she sends Chrom and the Shepherds into a battle contest. After winning the battle Flavia agrees to help Chrom and Ylisse. After returning and stopping an assassination attempt on his sister Emmeryn they both agreed to leave the capital for safety concerns as Plegia invades the country. Emmeryn is soon captured and taken to Plegia to be executed unless given the Fire Emblem, Ylisse\u2019s royal treasure. Chrom attempts a rescue, ultimately failing in which Emmeryn sacrifices herself to prevent him from handing over the Fire Emblem, forcing Chrom to retreat. Despite the grief Chrom returns to Plegia and gets revenge by killing the King of Plegia and winning the war. Two years later as the new Exhalt Chrom receives word that the nation of Valm is invading and taking over all nearby countries with their leader Walhart the Conqueror. Chrom returns to Ferox to form another alliance. With the knowledge that their armies are too small Robin convinces Chrom to seek Plegia for help. Plegia\u2019s new leader Validar grants them ships and supplies though Chrom does not trust him entirely. To avoid fighting on their continent Chrom and his troops sail towards the Valm Empire. While they are intercepted by the enemy Chrom and Robin set fire multiple ships and uses them as flaming torpedoes to sink the enemy\u2019s ship. After making landfall Chrom\u2019s army win battle after battle. Through his travels Chrom learns about the power of his Fire Emblem and Grima from Tiki. Though there are five gemstones he only has one, but is given another one by Tiki. He is given the third gemstone by Flavia who the previous Khan, Bastillo gave to her before dying in a battle against Walhart. After defeating several forces Chrom reaches Walhart, winning the battle and finding the fourth gemstone. Sometime after defeating Walhart Chrom receives a message that Validar from Plegia has the final gemstone. Validar reveals his plan to resurrect Grima and controls Robin to take the Fire Emblem from Chrom and give it to Validar. During the resurrection ceremony Chrom and his army defeat Validar, but it is too late as Grima is resurrected and begins to destroy the world. Chrom and Robin figure out how to kill Grima thus saving the world."@en . . . "Avatar"@en . "Oversnatch"@en . . . "Fire Emblem: Awakening"@en . "Yusuke Kozaki"@en . . "Prologue: Reincarnation"@en . . . . . "Chrom beschreibt sich selbst als \"abogeil, leidenschaftlicher Komentareschreiber, verr\u00FCcktes Fangirl von Unge, M\u00F6chtegern Designer und dass er zu viel redet\" (s.[1])."@de . "Sugita Tomokazu"@en . . . . . "Premonici\u00F3n: Lazos Invisibles"@es . "3"^^ . "1"^^ . . . "Chrom"@de . . . "Inigo"@en . "Blue"@en . . . . "Chrom is one of the main protagonists of Fire Emblem: Awakening. He plays a supporting role in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U as part of Robin's Final Smash."@en . "Chrom"@de . . "thumb|250px|Chromowany samoch\u00F3d daje +\u221E do wypasu Chrom (Cr) \u2013 dwudziesty czwarty pierwiastek chemiczny, metal przej\u015Bciowy, cho\u0107 my\u015Bli o przerzuceniu si\u0119 na muzyk\u0119 elektroniczn\u0105. Jest bardzo wa\u017Cnym mikroelementem w procesie od\u017Cywiania. Bez niego, ka\u017Cdy organizm zmieni\u0142by si\u0119 w chodz\u0105c\u0105 kostk\u0119 cukru lub bary\u0142k\u0119 oleju. Za bardzo utleniony chrom jest jednak szkodliwy i wywo\u0142a\u0107 mo\u017Ce reakcje alergiczne, raka, a nawet mutacj\u0119. Je\u015Bli chcesz si\u0119 zmieni\u0107 w Hulka, to jest to substancja w sam raz dla ciebie."@pl . . "85"^^ . . . . "Chrom is the main Lord character in Fire Emblem: Awakening. Chrom is the prince of the Kingdom of Ylisse, and the descendant of the Hero King Marth. He is the brother of Lissa and Emmeryn, and the father of Lucina. He is in charge of the vigilante force known as The Shepherds investigating Plegia's actions. He is the wielder of the legendary Falchion."@en . "Vaike"@en . "Olivia"@en . "File:FE13 Chrom Great Knight.gifGreat Knight"@en . . "8"^^ . "Binary"@en . . "2012"^^ . . . "Chrom's artwork from Fire Emblem: Awakening"@en .